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John Powell's Rocketry Page

Updated 03/06/2023, 9:55 P.M. mountain time.

A picture of my LOC/Precision Lil' Nuke rocket at liftoff on a flight in which it got 100' up and went horizontal.(Engine: F22-7)

My name is John Powell. I am a member of C.R.A.S.H. (Colorado Rocketry Association Of Space Hobbyists). I am also NAR (National Association Of Rocketry) #75044.

My rocket fleet, including rare Estes kits. CATOs my rockets have suffered

Updated 3/6/23!My Rocket Motor Collection Added pictures of Estes A5-2 motors and updated the nozzle photo of the 1969/1970 Estes motors to include the A5-2.

My Rocket Pictures Page

Updated 5/6/21!Rocket videos page

Paracalc parachute size calculator and other rocketry software

Coming soon: My LDRS 22 Photos!! -> still need to review. Likely need to re-do site first due to lack of storage.

Great rocket links

Current Project: Certifying level two. I attempted to certify level two at LDRS XXII, and my flight, while not successful, went ok, reaching an altitude of just over 3900 feet (the actual altitude was stored in my planner and was lost when my planner died.). The rocket, named Bluebird, is 3" in diameter and about 6' tall. Its carbon fiber composite fins and coupler were built by Tom Aspenwall. I launched it on a Pro38 J285. Recovery deployment was via a Missileworks RRC2 altimeter. Thanks to Jim Amos of Missileworks for rental of the Pro38 casing. The drogue 'chute deployed perfectly, but my main chute didn't deploy. The rocket suffered no damage on landing, though. A pic of the rocket on the pad (at LDRS) just prior to launch on J285 power is below. The pic is thanks to Chuck Luciano. I have since tried again at a Northern Colorado Rocketry launch. In that launch, the main chute failed to deploy due to the altimeter battery disconnecting internally when the drogue was deployed. Again, the rocket suffered only very minor damage. I was going to try again the next day, but a sudden gust of wind blew the rocket off a table and broke the lower coupler and smashed the electronics bay. I have since repaired the rocket, but will most likely use a LOC/Precision Big Nuke I built, with an electronics bay set up for two altimeters. RockSim predicts 1680' with a Pro38 J270G motor or 1716' with the J285 I've used before.

Past Project: Certifying level one. I have a LOC/Precision Graduator that has fiberglass reinforced fillets on the fins. I launched on the second of January, 2000. The motor I used was an H128.

My certification flight took place on January 2, 2000, and was a success. The H128 motor launched on the first attempt, and my model A1 altimeter said my rocket reached an altitude of 2645 feet AGL. I hope I was the first person to certify level one this milennium. A pic of the launch is below. Click it to see it full size.

Some good rocketry links:

Northern Colorado Rocketry club page. A NAR and Tripoli section.
Colorado Rocketry Association of Space Hobbiests, NAR Section #482
The Rocket Forum
JimZ Rocket Plans - a repository of plans for OOP rocket kits.
Ye Olde Rocket Shop - has forums, more OOP rocket plans with many lesser known brands represented, decals and more.
Eureka Products - makes a tracker that has been recommended on the rocketry forum for locating rockets. I had a friend hide my transmitter in a field and I got within a foot. I have now launched the transmitter in a rocket, and it worked well. The ultralight transmitter will fit in a 29mm diameter rocket.

The Rocket Garden - a Colorado rocket vendor
Missileworks - Maker of altimeters and tracking electronics. A Colorado company. MotoJoe - a Colorado motor and parts vendor, often at NCR launches.
Estes Rockets - low to midpower kits and black powder engines.
Aerotech Consumer Aerospace - kits and composite motors
Cesaroni Composite Rocket Motors (ProX series of motors)
Loki Research high power composite rocket motors
Quest Aerospace - low to midpower rocket kits and Q-Jet composite motors by Aerotech
LOC/Precision and Public Missiles Rocketry - low to high power rocket kits. I have more of their kits than of any other company.
DG&A High Power Rockets
Scott Binder Rockets - mid and high power rockets, some very unique designs. I have one that looks like a huge 30-06 cartridge.
Mad Cow Rocketry - mid and high power rockets. I have a 4" PAC-3 and have ordered parts from them as well
Apogee Components
WildMan Rocketry - Kits (own and others'), parts, and motors from the major vendors. I've ordered parts from them.
Giant Leap Rocketry - their own kits, composites and other parts. I've ordered parts from them.
Sirius Rocketry - webstore with kits (own and others'), parts and motors.
Rocketarium - An online store with a good selection of smaller kits
Mac Performance rocketry - high power rocket kits with canvas phenolic parts
Mach 1 Rocketry - BT size (Estes size) and larger low and midpower fiberglass rockets
Composite Warehouse - Fiberglass high power rocket kits and parts.


Rocketry Ring

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is owned by John Powell.

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