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Shannon Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1977 in Houston, Texas. She is descended from quite a few different races, including Syrian and Lebanese from her father's side and a mix of German, Irish, English, French, and even Cherokee Indian on her mother's. Quite a gene pool, I would believe. Her early life included Ballet and Tap lessons at the age of two, which she continued for most of her life. Around the third grade the family moved to Waco to get away from the hustle and bustle of then-emerging Houston. Her parents were and still are very supportive of her acting career, although nowadays they live in Florida.

Ms. Elizabeth always considered herself to be a bit of a recluse as a child. She was never a part of the popular clique and had a hard time finding boyfriends in high school. She sang in the Waco City Choir, joined the Cheerleading Squad, danced, and even served in her school's National Honor Society and Student Council. Her true passion in high school was tennis, however. Ms. Elizabeth competed in state tournaments and became number one on her school's tennis team. Shannon eventually quit the school's team before she graduated because she didn't like the coach.

When it came time to decide what she wanted to do with her life, Ms. Elizabeth decided that she wanted to be an actress or a lawyer. During her senior year, Shannon was asked to appear in a local rock band's music video, and the producer liked working with her so much that he set up an appointment for Shannon with a modeling agency in New York City. During the Christmas of 1995 Ms. Elizabeth and her family went to NYC to have some pictures taken.

An agent in New York liked what he saw so after Shannon graduated she moved to NYC and began her modeling career. She stayed in a dormitory with other models, and even got to travel a bit. Shannon got to work in a load of places, including France, Italy, Japan, Australia, and Taiwan. Later on she moved to Los Angeles and got a job with a modeling company called Elite Model Management. Her first job as an actress was in a Taco Bell commerical. She signed up to take a few acting classes, and then landed American Pie, which was a number one movie in America for four weeks. Not bad for a model in Los Angeles.

In her free time Shannon likes to play with her six dogs, and hang out with her boyfriend, a guy named Joe Reitman. Her favorite bands are Garth Brooks and Prodigy. She also goes to the gym, takes Yoga, and claims to, "like TV more than anyone should be allowed to."

Although Ms. Elizabeth has had several acting jobs by this point, her most famous role is that of Nadia, the Czech foreign exchange student in American Pie. During a recent interview, Shannon talked about the movie and said, "In high school, it was probably easier to be a guy because you didn't have all the names coming at you. You wouldn't have to worry about being named a slut or having a bad reputation. It was really tough in high school to avoid all those rumors."

For some information on Ms. Elizabeth's current projects and upcoming events, please check out my Current Events section. (Hmm, that makes sense.) A link is provided below, or you can acess it from the main page.