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Teresa Ann Foxworhy's Star Maps:
Astrology for Lovers
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STAR MAPS for LOVERS helps you discover more about your psychological and spiritual attitudes toward love and romance, as well as help you determine compatibility with someone else. We all know that Astrology has been around for thousands of years and I believe there is a very important reason for this. You will be quite intrigued as you discover the subtle influences that affect your personal evolution and relationship success. By getting an Astrological Compatibility reading, you will discover what's working and what challenges confront you and your love interest.

In Astrology, generally there are three types of readings: Birth (or Natal) Readings for your life's general direction, gifts and lessons; Progressed Readings for the evolution of your internal awareness; and Transits Readings for the outer circumstances of your everyday life at any given period you desire to examine. In addition to these readings which help define an individual's growth and potential, there are three types of relationship readings most commonly offered: Synastry Readings compare the birth or progressed charts of two individuals for general compatibility; Composite Readings create one chart for any relationship and indicate the general strengths and weaknesses inherent in that particular union; and Progressed Composite Readings to give an current account of where the relationship is directed at this moment in time.

These readings are very exciting and insightful for anyone who wishes to better understand the inner motivations of any individual, provided you have the birth time, place and date! All readings come with an free introductory half-hour to acquaint you with the art of astrology. Just because you are born in a certain sign doesn't mean that influence is your astrological "signature". The Sun sign, indicated by your month and day of birth is only 1/10th of a Natal birthchart. Find out more about your love nature and what you really need to feel fulfilled in a marriage or relationship, based on Heaven's celestial roadmap, a gift given to us all!

For your complimentary consultation,
please call Ms. Foxworthy in California:

+1 . 8 7 7 . S H A N G R I - L A
(8 7 7 . 4 7 2 . 6 4 7 4)
Or email her at

Dating Services at

There's no end to what you will discover about yourself and your beloved...


Do I have the relationship I want?
If not, why not?
What gets in the way?
Am I having fun in my dating or relationship?
If not, why not?
Do I want more heart intimacy in my life?
What's missing in my love life?
Am I ready for the love I most desire?
Am I ready to create the relationship I want?
Am I ready to have fun every step of the way?
Am I open to explore ancient wisdom?
How do I assess compatibility?


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