Chapter Seven


Nick and Jade arrived at the restaurant at about 7:15. When she looked at Nick, he smiled sheepishly. “I let A.J. borrow my watch last week. He must have reset it to accommodate their time,” he grinned, taking his watch off to reset it.

“I bet you’ve been early for everything this week,” she joked. “At least we know A.J. and Meredith are already here. And I’d be willing to bet Brian and Leighanne are here too.”

“Probably,” Nick replied, helping Jade with her coat. “Did I tell you how nice you look?” he asked standing very close behind her.

“No,” she whispered, smiling shyly. She could feel the blush creeping up her cheeks.

Jade had decided to wear her favorite outfit. A dark purple lace tank top and matching cardigan, a long black skirt with a slit up each side, and strappy black sandals. It was a simple outfit, but very elegant and classy. Coincidentally, Kevin had always commented on this outfit. She couldn’t keep that tiny glimmer of hope out of her mind. Even though Kevin had hurt her, she still loved him and hoped he would feel the same way.

I should probably just forget it.

“You okay?” Nick suddenly broke into her thoughts.

“Yeah, sorry,” she smiled.

“Are you ready?” he gave her a charming smile and offered her his hand.

They walked into the back dining room of the restaurant and were greeted by A.J., Meredith, Brian, Leighanne, Howie, and his girlfriend Shauna.

Jade looked at Meredith, who looked from her hand back to her face and raised her eyebrows. Jade felt herself blushing again and let go of Nick’s hand.

He tried not to notice how quickly she had done this. I’m gonna make the most of this night no matter what. He pulled Jade’s chair out for her then sat down beside her. “You alright?” he asked.

“Yeah,” she smiled, turning to face him. Jade couldn’t remember Nick ever being so handsome. He had always been the “baby” like her, but he was definitely not a baby at that moment.

“I’m glad,” he smiled sweetly.

Meredith sat watching the two, smiling broadly. They have it bad for each other even if they don’t know it yet. Nudging Brian and squeezing A.J.’s hand, she motioned for them to look at Jade and Nick.

“Aww,” she sighed as Nick brushed a stray hair from Jade’s eyes; they were oblivious. “They are so cute and so obviously right for each other.”

“They are, aren’t they?” Leighanne joined in.

Meredith elbowed A.J, narrowing her eyes at him. “How come you don’t act like that in public or tell me how beautiful I am anymore?”

A.J took her hand and kissed it admiring her outfit. She was in black boot cut pants, a leopard print tube top, and a long black duster. “Baby, you’re gorgeous.”

With his comment, she smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “Damn right!”

“Girl, you are something else,” Leighanne laughed. “And A.J., you are so obviously whipped.”

“Damn right!” Meredith repeated.

“What are y’all going on about?” Jade asked wondering what on earth could be so funny.

“We’re just telling A.J. how whipped he is,” Brian answered with a grin.

“I know that’s right,” Nick replied looking at A.J.

“Man,” A.J. began, pointing at Nick. “You can’t talk! Jade has you whipped and she’s not even your girl, so don’t start.”

Everyone watched as Nick and Jade both reddened from embarrassment. Unfortunately, their fun had to come to an end.

“Hey, y’all,” Alexia called loudly, definitely wanting all attention on her.

“ comes the world’s favorite and cheapest Barbie wannabe,” Nick replied sarcastically.

“She comes with hair extensions , too much make-up, cheap clothes, and even her own implants. Get her today,” A.J. said in a fake announcer voice.

“Y’all stop,” Leighanne whispered. “At least try and be nice.”

“Hey,” Kevin said quietly, looking at the floor. When Alexia cleared her throat, he obediently pulled a chair out for her.

"You wanna talk about somebody bein’ whipped,” A.J. mumbled under his breath.

Jade looked at Meredith then to Nick, who was looking at her. Smiling, she took his hand and asked him, “What’s the matter?”

“Nothin,” he grinned.

“Is everything ready to order?” a waitress asked with a pen and pad in her hand. After she took all the orders, she smiled and said, “It’ll be a few minutes.”

Jade smiled when she felt Nick squeeze her hand. She leaned over and nudged his shoulder playfully.

“Aren’t you two just adorable!” Alexia spoke up loudly. “So cute.”

“Thanks,” Nick smiled and wrapped an arm around Jade.

“So, are you a couple, or is she just letting you share her bed?”

“Alexia!” Kevin looked up and toward Jade.

“Excuse me?” Jade was becoming angry very quickly.

“Ignore that,” Kevin said through clenched teeth.

“Anyway,” Alexia started again before anybody could say anything. “I’m just glad to see you’ve moved on from Kevin, even if you did lower your standards.”

No one knew what to say, but they could all see that Jade was ready to explode. She was turning red and she tensed up at Alexia’s last comment.

“How would you notice whether or not someone lowered their standards? You’re about as low as somebody can get,” Meredith replied with no warning what-so-ever.

“Look Meredith--”

“Hey,” Brian stood up. “This was supposed to be a nice dinner together before we have to leave for the tour. It was supposed to be stress free.”

“And notice how it was until Alexia graced us with her presence,” Meredith mumbled.

Jade finally stood up, sending her chair flying to the floor. “You know what, I’ll just go...maybe your dinner can still be nice and stress free,” she said getting her jacket and purse. She leaned down and kissed Nick on the cheek. “I had fun.”

Before she could get out of the room, Nick grabbed her arm and turned her to face him. “Please don’t go because of her. I really want you to stay.”

“Don’t let that bitch be the reason you leave,” Meredith came into the conversation. “You shouldn’t have to heave because of her.”

“Don’t you understand! Put yourself in my shoes,” Jade sighed. “I really don’t want to sit and listen to her bash me and everybody else.”

,“You won’t. I promise,” Nick said, kissing her hand. “That has stopped.”

“I dunno-”

“Please,” Nick said trying to sound pitiful. “For me?”

“Alright, but if one more word is said, I’m gone.”

“Deal,” he smiled. “But I’ll go too.”

“Okay, “ she reached down and took his hand.

They went back to the table and he picked up her chair. Fortunately, the food had arrived so they didn’t have to worry about filling the silence with conversation. After a while, Jade placed her napkin on the table and excused herself.

“Where are you going?” Nick asked.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. “I’m going to the ladies’ room, is that okay?” she whispered.

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” he blushed slightly, embarrassed for being so nosy.

Before leaving the bathroom, Jade checked her hair and make-up. Walking out, she ran right into Kevin. He seemed to be waiting for her.

“Jade, can we talk?” he asked quietly.

“Why Kevin?” she was just as quiet.

“Please Jade...we need to talk.”

“Fine, but only for a minute.”

“I just wanted to apologize for Alexia,” Kevin replied. “She was way out of line and I don’t know why she did that.”

“Don’t apologize for her, Kevin. She wouldn’t. Besides, she did that because she hates me,” Jade said quickly. “Was that all you wanted to say?”

“Umm, well, I was just wondering if you’ve been okay?” he asked, placing his hand on the side of her face.

“I’ve been fine, Kevin,” she said stepping away from his touch. “Tell me something, why are you doing this? Are you trying to set me up?” Her voice was beginning to sound bitter.

“No, I just want--”

“Why are you with her?” Jade was concise with her question. “I mean, do you love her? ‘Cause if that’s what you consider love, I was wrong about all of that.”

“What?” Kevin was caught off guard. He never expected Jade to be so blunt.

“I thought that when you loved someone, you care very deeply for them. You care about what they do and you want to be with them instead of just putting up with them.” When Kevin didn’t respond, she continued. “Do you love her, Kevin?”

“Of course I do,” he laughed nervously. “Very much.”

Jade felt tears sting her eyes, but refused to let him see her cry. This is how it has to be. Taking a deep breath, she offered a weak smile. “I’m really glad you’re happy.”

“Thanks,” he replied. He wanted to say more, but he didn’t know what else to say.

“We should get back. I don’t want anybody getting the wrong idea.” Jade turned and made her way back to the private dining room before Kevin could stop her.

I’m really glad you’re happy, her words rang in his mind. “I wish I could honestly say I was,” Kevin sighed quietly. “But right now I can’t.”

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