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Title: The Vampire Duo, Part 2a
Author: Darkone~~~that's me :)
Warnings: Nothing really to worry about. There might be some touch of violence but not really.
Pairings: Not really much here either. But there will be in the future.
Disclaimers: Don't own any of the GW characters, wish I did so I can make them all mine, but unfortunately, got no dough. So please don't sue.
Notes: This is part one of Chapter 2. The next part is coming up. (I wanna keep all the chapters and sections in order.) PS I'm writing about Heero's point of veiw in this one. Okay, okay on with the fic already...

6 months prior to present. After Colony 196, New York.

They said that the war was over. I'm not sure if I believe them. I'm not sure if I want to. The year is After Colony 196. Earth and space have coincided and have agreed to begin anew. How very charming. The war is over, yet, I still feel a sense of emptiness inside me. I'm not sure what I should feel. I've been taught nothing but to live in a world full of war. It's the only way I know how to live, until...SHE came along. She, the innocent one in all this. She had nothing to do with the war until she met me. That's when it became hectic. She was so innocent then, as she is now. Relena Dorlain is her name. She later changed it to Peacecraft, after her father died. Again, all my fault. Or is it? It seems like all the 'right' lines were spoken, the 'right' actors were cast; the stage was set. She was only pulled into the stage to make the plot come to its peak, to give the plot its high climax. How ruthless war can be; giving the part to someone who had no experience in the field. Yet, that was the irony of it all; was it not? She held the key to the audience. Her innocence, her sweetness only made the play more interesting in a setting of war that plagued the lives of others who were innocent, like her, and those condemned. It was all entertainment, if you want to call it. How sick.

Now, at the peak following the war, she has to rebuild the setting laid out for her. She was alone in all this. She had no one to console, no one to talk to. She tries; it's better that way. She tries to endure her responsibilities given to her, though not wanting them at all. Once in a while she is in trouble and must be rescued, that's where I come in. I promised I would protect her and I am and always will. She tries to talk to me but I keep pushing her away, for reasons I don't even know myself. Maybe it's just me. She feels for me, I know, I can see it in her eyes. Her eyes full of sadness and sorrow and loneliness. No one could ever know what she is going through, how can they? She was so fragile. I try to comfort her when I can. She is the reason why I, Heero Yuy, became human. She made me see that life isn't all about war that life can be lived peacefully. She made all that happen; now she has to show it to the world. An audience full of misunderstood and confused souls.

There is another one like her. Duo. The cheerful and talkative idiot. He never stops with his endless supply of jokes and smiles. He annoys you until he sees you smile. That's what makes him Duo. But how secretive he is. You'd never guess that but I can tell. Behind his cheerful smiles he hides something. He hides the truth of himself. But what is it? What is he hiding? It vexes me. It's alluring, really. In his eyes I can see his sadness; he hides it well. They say that the eyes are the windows to a person's soul; it's very true. But within that trance you get caught in the spell yourself. They do the same to you. HE looks into your eyes with his piercing violet beauties and finds your secrets. Secrets, which you don't even know. Secrets, which he unlocks to find your weakness. Secrets, which he can use. He does that all too well.

When I met him he shot me, twice. Who could blame him? I was trying to kill Relena, was I not? Being the gentleman that he is he tries to protect her. He's always like that. He hasn't changed. Not at the least. I like that. I thought of him as strange at first. A gundam pilot like he was. He was always so boisterous, so normal. It never occurred to me that soldiers could be that way. But he knew what his missions meant. He felt the same about his missions as I did. He was fighting for the colonies as strongly and as passionately as I was, if not more, therefore, he was considered an ally.

Later on, he became my friend. My best friend at that. He would always try to make me laugh. And at times I did. One time I burst out laughing about a joke he made about how Trowa might look in a dress. He was always the jokester. In all the chaos that we call life he made it better. It was just his nature. I was convinced.

He loved the dark. He never came out in the daytime. It wasn't his style. He only appeared in the darkness of the night. He always wore black, like his priest outfit he always wore. It suited him. He wasn't the type to be picky, he knew what he wanted and he took it. That was his way. If you've just met him you wouldn't think of him as the aggressive type. But if you've known him as well as I have you'd see that he is. He didn't show it much. He wasn't the type to show and tell. He was a gentleman but he would always show a sign of his fierceness every so often. He would always show it whenever he was in his gundam. Calling himself "Shinigami" was his way of showing it for example. He killed without emotion and fear. Sometimes I could see an evil spark in his eyes when he killed. He acted like he enjoyed it. He enjoyed the kill. One time I saw him taste the blood of the man he killed. His hands were drenched in the red liquid. He didn't seem to care. He just licked the blood off his hands with a faint smirk in his face. I could see that he liked it. It bothered me. It bothered me a lot.


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