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Here are my programs that don't need much disk space.

If you have problems watching applets or downloading programs please visit  

this or this alternate link!

All of them are free.

Please push the button of the selected program to see full description:

This program will discover the amount of time which you lose near computer.

The small applet to decorate your page

This Java applet is to decorate banners

The applet is not ready yet! You can just view it, without dowloading.

Java applet to create a site control panel.

This applet replaces the "X" sign that appears on Web instead of the images with the custom color.

This small program allows to test COM-ports of PC

Another Java applet as a button

Menu applet with candle effect

Java menu with clock

Simpe Java button

Non-button navigation menu with circle effect

Java menu with blur effect

Picture scroll with "lines" effect (java applet)

This program will show you all processes currently running in Windows 95/98 with a posibility to add/clear processes in Ctrl+Alt+Del menu. New version 1.1 just released!

Simple winter snow applet

Clock java applet

The decorative applet that shows moving boa head.

Another interactive applet based on circle

©2001 Tatiana Konstantinova

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