Whaley House Pictures

My Experience


We enter the historic Whaley House, why is it historic? Because the Sign says so!!!

This is the infamous Whaley House. Home to several otherworldly spirits. The Whaley's still live there today... even nearly 100 years after they're deaths. The House

The Whaley House was once the seat of justice in San Diego County from August 1869 until March 1871. The courtroom has an eerie feel to it, as does the rest of the house... It is said that one of the ghosts likes to play with the chains that block off people from going up to the judge's desk. Look at the courtroom here.

Now we enter the kitchen. Im not completely sure, but I think that there is an "Orb" on the top, left of the kitchen hutch. You can see a circular "clear" object there. For those of you that don't know what an "Orb" is... paranormal researchers explain Orbs as being just a ball of ectoplasmic matter. Ok, I know you may think I've been watching the "Ghostbusters" movies a little too often, but It's the truth! To the left of the picture, towards the other door, there is a thin mist. Also known as paranormal activity. The kitchen and it's objects remain the same as in Whaley's days, in fact most of the objects in the kitchen were actually used by the Whaley family. Check out the kitchen.

There are two pianos in the Whaley House. This one and another one that was actually used in the movie, "Gone with the Wind." Anna Whaley was fond of music, and even in the afterlife she still seems to enjoy it. Some have said if you were to stand next to one of the pianos, Mrs. Whaley might ask you to play it. Here's a pic of the piano.

Walking up the creeky stairs gives some a strange feeling. Some have said you may smell Mrs. Whaley's perfume, other's have talked about smelling Mr. Whaley's cigar smoke... and yet others have talked about a phantom feeling of a noose being tightened around their neck. Regardless of these accounts, the stairs stairstake you to the second story, of the first two-story brick structure in southern California.

The freakish Doll room. This was the room of one or more of Whaley's daughters. Several dolls from the 1800's era are found here. Truthfully, I didn't like this room, nor do I like dolls. While taking this picture I swear I was just waiting for one of them to jump up and call me a "little shit" like Chucky or something. But to no avail, nothing happened. Which was a good thing. Check out the possesed dolls.

This isn't much of a picture, but still, the "mist" is visible. This pic was taken of one of the upstairs bedrooms. The mist is in the doorway, it's just a little fog, nothing much. It isn't glare from the flash either, I think I broke the flash somehow... oops... hehe... look at the OOoOOooOoh eerie mist!

The last pic is the only pic that I strongly believe has a ghost in it. I am standing in front of a mirror, and I decided to take a picture of the mirror so I could capture the table and chair that is behind me. In the pic, you can see me, wearing a jersey, a bright flash from the camera, and if you look closely you can see someone sitting in the chair behind me. I believe that the person in the chair is Mrs. Whaley. In the pic, you can see shoulders, and a faint visual of her dress. The original picture is better evidence, but the scanned version shows the ghost. I believe that when I went to the Whaley House, Mrs. Whaley was with me at all times. I felt a presence around me the entire time, as if someone was following right behind me. At one time I felt the pressure of a hand on my shoulder, but there was no one around me. Take a look at the picture. Ghost

I hope to return to the Whaley House as soon as possible to take more pictures. The next time I go, I'm going to use black and white film, hopefully I'll get more paranormal activity then. So more pictures are coming!