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This page will be used to inform visitors of updates to this website or of any changes I make to it, because this website is always evolving.

3/2/99-I just wanted to say that this site will be completed gradually for the time being. Right now I only have a Webtv, so I am somewhat limited in what I can do. :( Hopefully within the next few weeks I will have a new computer and this site will be amazing, I hope. (I have so many ideas!) Please be patient and come back often! Thanks. :)

3/6/99-Added some pictures of Shawn on the pictures page.(duh, where else would they be?)

3/7/99~Added a few links to the links page.

3/13/99~Changed the main page a little bit, added a schedule page with game dates for April.

7/7/99~Well it took me long enough, I finally got a computer. Hopefully I'll be able to start fixing this site up!! I re-did the home page. The old home page looked like crap, on a computer anyway. It looked hella cool on the webtv. Anyways it's fixed now! :-)

8/21/99~Added some great pics of Shawn and Billy to the pictures page.

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