Rt 2 3889 75th St Boulder Colorado 80301(MAP) 303 449 0750 - FarmerJDE@aol.com |
Grass hay - Barn stored $4.00 a bale you pick it up Delivery for a fee by arrangement Call Fax or email the numbers above Hay will be available in late June |
Boulder County Farmers' Market Every Saturday 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Downtown Boulder 13th St between Canyon Bl. and Arapahoe Ave.(MAP) See Farmer John & Dennis, stop by the stand for fresh organic produce |
Produce for Sale by Farmer John 7/15/98 Fresh Organic Apricots, Fresh Organic Bing Cherries, Organic Rhubarb, Organic peaches Kermit & Neon Japanese Eggplant seedlings, Red Apple and Sweet Chocolate peppers |
Tomato Seedling Planting tips | Rhubarb Recipes |
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