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"Stop thinking what I'm thinking!"
Okay so every one in the world has their own little vocabulary. Jessie and I are totally like that but in our heads yo! Imagine that! No really, sometimes we dont even have to speak. One time we were in line for a ride at a local amusment park, and the two chicks who were in line infront of us were like "dang he's be a sexy one." Jessie and I made eye contact (not sexual) and we so knew that we were just like the two little chicks, it was scary.

"Anyway I had a surprise for you, but i dont think it's a surprise anymore since you read my mind you punk! " says Jessie.

"But where's my drink!?!?" says Adrienne.

"i dont think you deserve a drink!" says Jessie.

"I want my drink punk." says Adrienne.

I cant go into this subject with great detail at the moment, so please tune back in next month, for the 10 rules of telepathy.

K i dont think we'll be able to update this site anymore, cause our teacher is deleting all the info from the PCs. So Sorry that i kant put the 10 rules up, But we really do have telepathy :) i know you're green with envy!