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Circle of the Wolf

Circle of the Wolf


    Circle of the Wolf 
Circle of the Wolf  
site is owned by;  Dave Davis  
Wanna join the
Circle of the Wolf
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We the Members of this Pack would like pay tribute to our friend & founder..
Thank You TalkinWolf for your hard work, creating this web ring

New Circle of the Wolf Message Board  

Welcome to the "Circle of the Wolf " Webring. This WebRing was created by TalkinWolf, to give Wolf & Wolf Hybrid Lovers a place to show off their Wolf Pages, but mostly to Inform and Educate the Public Concerning Wolves & Wolf Hybrids. We Promote Free Speech, (to a certain extent), see Step: 1, rules 2 & 3.  Read the guidelines to make sure your site qualifies to join. Then simply follow the step by step directions to join. Any Problems or Questions?

STEP: 1 ~ The Rules

1. Must have a Wolf or Wolf Hybrid Related Site.
2. Pages must not contain and Graphic Materials or Language.
3. All Sites must be Suitable for people of any Age, Gender, Race, etc.
4. Page must have some info, pics, or art. Not just links.
5. Once a member of the Ring. You can not remove the Source
Code without first giving the RingMaster at least a week
to remove you and rearrange the Circle.
6. You must send this Web Ring Owner $500.00 (Just kiddin)

STEP: 2 ~ Submit Your Site

Before you Add your Site to the Queue make sure it meets the guidelines. Remember I will not add any Racial, Sexual, or otherwise disturbing Site to this Circle. Add only your Site, Not someone else's Site to the Queue.
Submit Site to
"Circle of the Wolf "

  Site Title:  
  Site URL: (Address)  
Choose a password:
(Remember it!!)
  Enter up to 20 Keywords to describe your Site.  
  Enter a Short Description of your Site.   



STEP: 3 ~ Get the Code

Copy the Source Code Fragment and put it on your site. Please do not change the Code, except only to Edit the needed information. The Fragment must be on your Web Site before you can be added to the ring. The Source Code must be on your First (main) Wolf Related Page within 15 days or it will be removed for the Queue. This does not mean you cant join. It merely means I assumed you have changed your mind and I removed you. If I remove you then you may resubmit and you will have another 15 days, though, it only takes but a moment to put the Source on your page. You can Click Here to get the Code and, if needed, Read the Directions. Any Questions?


STEP: 4 ~ Wait...

Now just Wait to be added to the Ring. It might take a couple days to be added to the "Circle of the Wolf " WebRing. Please keep in mine I will remove sites that don't meet and follow the above guidelines.
While waiting to be added to the "Circle of the Wolf " Webring. Please take the time to Travel our Circle.
 Click here to try the New Remote Control

Member Utilities

If you find that for some reason you have a need to edit your Site URL (Address) or other Information. In such a case, merely  fill in your Site Id and Password below to be taken to the Members Personal Information Editor Page.
You Site ID:

Circle of the Wolf made possible by   
the Webring and New Dream Network

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Members Would you like to add this Remote to your Site?
Do you need Help ? First try the Self Help Page
New Circle of the Wolf Message Board  

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Founded by TalkinWolf 1997 Owned and Maintained by D. Davis Paw PrintCo RingMaster GraWolfe