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FENG SHUI ELEGANCE, INT'L. - 415.339.8131

FENG SHUI ELEGANCE, INT'L. -- 415 339 8131
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Welcome to FENG SHUI ELEGANCE, INTL.! This website is an introduction to the ancient art of placement practiced for millennia around the world. The principles used in Feng Shui are meant to be used in both your living and working environments to create a more wholesome and prosperous life by using simple cures to allow the harmonic flow of the heavenly forces of electro-magnetic energy. Please bookmark this site for future reference...

There are many schools of Feng Shui and I primarily practice the compass school of Feng Shui made popular by Lillian Too, though I integrate the useful principles of all known schools to enhance every consultation. The compass school emphasizes your personal directions and locations ascertained by calculating your date of birth into a special mathematic formula. These directions and locations are used when choosing homes and offices as well as positioning furniture.

Feng Shui has been helping people throughout the millennia and can create positive changes in your life. I put a lot of love into my consultations and look forward to continuing to help you create good Feng Shui in your environment.

The primary categories of study in Feng Shui are directions and locations based on the lo shu square and trigrams of the I ching; related colors, elements and motifs; eliminating danger in the environment; nurturing the health of your personal and environmental chi; and implementing specific cures for you and those who share your environmental spaces.

Please, never hesitate to ask questions and learn what works for you. Call or email for more information.

You deserve happiness! Feng Shui [pronounced FUNG SCHWAY] is the ancient Chinese art of placement. Four millennia ago, our Asian ancestors observed the nature of things. They discovered an inherent order to the universe. Just like the four seasons, we may tune into a greater harmony that aligns us with the power and love of the universe.

Everything has its place...begin to notice. Observe. Eliminate the clutter. Create a dynamic flow. Prosper in every way.

Feng Shui helps you activate a positive ch'i flow in your environment. Good ch'i circulation is essential for health, wealth and good relationships. Whether a new or old home or office, you can benefit from having a Feng Shui Consultation to improve the harmony in your environment. This can have a direct impact on your success and well-being.

Have you heard the saying,
"Move your desk, sieze your power,
Move your bed, fall in love"?

Let Feng Shui Elegance assist you in designing your spaces for success and happiness.

Let us help you find your best directions, identify energy blocks, remove clutter, open the pathways to harmony, determine the colors that are most auspicious for you and arrange things in your world to welcome your good fortune.

This is how we may create Heaven on Earth!
Love, health, career, creativity, money, travel, self-improvement, fame or family...we can help!

or call our California headquarters
to schedule a consultation:

415 339 8131


NEW!!Also visit The Dating Coach to get help find and keep your true beloved...


NEW!!Also visit The Feng Shui Life Coach to organize your life and achieve your goals...


Teresa Foxworthy is a Red Magnetic Dragon in the Mayan mythology. Email Teresa to learn more about your essential self and follow your authentic path. Teresa is a modern day mystic that can access ancient mysteries and apply them for spiritual growth. As a Feng Shui consultant, Ms. Foxworthy uses her intuitive wisdom along with her on-going investigation of Feng Shui practices to help people all over the world cultivate their own "Heaven on Earth".

Teresa Foxworthy has over twenty years of experience with the dynamics of energy flow and the structure of harmonic chi. Although she has had many venerable teachers, observing first-hand the nature of things remains a potent teacher. People, events, nature, animals, children, all contribute to the macrocosm-microcosm metaphor which has been the essence of oriental philosophy for millennia. Whether applying Taoist wisdom or modern Feng Shui thought, as your consultant, Teresa Foxworthy helps you achieve harmony in your home, office or other environment to provide the most auspicious success in love, health, wisdom or business.

Teresa Foxworthy
P.O. Box 151633
San Rafael, CA 94915-1633
( 4 1 5 ) 3 3 9 - 8 1 3 1



Feng Shui Elegance International
Compasses from Stanley of London
Fragrant Gardens, Int'l.
Organic Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
Life Readings
Empowerment Training
Intuitive Development
New Millennium Consulting
The Angel Love Foundation
Feng Shui Life Coaching
Dakini Love, Int'l.
Resources for Cures
Chinese Feng Shui Items
Feng Shui Designs Boutique