Chapter 6

I waited outside Nicks with a basketball to go play basketball. It was our routine every Sunday morning at 10:00 to play. We never missed a day, until now. The door opened and Kerri was there. I stopped everything. Breathing. Passing the ball from hand to hand. Tapping my foot. Just stopped. I glared. "What are you doing here?"

"Me and Nick are now together...finally! I've waited for one year for this day, since you told me you were best friends with him. And now it's happened! And what do you mean 'what am I doing here?' What are you doing here?!"

"Uh..." I said sarcastically. "I wonder. Hmmm, a basketball," I looked at it. "Jersey..." I looked at my shirt. "I really have no idea!" She rolled her eyes and just then I realized how much of a ditz she really was. "Where's Nick?"

"Why do you care? And he doesn't wanna play your game of basketball!" What a ditz. Wait , why am I think that just Kerri is a horrible person? What about Nick? He completely lied to me yesterday!

"Where's Nick?" I repeated.

"None of your buisness!" She stuck her nose in the air. I rolled my eyes and pushed my way through the door. I heard music coming from the basement studio so I went downstairs. About halfway down the steps I slowed down to watch him dance to It's Gotta Be You. This is only the second time I've seen him dance in 13 years! Why doesn't he want me to see him?

"Nick," I said.

He stopped and quickly turned around to face me. "Rachel! Uh hi...What are you doing here?"

"Did you forget about our game of basketball we play every Sunday when you're home? I bet you did. And then you invited Kerri over after you just completely told her off yesterday! Didn't you mean anything you said? Or did you just lie just for the fun of it?"

He slapped his forehead and whispered, "Shit!" to himself. "Rach, listen I'm sorry about our basketball game...I really am."

"Nick! Don't you get it?! I don't care about our game! It's easy for you to forget. I know, you've been on tour and you just got home, but what about Kerri! I don't understand one fucking thing about you and her! Yesterday you hated her and now you two are together?! You lied to me! You never lie!" I squinted my eyes because I was on the verge of crying. I whispered, "Why?" once more before I turned on my heel and stomped out the door.

I stomped in my house, threw the ball at the wall, ripped my jersey off and ran into the bathroom. Tears welled up inside me and just then they all let out. Every one of them. Never stopping. My white shirt I had on underneath my jersey was now practically see-through, my mouth was salty, and a few strands of hair was clinging to the side of my face from wettness of my eyes. I went under the sink to the cabinet and grabbed a white razor. I took the cap off and slid it on my wrist. One by one I slit it. The more I slit it the more I would cry. Not just from the pain from cutting, but also from the pain that everyone else caused me to have. Finally I stopped. I threw the razor on the sink and fell onto the floor. I was so weak. I needed to rest.

Chapter 7
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