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Tony News

Buffy News

Manchild News


Site News

As you all well know. I have been a bit behind with the updates to my page. I plan on fixing this very shortly. I was working 3 jobs to get to the Moonlight Rising Convention. So now that I'm back down to 1 job I should be able to update the site more often.

I will be adding a Moonlight rising page to the site within the next 2 weeks. I will also have a little con report as well as picture from the con. The Con was alright for a first time convention. There were some miscommunications and such, but over all it was fun.

I also updated the links page. If your link is not there and you would like it to be added just e-mail me with a banner or your site and I will put it up. My e-mail is on the home page.

A HUGE thank you to CAT once again! She let me hang out with her at MR, and share in the Tony goodness. Everyone needs to visit her site, so check it out at "Peices Of Dreams". She is a huge fan of Tony's and has a great site!

Also thanks the Tweedies for being such an awesome group of people. I enjoyed meeting all of you at MR and I'm glad that we all had so much time to get to know each other. It is an experiance I won't soon forget. Check out where it all begain at Sandra's site. "The Realm Of The Tweedy Book Guy"

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Tony News

Well with the end of Buffy I know you all are saying, "Where can we see Tony." Well I have some good news for you all. Tony can be seen in the upcoming film titled "I'll Be There". This movie is due to be in the US in August of 2003. Tony has also started work on a film called "The Lonely Troll". Right now there isn't to much information that I could find out about this movie.

The latest news on "Ripper" is that they are still interested in doing the show. It will most likely be a 2 hour movie. It will probably be a couple of years before this show comes into play. Being as Joss has other things he is working on and has started a family. Tony said that we will most likely see it happen though.

Tony has some small rolls in a few things that I'd like to mention as well. Tony will play Dr. Andrew Barton in a show called "Reversals". Tony will also appear with Sarah in "Talking to Animals" which show Sarah working on animals with behavioral problems. Sarah is the leading practitioner of Tellington Touch in the UK. This should be a very interesting series. Tony was also in "Little Britian" as the Prime Minister. He was also in "My Family" and played Richard Harper.

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Buffy News

Well Buffy is over. We don't like it, but it is. You can watch seasons 1-6 on F/X, Monday through Friday at 6:00-8:00 p.m., ET/PT. You can still see season 7 on UPN ever Tuesday at 8:00. If you want to know where you can see Tony in person, check out these conventions. There is "Wire Slam" that is happening in Paris June 27-29th 2003. Then there is "Toronto Trek" July 11-13 2003. So go see Tony in person.

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Manchild News

BBC America is still airing Manchild. Click HERE to see the the dates and times. Manchild has been canceled though. The BBC sold the rights to ABC, and Nick Fisher is going with the show. So that's the end of that. :(

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