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A Pretty Detailed Look at Shannon Elizabeth

Patrick Wood: Good evening and welcome to My name is Patrick Wood, and I am joined by our lovely liason, Susan Moore. Today we'll be talking to the beautiful Shannon Elizabeth, the star from American Pie. How are you?

Shannon Elizabeth: I'm good, how are you?

Patrick Wood: So what is going on? This movie has shot to the top. How does that feel?

Shannon Elizabeth: It's been a great experience. It's been amazing.

Patrick Wood: Yeah?

Shannon Elizabeth: I've gotten to do a lot of things I wouldn't have been able to do.

Patrick Wood: Basically, I've seen the movie and you are fantastic. Is comedy your first love? You were a ham?

Shannon Elizabeth: I was definitely a ham.

Patrick Wood: I heard you really impressed the people at Miramax. Tell me about that.

Shannon Elizabeth: They gave me a three picture deal. I can still work with other studios.

Patrick Wood: That's great!!!

Shannon Elizabeth: But eventually, I have to make three films for them.

Patrick Wood: And the film that you are getting ready to do... Scream if You Know what I did Last Halloween. And who are you?

Shannon Elizabeth: Scream If You Know What I Did is a spoof off all those teen pics. I'm playing the bad girl. I'm very evil. Very evil.

Patrick Wood: You are going from sweet to evil in the next film. Let's go to the chatroom.

Random Internet User: Have you ever been in any other movies, Shannon?

Shannon Elizabeth: I've done a couple of independents. One called Jack Frost. I've seen pieces of it on the web. It was a horror comedy.

Patrick Wood: Horror comedy, I see.

Shannon Elizabeth: The other was Dish Dogs with Sean Astin.

Patrick Wood: He's really cool.

Shannon Elizabeth: He was amazing in Rudy.

Patrick Wood: I have to ask you this. There are some pretty risque stuff in the movie. Were you nervous doing those scenes?

Shannon Elizabeth: Of course I was nervous doing the Internet scene. I try not to think about it. The first few takes, you see the boom guy above you.... But you forget about it after the first couple of takes.

Patrick Wood: After the couple of takes, you relax a little bit.... Looks like everybody was having a lot of fun on the set.

Shannon Elizabeth: Everyone was so much fun to work with it. Everybody was just really cool, down to earth.

Patrick Wood: It looked like Friends. Was there freedom in performance?

Shannon Elizabeth: There was a lot of freedom in the performance.

Patrick Wood: Really? That's great.

Shannon Elizabeth: Paul and Chris would give suggestions. But they would give us a lot of freedom.

Patrick Wood: I think this movie does a great job capturing the growing pains of teens in the '90s. Do you see any similiarities from this film to your high school days?

Shannon Elizabeth: Not really. My high school was in a small town. I was so busy being involved and of course I liked guys and stuff, but I think I was a late bloomer.

Patrick Wood: You were too busy, and you played tennis in high school. I heard you wanted to go pro.

Shannon Elizabeth: I wanted to go for my state ranking. I had so much fun competing. I was very competitive. But I just didn't end up pursuing it.

Patrick Wood: Let's go back to the chatroom for a sec.

Random Internet User: How did you teach your dog that tennis ball trick we saw on Leno? Any other dog related advice? How do you feel about bark-reducing collars?

Shannon Elizabeth: We were just playing with her. She has a flat nose and she just kept getting it.

Patrick Wood: Six dogs!

Shannon Elizabeth: It's funny. Most of our dogs are not very well-trained. When you're training a dog, you need to have it one on one.

Patrick Wood: I heard you have a soft spot for strays.

Shannon Elizabeth: You try to take them all in and love them, teach them the basics.

Patrick Wood: Don't chew on that, right? Questions?

Random Internet User: What are the last three CD's you've bought?

Shannon Elizabeth: CDs... I don't buy a lot of music. Prodigy, Garth Brooks and I think I bought Janet Jackson - "The Velvet Rope Tour."

Patrick Wood: Cool. Very Cool! Electric. Another question.

Random Internet User: What are the chances of a Pie 2?

Shannon Elizabeth: Uh, I don't know. I've heard as much as you guys have heard.

Patrick Wood: We actually heard something about the guy going to Czech to find Nadia!

Shannon Elizabeth: I've heard stuff about that. Write to Universal!

Random Internet User: What is being a movie star like?

Shannon Elizabeth: I don't consider myself a movie star.

Patrick Wood: What do you consider yourself?

Shannon Elizabeth: I'm a working actress. I hope I don't stop working. It's exciting going to premieres and being able to talk to stars. I get extrememly nervous. I'm like, "Do you know who you are?"

Patrick Wood: I was actually at that premiere. I talked to you and you were very cool and composed.

Random Internet User: Do you have a favorite movie?

Shannon Elizabeth: I would have to say my childhood favorite was The Wizard of Oz. I loved the songs in it. Judy Garland and Toto was very cute.

Patrick Wood: Who do you want to work with?

Shannon Elizabeth: I would love to work with Gary Oldman. Michelle Pfeifer, Robert De Niro. There's quite a few. I would love to work with everyone. You grow up admiring them so much. And then realizing they're human, too, it's quite an experience.

Patrick Wood: Sobering. We have another question from Susan Moore.

Random Internet User: Other than acting, do you aspire to go into music or any other fields of work?

Shannon Elizabeth: I think if it comes my way. I've always been interested in singing and dancing all aspects of performing. One day, if I have the opportunity, of course!

Patrick Wood: Or put out a CD. Working for Jennifer Lopez.

Shannon Elizabeth: If I'm approached, I can consider it. Right now, I'm concentrating on the acting.

Patrick Wood: There you go. Another one from the chatroom.

Random Internet User: Do you like Stanley Kubrick's films?

Shannon Elizabeth: All of the films. He's done so many classics, A Clockwork Orange. I can't comment on Eyes Wide Shut yet since I haven't seen it.

Patrick Wood: Now I know you started out right out of high school, you did a music video.

Shannon Elizabeth: I did a video while I was in high school my senior year. There was a local band who wanted to do a video in their home town. They ended up talking to me about modeling (the filmmakers). We went to New York, I got to meet some agents. I ended up signing with an agency.

Patrick Wood: So you've been all over the world. You have been to a lot of different countries. What is your favorite one?

Shannon Elizabeth: I enjoyed myself most in America. There's no place like home.

Random Internet User: Congrats on your 3 picture deal... What was the first item you bought once you got your first paycheck as an actress?

Shannon Elizabeth: I think I was just trying to pay rent. I was lucky enough to pay my bills. It's still just trying to save and not get kicked out of my house.

Patrick Wood: Now you came out to LA, you were visiting out here. You weren't actively pursuing an acting career at that time.

Shannon Elizabeth: I came out to visit a friend. I was going to travel cross country. But I ended up working for the Ford agency, and ended up doing a commercial for Taco Bell. I ended up deciding not to leave.

Patrick Wood: Back to chatroom, Susan!

Random Internet User: Since you are a part of the big HOLLYWOOD scene now, what celebrity would you like to meet if you could?

Shannon Elizabeth: Michele Pfeiffer, as far as the girls go. Johnny Depp.

Patrick Wood: Now, Iwent through your website. Lots of pictures and different looks. You really photograph very differently. Do you think that'll carry over to film?

Shannon Elizabeth: Yes, on film, it will.

Patrick Wood: Is that beneficial for you?

Shannon Elizabeth: For acting, it will be a really good thing.

Patrick Wood: We have a bunch of questions here.

Random Internet User: Where are you ticklish?

Shannon Elizabeth: Definitely I'd say my waist. You've got those ribs in there.

Patrick Wood: I am going to ask you a couple. Okay, I am going to ask you this: this is from Mike. He says, "Hi, I am from N.Y. How often do you go on web interview? Number two, I am sending you a picture. From 1 to 10, rate me!"

Shannon Elizabeth: Well, nothing like putting me on the spot. He's definitely got an attitude in the picture. But I go for cute, fun personalities. But he's not bad-looking. He's not my type, but he's not bad-looking. Maybe a six or seven.

Patrick Wood: Six or seven, Mike. Not bad! Your 15 minutes, Mike. Next question. Are there any indie films out there that attract you?

Shannon Elizabeth: You know what attracts me . . . a really good script. If the script's independent, the good thing is, everybody's got a really good goal in mind. You're not getting paid a lot. Patrick Wood: Great. Back to chat room.

Random Internet User: Are you dating anyone right now?

Shannon Elizabeth: Yes. I am dating the best guy in the world right now.

Patrick Wood: Hearts are breaking!!!

Shannon Elizabeth: And he's now behind the camera going, oh please, speak more about me! He's helped out tremendously with the website.

Patrick Wood: I know your site has been getting a lot of traffic. Do you know how many hits a day?

Shannon Elizabeth: I've been told we get over a million hits a day.

Patrick Wood: And you are still answering all your emails?

Shannon Elizabeth: I'm trying to get to them all.

Patrick Wood: Great. Susan!

Random Internet User: How are you coping with fame?

Shannon Elizabeth: Once again, I don't consider myself famous. I'm just taking every little problem and victory as it comes. And I'm just trying to keep working.

Patrick Wood: I am curious. Since the movie is a high school movie. If you can go back to high school and go back and change something, what would it be?

Shannon Elizabeth: I would probably change everything. It would have been fun to go to high school in a big city. It would have been nice if I had grown up with everyone I went to school with.

Patrick Wood: What do your mom and dad think about your success?

Shannon Elizabeth: They're excited. They came out to the premiere and had so much fun.

Patrick Wood: Great. Back to the chatroom.

Random Internet User: If a genie popped out of a lamp, what would your three wishes be?

Shannon Elizabeth: Three wishes: Umm, to never stop working, to always have as close to a perfect relationship possible, and to always have more wishes.

Patrick Wood: Sounds like you got all three of your wishes! Things are good for Shannon right now.

Shannon Elizabeth: The website's got me more stressed than anything. It's more work than I've ever tried to conquer.

Patrick Wood: Now. Judging by your fan base, there are a lot of guys out there thinking, "How can I meet a girl like that" What's a perfect date for you?

Shannon Elizabeth: A perfect date? I'd say when a guy cooks a candle light dinner, when the guy really makes the effort himself, when you see them go through all these things to do for you.

Patrick Wood: And sincerity.

Shannon Elizabeth: And to be sweet, sincere, and to be yourself. Guys are usually funny. It's usually when they put on their macho acts when it goes away.

Patrick Wood: You heard it here first, guys. Chatroom now.

Random Internet User: Was it difficult to get naked in front of the camera? Weren't you worried that your family and friends would see the movie and feel embarrassed?

Shannon Elizabeth: I was nervous. But I'm playing a character, I'm playing a role. It was appropriate for the character. It had a reason. I wouldn't just do it to do it. But you're always a little worried about what your family will think.

Patrick Wood: Very good. The scene with the internet and the camera is hysterical! It's great to have you live on the net now.

Random Internet User: If you weren't in acting what would you be doing?

Shannon Elizabeth: The only other thing I was interested in growing up besides tennis was law. I like to argue my case and always have my points laid out to show that I was right and they were wrong. I thought about criminal law.

Patrick Wood: Criminal law. Wow.

Patrick Wood: What's your favorite ice cream?

Shannon Elizabeth: Cookies and Cream.

Patrick Wood: Color?

Shannon Elizabeth: Cranberry.

Patrick Wood: Back to chatroom.

Random Internet User: Do you consider yourself sexy?

Shannon Elizabeth: Sometimes. Most of the time, I don't really feel sexy. It's important for a girl to feel sexy, when she puts on certain things. I try to be, for my boyfriend!

Patrick Wood: Scream if You Know what I did Last Halloween, it's a farce on horror movies.

Shannon Elizabeth: There are tons of them coming out. I've been reading a lot of good scripts that aren't teen related. Just getting to play with different things, different characters; there's such a variety of things you can do.

Patrick Wood: Back to chatroom.

Random Internet User: I enjoyed the short interview. Did you mind the personal questioning by Rolling Stone?

Shannon Elizabeth: I can't give anything away. It was a little personal. But I understand that that was their job. When you sit and talk to somebody for awhile, you can forget you're being interviewed.

Patrick Wood: Did you think that American Pie would take off the way it did? When you picked up the script, did you think to yourself "this is it".

Shannon Elizabeth: I knew it was a good script. But I don't think it was something I could predict. I didn't really think about it. I just tried to do my best. It just got lucky.

Patrick Wood: Go see the movie if you have not seen it yet. It's the funniest movie this summer. Back to chatroom.

Random Internet User: What were your fondest memories of Waco?

Shannon Elizabeth: Well, I think the fact that I grew up in a small town gave me a lot of advantages, like freedom. It was safer in Waco. The fact that I was able to go out, and go to certain parties and see my friends.

Patrick Wood: Have you spent time in New York?

Shannon Elizabeth: When I first started modeling, yes.

Patrick Wood: NY or L.A?

Shannon Elizabeth: I like LA. I like to have my car. I like the warm weather.

Patrick Wood: Susan with another question.

Random Internet User: How has your life changed since you've become famous?

Shannon Elizabeth: I've just gotten busier. This past month, I've been reading scripts, prepping for the next film, working on the website. I haven't been waiting by the phone too much.

Patrick Wood: And you are going to Canada also. Do you know how long the shoot is going to be?

Shannon Elizabeth: It's a two month shoot. It'll be fun.

Random Internet User: Does your character act anything as you yourself would?

Shannon Elizabeth: No. Not really. She's strong and aggressive, which I tend to be. I can be very strong and independent. But she's a little more free and open, and probably slutty. That's not like me.

Patrick Wood: She got Jason to dance though.

Shannon Elizabeth: Yes she did.

Random Internet User: Did you like working with Alyson Hannigan?

Shannon Elizabeth: I loved working with her. It was a lot of fun. I love Buffy. And it was like, "this is Willow!"

Patrick Wood: We need to hear a little of the accent!

Shannon Elizabeth: I don't know exactly what you want to hear, but this is the accent!

Patrick Wood: Nadia, with us, live.

Random Internet User: Hey Woody, she studied with the same acting coach you did. Ask her about that. You both have something in common.

Patrick Wood: I studied with Martin Bargar.

Shannon Elizabeth: I studied with him for awhile as well.

Patrick Wood: It's good, over there in North Hollywood. How long was that ago?

Shannon Elizabeth: I've only been out of his class four or five months.

Patrick Wood: Very interesting. Small world. Another question.

Random Internet User: Did the cast play jokes on each other during filming?

Shannon Elizabeth: Umm, a little bit. I remember when Jason had the pie scene. I wasn't there that day, but somebody from the crew made a T-shirt out of a still frame. It took him awhile to notice. Whe he did, he freaked.

Patrick Wood: I thought I already knew the joke from the pie scene, but... nope.

Random Internet User: How did you meet Joe? How long has the relationship been going? How old is he?

Shannon Elizabeth: I met Joe in acting class. We've been going out almost since I've been out here. I can't give his age. It wouldn't be polite!

Patrick Wood: I'm going to ask you a few more. It's from Kevin Wayne... do you like Chinese food? Or have you ever considered having a Chinese boyfriend?

Shannon Elizabeth: I like the food. Seeing as how I have my soul mate, the boyfriend thing probably won't happen. But I like the food.

Random Internet User: What is your favorite food?

Shannon Elizabeth: It's a Syrian dish. It's called Keepeeneehay. It's got lamb and chopped onions. You eat it raw.

Patrick Wood: So you are not a vegetarian?

Shannon Elizabeth: I don't eat red meat except maybe once a year.

Patrick Wood: I have a question from Eminoun2. Have you ever been to a rock concert? If so, which one?

Shannon Elizabeth: I grew up in Waco and there weren't a lot of concerts. I remember two. I went to a Michael Damian show.

Patrick Wood: Michael Damien? The soap star? He sings that "Rock On" song.

Shannon Elizabeth: And I went to A New Kids on the Block and DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince show.

Patrick Wood: Oh!

Shannon Elizabeth: I went to one other in Milan. Something like Bon Jovi.

Patrick Wood: Bon Jovi! Not a lot of people can say Bon Jovi in Milan. Back to Susan.

Random Internet User: Shannon, you've had television spots on USA High, Dying to Live, and My Generation... do you prefer the big screen to televison work?

Shannon Elizabeth: They both have their own greatness about them. They're both fun. The good thing about a film is that you can really bond with your castmates and get into character. On a TV show, you come in and then go. But you get to do it very quickly, and then you have the freedom to move on.

Patrick Wood: This is another question. It's from Neil. You have played other roles on TV. Are you surprised about receving so much attention from a smaller movie role?

Shannon Elizabeth: Yeah, it's a little bit surprising. It's been a whirlwind. But it's definitely been fun. I got to host VH-1.

Random Internet User: Hello Shannon, what do you like to do if you're not making movies?

Shannon Elizabeth: Well, I love playing with my dogs, trying to take care of my house and boyfriend, I like to roller blade and go hiking. I always find stuff around the house like working in the yard. I'm a neat freak.

Patrick Wood: I am trying to picture Shannon mowing her lawn.... I got an odd question here. What' s the strangest fan request that you have received?

Shannon Elizabeth: Well, I mean, I've gotten a lot of requests to go to prom, ring weekends....

Patrick Wood: Guys are asking you to the prom!

Shannon Elizabeth: One said that they would pay for my services. But his girlfriend didn't mind....

Random Internet User: I hear you love Johnny Depp. What is it about him that you love so much?

Shannon Elizabeth: When I saw Whats Eating Gilbert Grape?, numerous movies around that time. I was always infatuated. He's a brilliant actor. He's very good-looking. Goatees, the dark look. He's very intriguing.

Patrick Wood: I have a question from NZ. Do you speak French?

Shannon Elizabeth: I don't speak French. I got the accent trying to do French.

Patrick Wood: Susan with the next question.

Random Internet User: LA vs. Texas: which is better?

Shannon Elizabeth: LA by far. I'm the kind of person who's always got to be doing something. Texas is very laid back. You'd have to go 100 miles to find a mall.

Patrick Wood: There's one interesting question here. Also from MZ. What are the things or people that give you inspiration and encouragement on a day to day basis?

Shannon Elizabeth: My boyfriend number one. My manager number two. My friends, my agents, and then my family, of course. I may not talk to them as much, but they're always there. They're always supportive.

Patrick Wood: And six dogs!

Shannon Elizabeth: And my six dogs. They really calm me down.

Patrick Wood: We have another question.

Random Internet User: What other pics have you appeared in?

Shannon Elizabeth: Jack Frost, Dish Dogs, another film called Seamless. Dying to Live.

Patrick Wood: Dish Dogs, you can rent it now, right?

Shannon Elizabeth: You can't rent it. I'm not sure what they're doing.

Patrick Wood: You said earlier that you've done some student's government. Did you run for any offices?

Shannon Elizabeth: Yeah. I belive I was Student Council treasurer and historian.

Patrick Wood: Back to the chatroom with Susan.

Random Internet User: How would you reccomend getting into acting?

Shannon Elizabeth: OK, I think being in LA is a big advantage. Always be in class. Study with a variety of teachers. I don't think any one method or style is the right way. You take what you want from each person. You've got to get head shots, send them out. It is a lot of work.

Patrick Wood: Another question.

Random Internet User: What was the photo shoot for Rolling Stone like?

Shannon Elizabeth: The photo shoot was actually a lot of fun. Just playing around, the part by the pool, but we were racing against the light.

Patrick Wood: I have several questions. One thing that keeps coming up is The Blair Witch Project. Have you seen it?

Shannon Elizabeth: Not yet. I really want to. I just haven't been able to. People say you shouldn't be alone after you see it.

Patrick Wood: Back to the chatroom.

Random Internet User: Did you do any improvising for those scenes?

Shannon Elizabeth: There was a little bit, but I don't think it was in the final cut. You saw pretty much what was on the page.

Patrick Wood: This is a personal question. One of my favorite movies is Dazed and Confused. Have you seen it?

Shannon Elizabeth: I saw it a long time ago.

Patrick Wood: I am curious. You are from Texas. Is it similar to your life in Waco?

Shannon Elizabeth: I remember watching it with friends who felt like it was the story of our lives.

Patrick Wood: I think American Pie is probably going to "the" teen movie. It's racy, but it is also a moral.

Shannon Elizabeth: I think there's a real innocence about the movie. Everything done in each story line. It was raunchy, but in a fun-loving way.

Patrick Wood: The ending note, I think, is love.

Random Internet User: Given your choice, what kind of material, or role, would you like to do?

Shannon Elizabeth: I want to do some really strong, intelligent characters. I'm going to try to stay away from the younger, ditsier characters. I want to try something different. I think Michele Pfeiffer plays such an array of characters. I really want to stretch myself.

Patrick Wood: Are there any directors that you want to work with?

Shannon Elizabeth: Everybody would love to work with Steven Spielberg, Oliver Stone, George Lucas.

Patrick Wood: We'll get you in the next Star Wars movie!

Shannon Elizabeth: I remember growing up loving the Star Wars movies.

Patrick Wood: Another question.

Random Internet User: Your body is in great shape. What are your workout and diet regimes?

Shannon Elizabeth: I haven't been able to work out like I used to. I used to go constantly. I try to incorporate it now with the hiking I do with my dogs, roller blading, Power Yoga.

Patrick Wood: Power Yoga. What is Power Yoga?

Shannon Elizabeth: It's a lot of intense isolated movements. It's a real physical work out.

Patrick Wood: Do you do it at home or in a class?

Shannon Elizabeth: I go to a class.

Random Internet User: Can you sing?

Shannon Elizabeth: I was in the city choir growing up. I used to sing quite a bit. It's fun to sing. I hope to do more of it.

Patrick Wood: I hope there's a Shannon Elizabeth CD coming out. We're almost ready to wrap up.

Random Internet User: What is your favorite possession?

Shannon Elizabeth: Posession? I don't know if I should say I posess my boyfriend. I don't really value posessions. I value relationships. I value my dogs.

Random Internet User: Would you be willing to do a Quinton Terintino film?

Shannon Elizabeth: I would be willing to do anything that was a good script. I like working on projects that surprise you.

Random Internet User: Do you read a lot?

Shannon Elizabeth: I read a ton of scripts. In the past, when I had more free time. I really liked The Celestine Prophecy.

Patrick Wood: The Celestine Prophecy sort of goes with the Yoga, the spirituality. What are you going to do after this?

Shannon Elizabeth: I'm going to watch my boyfriend play some softball.

Patrick Wood: Is he good?

Shannon Elizabeth: He tells me he used to be good. We'll see.

Patrick Wood: Very good. One more question.

Random Internet User: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Shannon Elizabeth: Hopefully, working, still with my boyfriend, still with my dogs. I'm hoping to open a big kennel. I really want to be able to help people and animals. My website is giving to three charities. I'm going to be looking for some more pet charities.

Patrick Wood: People out there get your dogs spayed or neutered! I think we are going to wrap it up now. Thank you very much, Shannon.

Shannon Elizabeth: Thank you so much!