Chapter 8

A few days later I was walking along the road, thinking about many things. My mind was so cluttered I couldn't even hear myself think. After at least 40 minutes of walking I came to a conclusion: I was not going to let a fight with Nick ruin my whole life. I was going to take charge and start having some fun.

I suddenly had a burst of confidence and was ready for everything, except what was about to happen later that night.


That night I was getting ready to go clubbing in my bedroom. I chose to wear a short black vinyl skirt with a baby blue tank top. It was extremely low cut and tied around the back of my neck. I wore black knee-high tell you the truth, I looked like a hooker. Not that that was something I was proud of, just to stupid to even think about it. I just wanted to get away from myself and be someone totally different...and I sure accomplished it.


At around 9:30 I arrived at the club in downtown Miami. I entered it for the first time in 3 years and a flash of a wonderful night with Nick came back for a moment, but I didn't want to even think of that jerk. I kept on walking until I walked over to the bar and sat down.

"Hello, pretty lady," a tall heavy man with a bushy beard greeted me.

"Hi..." I said.

"What can I get for ya?"

"Um, margarita please."

He began making it for me without asking for my I.D. After he was done making it, I drank it. Then another, then another, then another. By the fourth one I was so drunk I could have passed out right there. "You don't member meee?" I slurred and laughed.

"No." He waved the air in front of him, probably from my alcohol breath. I sat down with him and his two friends when someone came in. I stood up and went over to him. It was Nick.

"Hey, baby..." I said.

"Ohmigod, Rachael! You are drunk!"

"No, I not...I just having some fuuun!" I slurred and fell back in his arms. "Let's dance."

"No, Rachel, you're drunk and I'm taking you home."

"I can drive myself, daddy," I said and began to sqeaul with laughter. We arrived at Nick's house later that night. He took me inside and carried me upstairs to his bedroom. Then he layed me on his bed and took off my shoes

"Here, you might want to get out of those clothes..." He tossed me a pair of sweatpants and a basketball t-shirt.

"I'm comfy."

"You are in vinyl, how can you be comfy? Forget it, why am I asking a drunk person." He came over to me and took my skirt off and put the sweatpants on. Then took my shirt off. I didn't have a bra on, and he was quite surprised about that. He then quickly put on his t-shirt on me. I giggled the whole time. "Omigod, Rachel. Just cooperate please!" he whined. "There, now go to sleep before you throw up." He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and when he came out I was sound asleep under the covers in his bed.

How long have I wanted her in my bed? Except not under these circumstanes.

Chapter 9
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