Chapter 10

Ever since the morning Nick and I almost had sex, we hadn't talked. I thought he would have called or came over, but he didn't. It really surprised me. I was kind of moping around for that week, but then my best friend from highschool, Sam, called me up and asked me to go to her charity tennis game after-party. She had been a professional tennis player for the past 3 years. When I was in 9th grade, she was in 11th although we still managed to be best friends. But once highschool ended, we kind of lost contact with each other but wrote letters ocasionally.

I was excited that I was going to get out of the house and do something. Sam told me it was a formal occasion and that her fiance had a friend that she thought was perfect for me. I wasn't extremely happy about that, because of my situation with Nick and how I felt about him, but I was always up for options.

I chose to wear a black sequen gown, with a very generous neckline. I put my hair up in a tight french bun. I added a touch of mascara and eyeliner, and a bit of some light lipstick. I looked very sophisitcated. Compared to when I went to the bar and now, it was hardly able to believe I was the same person.

I looked myself up and down in my full length mirror and thought that Nick would have liked this. Stop it! You and Nick are over. Get on with it. I sighed frusterated with myself then grabbed my matching purse and ran out to Sam's car to drive together to the after-party.


I was surrounded by rich, snobby people. I didn't feel at all comfortable. I had been there for 45 minutes and already wanting to leave. Sam finally found her fiance's friend, Christopher, and introduced me to him.

"Hello," Christopher said and kissed my hand gently.

"Hi," I said politly. "How are you?"

"Very good, thanks. And you?"

"Good." He looped my arm in his and walked me off over to a table full of food and drinks. We had some to eat then sat down and chatted for a while. We got along great and he seemed like a really nice person.

Three hours later the after-party ended and he offered to drive me home and I excepted. He ended up taking some backroads, he said they were quicker but I ended up getting a panicky feeling when I saw the same old half-burnt down house three times.

"Um, Christpher..I've seen that house like three times already. Are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Yes, well, sorta..well no." All of a sudden there was a rattle and a shake then the car stopped. "Shit!" he cursed.

"What happened? Look under the hood and see what's wrong."

He popped the hood and stared at it for a minute.

"Do you know what's wrong?" I asked.

"I know exactly what's wrong." I waited for him to continue. "The the car won't start. "

I huffed. "No duh, Sherlock. Now how do you fix it?!"

"I don't know!" he snapped. I inhalded sharply.

"Christopher! Stop yelling at me!" I felt tears welling up. We were going to end up being here all night.

"I don't know what's wrong, now get a blanket out of the back and we'll camp out here," he ordered.

I scoffed. "Um, no. I don't sleep where there are furry, loud, disgusting things sleeping with me! I'm sleeping in the car." I walked back to the car door and pulled the handle. But all I got was myself losing my grip and stumbling back. I pulled again and it wouldn't open, nor any of the others. My eyes got huge. It couldn't get any worse than this! We were locked out!

"Chistopher..where are the keys?"

"They're right here in my - " he said while checking his pocket then stopping. Then he check his other one and he practically stopped breathing. "In..the..ignition. Fuck!"

"You are such a dumb ass! I am not sleeping out here. I'm breaking a window," I said while searching for a log or a stick or something to break it with.

"Oh, no you're not! This car is brand new! And it's a mustange. There is no way you are breaking a window."

"Well there is no way I'm sleeping out here! And in my 350 dollar dress! No way," I said firmly. He took off his jacket and curled down on the ground and put his jacket over top of him as a blanket.

"Night night," Christopher said and closed his eyes. I scoffed. I couldn't believe this! Where was I supposed to sleep?

"Don't you have a cell phone or something?"

"Yes, in my car. Now I'm going to bed. Good night."

I circled around searching for something, it didn't really matter. Then I spotted a phone booth in the distance. Jackpot. I took off my heels and walked to the booth.

I reached it twn minutes later without Christopher knowing. But who was I going to call? Kerri? Nick? It was either one of them. They were the only ones I knew that lived close to me. And I was definetly not calling Kerri. I dialed Nick's number, my hand shaking.

"Hello?" a girl answered, giggling.


Chapter 11
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