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Angel Love Foundation

The Angel Love Foundation - California Non-Profit - Community Services, Retreat Centers, Urban Renewal, Holistic Lifestyles, Fundraising - 415.289.2213
The Angel Love Foundation

...Bringing YOU the healing LOVE of the Angelic Realm...

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We are ambitious and also recognize how pervasive Personal Growth and Urban Renewal issues are in our society, and around the world. Our mission is to raise the money, acquire real estate, and hire the staff that will serve the millions of people who seek relief from the challenges of social or economic oppression, as well as environmental hazards. The Angel Love Foundation has projects which address issues in the following categories:

Art & Music
Children & Youth
Community Building & Renewal
Community Service & Volunteering
Computers & Technology
Victims Issues
Disaster Relief
Economic Development
Family & Parenting
Green Living
Health & Medicine
Health, Mental
Housing & Homelessness
International Cooperation
International Relations
Job Training
Men's Issues
Peace & Conflict Resolution
Personal Finance
Poverty & Hunger
Recovery Issues
Religion, Spirituality, & Metaphysics
Rural Issues
Seniors & Retirement Issues
Social Enterprise & Economic Development
Sports, Recreation, & Leisure
Urban Affairs
Veteran's Issues
Victim Support Services
Wildlife & Animal Welfare
Women's Issues

Our current project list:
1. ANGEL LOVE TEACHINGS - This project includes online, teleseminar, and live educational events instructing people how to facilitate their own and others emotional renewal and spiritual nurturing.

2. CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMS - The Arts have a way of opening hearts and minds. Hence, we will fund programs for choreographers, fine artists, performing artists, multi-media artists and others to live and create in foreign countries to act as cultural diplomats and encourage social progress in the field of diplomatic relations.

3. EXPRESSIVE ARTS SYMPOSIUM - Here is an open event for attendees to explore the learning and perfecting and performance of any of the major art forms: painting, dance, poetry, film, sculpture, music, etc. Scholarships for attendance is offered to applicants, as well as extended to designated populations.

4. FRAGRANT GARDEN PROJECT - FGI assists inner city children and distressed populations find comfort and learn about personal economics with garden tours, design education, and the garden kit business.

5. GARDEN OF EDEN PROJECT - GOE will transform toxic waste sites into lush gardens for social or wildlife benefit. This project comprises educational, political, environmental, scientific, financial, and philosophical experts to accomplish this noble goal.

6. WELLNESS EDUCATION - With healthcare costs so high, even corporations are opting for these programs, the Axis Care Group and Angel Love Foundation will provide such programs for distressed populations who are unable to procure these services on their own.

Discover the power and grace of Angel Love...

"What's your purpose?"
"How deeply can you love yourself?"

The answers to these questions have tremendous ramifications for the quality of your life. Clarity of purpose and self-love combine to allow the divine grace of Heaven to guide you forward toward your greatest good. We invite you to JOIN US! !!

*With so many resources and ideas, please bookmark this site now for future reference.


You'll be so glad you did!

Much love to your precious hearts,

Teresa Ann Foxworthy
Director & Founder
The Angel Love Foundation
USA Tel: 415.289.2213
Email : tfoxworthy @

c 1992-2010 Teresa Ann Foxworthy. All rights reserved. 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888