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Handwriting Analysis [ Graphology ] oo

  Handwriting  Analysis  (Graphology)
  It means deducing the person's real traits from a sample of his handwriting without getting in direct contact with him/her. It doesn’t differ from a person who use English as a native language or other countries.   It is really interesting & after while when you see a font you will at least evaluate the emotional state & intelligence of the writer with no big effort. If you learn enough you will able to know more about the person from his writing.
Just go through the basics then read handwriting analysis made by the experts and as usual the forum gives you great informations about it.


Handwriting Analysis# Download The Handwriting Dictionary docs, the traits from Exclusive

# Viewzone: Ur 1st step to analyze anyone's handwriting..this is ur base u 'll build on
# Here is the most comprehensive illustrated source 4 learning handwriting analysis

# Full Brief Basics of Graphology

# Illustrated graphology basics

# Britsh Institute : Basic lessons in Graphology (Handwriting analysis)


# Very funny traits illustrations.. book samples

# Graphology and You

# See The Lower Zone

# Read Past Issues of Bart Baggett's Online Newsletters Here New

# Download this HandWriting Analysis txts I gathered from the newsletters(Rightclk,Save target as)

# Take this online handwriting analysis and receive the report on ur e-mail,its really amazing ;)
Main Site

# Career Pointer

# Handwriting analysis samples + another samples page

Download this great Sheila Lowe Handwriting Analysis Software demo- it is a reference to different types of writing in it self ?!! really advanced but with some features turned off (you choose your handwriting from reset samples) .

Get a paper you wrote in the past or write one instantly about interesting thing to you then proceed....>Analyze your handwriting online

Download this handwriting & signature analysis software nice & not complicated.

cover covercovercovercover    

  Quote"" They say, as long as at least one person cares for you, life isn't a waste. So, when things go terribly wrong, and you feel like giving up, Please remember.. I'm here.""

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The site design is made by Mohammed S. Anwar. All the compiled informations & links are personal effort and 
gathered from different resources on the internet and from books, it is not my own creativity, but i just compiled 
what I thought that it is interesting ,in my own writing style . All the copyrights are reserved to the original authors. 
You are free to copy ,print, distribute any part of the site , in case you don't take any money or change any parts of it.