Chapter 2

I gave a nervous laugh. "Heh, heh. Uh, Ker. Come," I said and pulled her by her arm over to the side of the house.

"What?" she asked like nothing was wrong.

"What on earth are you wearing?!?" She was wearing a teeny tiny leapord string bikini. The bottom part was almost as small as a thong.

"What do you mean?" she asked innocently. "It's just a bikini..."

"Omigod, Kerri! You look rediculis!"

"Oh, well thanks." She sounded hurt.

"Listen, I'm sorry. But why did you wear," I looked at the suit, "that?"

"Okay, I lost 5 pounds and I just wanted to show it off. That's all." She turned on her heel and walked back over to Nick. I put my hands on my waiste and tapped my foot furiously. This is stupid. Get over it Rach I told myself. I walked back over to Kerri and Nick.

We all talked and swimmed for about an hour when I whispered to Kerri, "I thought you had to leave 50 minutes ago? Studying, remember...?"

"Oh. Well, I guess time just flew by. I can study later. No biggie."

Why is she acting like such a jerk? What is her problem? Thirty minutes later we all went home. I went up to my bedroom and got my journal from under my mattress.

June 20

Dear Journal,

You'll never guess what happened. Kerri - yes my close close friend Kerri - was acting like such a jerk! Nick came home today and she came down to the pool in this horrible outfit. I don't know if she was trying to impress Nick or what.

Okay, Journal, I am going to tell you something that no one else can ever know. EVER. Today when I saw Nick, I thought he looked hot. I mean HOT. I never thought of him like that before. Just my best friend. But now things changed. I'm not sure if I want them to, either. All right, I better go. I don't know where though. He he he...See ya!


As soon as I put my journal away, the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Rachel! Ohmigod, you'll never guess what has happened to me!"

"What?!?" I asked with a huge smile spread across my face, very interested.

"Nick asked me out on a date!" My smile faded. I was shocked. "Rach? You there?"

"W-w-w h-how?" I asked confused.

"Why do you sound so shocked? I mean, just because he's famous doesn't mean he wouldn't go for someone like me. Is that what your problem is?"

"K-kerri, no. It's not that. It's just gonna be kinda weird...with you two...together."

"Why?" she asked bluntly. I was hoping she would say something like "what makes you think we're gonna be together?" but I guess not.

"Because! Nick is my best friend...I was beginning to think you were too until..."

"Until what? Until your best friend asked me out? Listen Kerri, Nick likes me and I like him. And if you have a problem with that you're just going to have to accept it."

"Kerri, I'm sorry. I should be happy for you two. No, no. I am."

"Aw, Rach. Thanks."

"Well, anyway. So..where are ya two going?"

"I don't really know."

"Oh. Well whatever you are gonna be doing, I'm sure it'll be fun!"

"Yeah. Kay, I gotta go. Tomorrow I'll tell ya 'bout our date."

"Kay, bye!"

"Buh bye."

Chapter 3
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