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What is Rainbow?
About RWC #16
Upcoming Events
Photo Gallery
Fun Stuff

Redwood City Rainbow Assembly #16

Welcome! This page was last updated August 18, 2003!


Welcome to the homepage of Redwood City Assembly #16. RWC #16 is an assembly of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls in California, and is affiliated only with the Masonic Lodges, Order of the Eastern Star Chapters, and Courts of Amaranth. These three are the only groups we are associated with. This page was built by two members of RWC #16 with several purposes in mind:

1. To provide information to prospective members on what Rainbow is about.
2. To give other assemblies a chance to learn about Redwood City Assembly.
3. To be a resource for the members of RWC #16 by providing info on upcoming events and other things.
4. To have fun!

Updates and News

Drumroll please . . . We are proud to announce the debut of our newly refurbished, oh-so-fabulous, javascript-enhanced website! There a lots of little updates all over the website, but your help is needed to keep things correct. Keep checking back, and thanks for stopping by!

This web page acknowledges allegiance to the Supreme Assembly,
International Order of the Rainbow for Girls,
whose seat of authority is in McAlester, Oklahoma, U.S.A.,
of which Reverend W. Mark Sexson was the founder,
Mrs. Marjorie Wilson, Sweet Home, Oregon, U.S.A., is Supreme Worthy Advisor.

This page has been visited times since August 1, 2000.

Images by the webmasters of this page, Angelfire, Boogie Jack's Free Graphics and Flaming Text. All logos and emblems of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls are trademarked. Any questions should be sent to the appropriate person on the Contacts page. Copyright 2000