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Cleveland, Ohio

July 3, 2001
Bessie was afraid to go to Cleveland. She had heard such horrible things about the city. About how dirty it was, about how the river once caught on fire because it was so polluted, and about how there was nothing exciting to do. Well, as you can imagine, Bessie was surprised to see that the city by the lake has vastly improved over the years. On our visit, the biggest attraction was the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Situated on the shores of Lake Erie, the building is architectually unique and very interesting to look at. The first picture was taken from the back, looking accross the water. From this angle, the odd shapes don't seem to make any sense. Next we ventured to the front where the pyramid design is very eye catching. Bessie wondered if the architect was on drugs. We assured her that he probably was. Our next stop was the new home of the Cleveland Browns. The stadium was large and intimidating. Unfortunatly for the city of Cleveland, the football team is not. Finally, after strolling around the city for a bit, Bessie took a rest in this park where she grazed on the flowers. Bessie decided that Cleveland wasn't so bad after all.

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Page last updated July 22, 2001.