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more Walking Sticks,

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In Politically Correct Terms, this is a Bear Walking Stick. However, there is no guarantee that this stick will ward off any bear attacks. With the bell on it, it is a good way to let the bear, or any other animal, know that you are in the area.
Please click directly on a stick below for a larger, more detailed view of the individual walking sticks.

In laymen’s terms this stick works well as a dinner bell for the bear. The bear may even use the stick as a toothpick after it is done eating its meal. This walking stick does serve a purpose as a good walking stick to assist you in your nature walks.

Please remember to be cautious and respect the brute force that wild animals may assert on those of us wilderness adventure seekers, at all times.

Produced by:

The Clark Family

To place an order for more Bear Walking Sticks please call the Clark family at (970) 921-4995, write the Clark family at P.O. Box 82, Crawford, Colorado 81415 or you can e-mail us.

Click here to cycle through
the first of seven (7) enlarged pictures of walking sticks.

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