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Latin Book Information

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open book w/turning pages
Miriam Ruvinskis
Author and Journalist

Welcome to my WebSite. This site will be devoted to Latin American literature. I will provide as well links to popular authors and poets of the Latin American culture. I also lead a couple of Spanish Book Clubs here in the southern California area . Click here to learn more about how you can participate.

Visit my Events Page to learn of actual Spanish Book Club locations and dates.

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There will also be courses on Latin American literature offered that you will be able to participate in if you are interested. Please contact me by e-mail if you have interest in these academic courses.

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LINKS ----

Spanish Book Club Page
Links Page
Events Page
Recommended Reading
Under the Volcano Column
Visit "A First Amendment Center" here
San Francisco Public Library

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Authors and Poets

Mariano Azuela, Mexico - novelist -- 1873-1952

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Visit my Guestbook

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