Chapter 1

"I cannot wait 'till Nick comes here!" I told my best friend, Kerri. I held my journal in my hands while I talked to Kerri. I tried to write and talk, but I wasn't succeeding.

"I know! It will be so much fun. I can actually meet this best friend of your you won't stop blabbering about! So this is really the Nick Carter? I like the Backstreet Boys and all, but not a big fan," Kerri exclaimed.

"Oh well. And yes, it is the Nick Carter. I havn't seen him in like twelve months 'cause he came back when I was on vacation. I'm still mad at my parents for making me go when I could have stayed home with Nick." She laughed. "Hey, Ker, I gotta go. But as soon as Nick gets here, I'll call you. Kay?"


"Bye." I closed my journal and slid it under my mattress.

I'm Rachel Tauny and I'm 19 years old. I go to the University of Florida. I have long thick blonde hair and light green eyes. I'm 5'8" and weigh 125 pounds. I graduated highschool 2 years ago and I'm in my sophmore year of collage. Right now it is the summer, so no collage, and I've been friends with Nick since I was about 6 years old. I've missed him so much lately. It was really cool to have a guy best friend because he always told me what guys were thinking and stuff like that. We live next door. My house isn't as luxurious as his, but it's pretty nice. And now since he left for tour...I've been really sad. But, he's coming home for a month tomorrow! I can't wait! I met Kerri in collage and it was "friendship at first sight." So we've only been friends for a year or so.

***The next morning***

The next morning I was sitting by the pool on a lounge chair, laying on my stomach, working on my tan, when I felt drops of water on my back. I sat up and turned around to be sprayed in my face with a hose. "Uggghh!" I screamed. I heard a laugh. A laugh I knew very well. In fact too well. "Nick!!!" I wiped my eyes and hugged him.

"Rachel!!! Hey!" Nick exclaimed.

"Hey! How long has it been since I last saw you? You were alomost 19 then. It was like right after New Year's right?"

"Yeah, I think so. So anyway...look at you!" he said while looking at me from top to bottom. "You look great."

"Thanks, Nicky." Boy, did he look good. Omigod. Did I just think that Nick looked good? My Nick? I shook the thoughts out of my head and got back to reality. "Hey, I gotta call Ker 'cause I promised her I'd call her as soon as you got here."

"Okey doke. So, is this the Kerri you've been writing about in your letters you sent me?" He sat down in a chair next to me.

"Yeah." I called and no one answered. "No answer. So, did you already unpack and stuff?" I asked.

"Yeah, just about. I got home like two hours ago."

"And you didn't come and see me first?!" I asked jokingly.

"Well...I called and no one answered so I didn't bother coming to the pool so I unpaked first."

"Hmmm...just kidding, Nick!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Kay, let me try to call her again." I dialed and held the phone up to my ear.


"Ker! Nick's here!" I exclaimed.

"He is?"

"Yeah, we're at the pool. Wanna come over?"

"Okay, but I can only stay for 'bout 10 minutes 'cause I got to do some major studying!"

"Are you telling me you are taking summer classes?" I asked astonished.

"Yeah. I'll graduate earlier that way."

"But only by like, 6 or 7 months." "So."

I began to get irritated. "Okay, so I'll see you in a few?"

"Yeah. Bye."

"Bye." Kerri lived about 1 minute away. She could walk and get here in 5.

Me and Nick talked until Kerri got here.

"Hey guys!" she said.

I turned around and my eyes just about popped out of my head. I gasped. I glanced at Nick. He was gaping. "K-k-kerri! Uh, hi."

"Hey, hi Nick. So nice to finally meet you..." she said and sat down on the same chair as Nick. She held out her hand gracefully. He stared, then realized what she was doing and shook her hand slowly. She smiled to herself. Nick was now as big eyed as I was when I first saw her.

Chapter 2
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