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VR Manual

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Know a little about the series that these environments are taken from, for a quick read click on the Gor Essay link at the top of this page. Be willing to do a lot of enjoyable reading of the books by John Norman.

 The most important identities of a Gorean is his Caste, his family,
and his cities Home Stone.
This is what his life is created around.  The Gorean culture revolves around respect for others and their caste status.  Equalities are divided among the free citizens by caste order.  Honor to ones caste and family and city are highly important.   Men and Women hold their honor highly as this is their form of integrity.   Integrity to their words and once spoken they stick to it.   Thus if a person claims to another to have opinions and feelings that would indicate servile attitudes especially from a Woman she may find herself legally being made a slave in Gorean environments.


... there are many castes the first five are in order the rest are some of the others commonly mentioned.

How to choose a proper Gorean Name

 Entering the Gorean Virtual Reality environment you will see it's an Adult enviornment, and in the various Gor worlds you see the distinction of capitalized names and names of lower case, to distinguish between the free and those that are kijirae or kajiri.
 This is a carry over of the practices that began in the IRC chat environment where there were no graphics.   In Gorean most male names end as they will and commonly from the north central regions have ancient greek origins or even ancient roman origins. There are also oriental and african and norsk names. Women's most common names tend to end with an "a" or "e" sound.
 All free persons are identified by the way the first letter of their names are Capitalized and all kajirae and kajiri are lower cased names with or without the owners tagged initials on them. (Kajira and kajirus is gorean for slave girl and male slave, in VR male slaves are often designated as "boy" though they are male adults.)
 Fictitiously Aliokus is a mans name, Euphoria would be a womans name, lita Aliokus or bena Alk or mary E might be ways that Aliokus and Euphoira designate their kajirae with the collar tag.   A free man or woman's name such as Aliokus Euph or Euphoria Alk might be ways of designating that these two are free companions to each other, a form of Gorean marriage is the free companionship, a contractual arrangement which from the world of Gor must be renewed every year.   In VR though such companionships might last a month or more and rarely beyond three.   In the VR environment one is usually there to have fun, visiting cities of Gor by moving around through the world environments.

What to do in AW Gor
   Developing a personae for yourself through reading the Gor Series of books written by John Norman.   Some people have enjoyed the sagas of Tarl Cabot so much that they take what they can and incorporate Gorean beliefs such as Honor, Integrity and Respect into their daily lives.   Finding things to do in AW can be as easily achieved by building, or interacting with the other people on the Gorean worlds with the philosophies of Gorean Culture at hand. Maybe even having a slave serve you a vr refreshment and enjoy the tatalizing ways that each kajira or kajirus performs the literary discourse that serves as entertainment, going on hunts for Panther Girls and avoid ending up being the quarry. Learning what Kill and Capture Zones are, and what no kill and no capture zones mean in AW Gor worlds.

Actions to avoid.
     Challenging a skilled swordsmans honor.
   Interrupting a serve by a kajira or kajirus to another by asking the slave questions.     Only going to a Gorean environment for cybersex, that is not really what Gor is about.        Free Women being rude to free men, in the Gorean environment that is precursor to saying collar me.
         Blatantly disrespecting people because they haven't done anything to prove to you that you need to give your respect, that is an earth axiom and should not be used in Gorean environments.
             Insulting others and using improper cussing and vile language to describe a person that has irritated you, whether one is free or owned. Free persons expect a fight over such dishonorable behavior,(if you are a slave and saying things about a free person you might find your punishment severe.)

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