Chapter 3

At midnight I heard a knock at my door. Who is here this late? I opened the door and Kerri was standing there crying her eyes out. Her eyes were all red and puffy. She held a damp tissue in her hand. "Kerri! What are you doing here? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Oh Rach, he never liked me," she sobbed.

"Uh, who? Nick?" I felt a pin of hope inside.

"Yeah. He didn't want to go on a date. Just out together, like two friends to get to know me better."

"Well, where

did he take you?" She started crying harder. "To...McDonalds. McDonalds!" Go figure...Nick and McDonalds...inseprable. "Ohmigosh. Can you believe it?" I stared. I felt a sudden rush of happiness wash over me and then a rush of guilt.

"Oh Kerri..." I put an arm around her. "I'm so sorry. Nick's just another guy. No big deal. It's not like you guys were in love or anything." I tried to make her feel better. "Did you really like Nick that much?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't know anything! I can't even tell when a guy doesn't like me!"

"Kerri, don't think like that. Nick just met you. I'm sure you guys will go on a date..." I said, hoping it wasn't true.

"Rach, could you do me a favor....please?"


"Could you maybe hint here and there for Nick to ask me out or something?"

My brain said yes, but my heart said no. Nick belonged to me, yet I was the only one who knew it. My lips, aswell, said yes. I winced as I said yes but gladly it was dark and Kerri could't see. "Yes. Okay, why don't you go home and get some sleep and try not to think about it. Kay?"

"Okay." She got up and walked to the door. "Thanks for being such a great friend, Rach." She smiled still with her face wet.

"No prob." I smiled back.


The next morning Nick called me. We talked for a while when I finally said, "Uh, Nick, do you think you and Kerri would ever go out?"

"I don't know," he said uneasily. "Why? Do you want me to go out with her?"

"I dunno...she's just a really nice person. I think maybe you should give it a try. What could happen?" Little did I know what really could happen.


Later that day Kerri called me and asked if I wanted to go swimming. I agreed. I walked outside to backyard and sat down on a lounge chair by the pool. I slipped a long shirt over my bathing suit and put on a pair of sunglasses. I rested my head on the back of the chair and closed my eyes. After 10 minutes of tanning, Kerri came over. "Hey, Kerri!" I called.

"Whussup, girl? It sure is a great day to go swimming," she said.

"Yeah." She threw her shirt off and jumped in. "You are crazy. I could never just jump in. I'd freeze!" We laughed when I stripped off my shirt. "Do you like my suit?" I asked modeling it.

"Mmm hmm. Very cool," she said.

"Thanks!" I sat down at the edge of the pool and slowly hopped in. "Ooooooo," I groaned while slowly and carefully walking throughout the pool. "Gosh, for such a nice day, this water is pretty cold."

"Nah, I don't think so. Ohmigod, I just remembered this!"

"What?" I asked.

"Did you talk to Nick...?"

"Yeah," I said. I was hoping she wouldn't bring it up, but I promised and I keep my promises. "He said that he would give you guys a try."

" and Nick." She stared into the bright blue sky. Not a cloud in sight.. "It's a dream..."

I forced a laugh and murmurred, "Kerri, get a life!"

Chapter 4
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