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Sacramento Greens Newsletter 1:1
Newsletter 1:2


Editor: Jen Ferro at

May 6, 2000 | Hello there, Fellow Greens!  Here's the latest Sacramento County Green Party news:

Earth Day Report:
We wanted to let everyone know that the April 22nd tabling for Earth Day at CSUS was a smash hit.  We registered 90 new Green Party members in just one day!  A big thank you to everyone who came out and helped.

Nader News:
From Ralph Nader will be appearing on NBC's Meet the Press tomorrow, Sunday May 7th. It'll be on KCRA Channel 3 at 9 am Eastern time--that's 6 am Sacramento time. Wake up and tune in!

Whole Earth Coming Soon:
Remember, the Whole Earth Festival at UC Davis will be next weekend, Friday, May 12th through Sunday, May 14th.  We need volunteers to table and to register new Greens on all three days.
Last year we registered 500 new Greens, and we know we can do it again this year!

Contact our tabling coordinator, Dave Shorey, at or at (916) 442-0666 to sign up for a two-hour slot.  Can't come to Whole Earth but still want to help? Contact Volunteer Coordinator Jen Ferro at or at (916) 442-2428 to find out how.

The Greens Are Growing:
The Greens are currently the fastest growing party in California: we grew 10% statewide last year, and 20% inside Sacramento county.

Outside California, our ballot access campaign is moving along: we're newly on the ballot in Delaware, Maryland, Louisiana, and Florida, and have made great strides in Texas.

Help Greens Get on the Nevada Ballot: 
The Nevada Greens could use help getting Nader on the ballot in Nevada. Want to help out? The Reno Greens will train and orient anyone from Sacramento who wants to take a one or two day roadtrip to help gather the 5,000 additional signatures needed by July 7th.

Call Charles Laws  at (775) 787-8935 or email him at to find out more.

National Convention:
Though you wouldn't know it from the corporate media, the Greens will also have a national convention this summer. It will be June 24th and 25th, and local Greens Peggy Lewis, Dave Shorey and Ken Adams will be attending as our county delegates. The following weekend is the Independence Day long weekend. Interested in a report-back picnic?

Cheers to one and all--Write us, email us, give us a call!

Jen Ferro
Sacramento County Green Party
PO Box 191742
Sacramento, CA
(916) 484-5888


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