Chapter 7

I woke up the next morning from hearing Nick scream my name. I could hear him running around like a crazy man trying to find me. I didn't care if he didn't find me. Let him worry, I thought. It will do him some good to get some hurt feelings inside him.

"Rach! Where the hell are you?!" he screamed. He came stomping down the steps, past the bathroom where I was laying, then turned back around. He saw me. He walked in. "Rach! Are you okay? You look like you just got shot!"

"I'm fine!" I hissed. "Now get away and get out of my house! Now!" He held out a hand to help me up. I ignored it and tried to get up myself. I couldn't and it hurt too much. So I took the gesture and stood up with the help from him. When I took his hand I felt a sensational chill run throughout my body. The hair on my arm stood up and for one moment - just one - I forgot about everything he just did to me. The second I forgot it all came back and anger and hurt came into my eyes. I looked at his eyes. They were blue. Pure blue with sorryness and lonliness in them. All he wanted to do was apoligize. But I was too stubborn to realize it.

"Why were you laying in the bathroom? Did you faint or something? And why is there razors all over the place?" he asked me.

"No and I don't know," I replied harshly.

"Well, then why?"

"Why are all of a sudden you asking me all these questions?! Can't you just leave me alone?!"

He looked even more hurt. "What is your problem? I was just trying to help you...maybe see what was going on with your life. You used to tell me it that time of the month or something with you? I really hope so because the Rachel I know was never like this, ever."

I suddenly felt guilty but then pushed it aside and got back to what we were talking about. "Okay, while we're playing 20 Questions, why was Kerri over your house this morning?"

He cleared his throat and said, "Uh, I don't exactly know why...she called and before I could say no she couldn't come over, she already hung up the phone. She said only to see me practice dance...I know you hate her, but....I'm just sorry, really sorry."

"Nick, it's going to take me time to get over this. You completly lied to me. You hurt me...bad."

"But Rach - "

"Nick, I think you should leave. Thanks for helping me earlier. Good bye..."

He got up slowly and walked to the door. He turned around once more to look at me on the couch and whispered to himself, "I'm truly sorry, Rach..." and left.

Chapter 8
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