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TC&W Online
Photo Galleries

Welcome to the Twin Cities & Western Railraod Online Photo Galleries!

The camera, a great invention  Welcome to the Twin Cities & Western Railroad Online Photo Galleries. In these pages you will find an extensive collection of TC&W photos as well as photos of other railroads it interacts with. This is the largest collection of TC&W photos on the Internet that I know of. If you have reason to disagree, please, let me know. This collection will continue to grow, hopefully at a rapid pace. Most of the photos are of the eastern part of the TC&W system, but that will soon change with a drivers license coming soon! So please, sit back and enjoy the photos.
Note: Only one page of photos for each category is available right now so I could get things up and running sooner. The rest will be posted soon, along with additional photos.

Locomotive Photos 
 In these pages you will find photos of TC&W locomotives. Sadly, I didn't pick up the camera till after the GP10s and SD20s left the TC&W, although there are some GP10 and SD20 photos in the "Contributor Photos" page. There are photos of every GP20C and GP30C that the TC&W has. Didn't let any of them get away!
Rolling Stock Photos 
  Here you will find photos of TC&W rolling stock, owned and leased. Although the TC&W is a grain railroad, it still owns cars other than covered hoppers, such as box cars, gondolas, open hoppers, and other types. Come and take a peek at the TC&W's rolling stock.
261 Steam Engine Photos - Under Construction
  The Milwaukee Road 4-8-4 261 has run multiple excursions on TC&W rails. The most recent being June 29-30 and July 1 for the Milwaukee Road Historical Society. On this page will be photos of it running. All photos are taken by me, unless noted otherwise. Long live steam!
  Night Pictures 
  The follow page contains night photos. This isn't the largest collection, but enough to give you an idea of what the TC&W looks like at night. Currently I am experimenting with night photography, and hopefully I will get it down quickly and post more photos.
Misc Photos - Under Construction
  This is where all the photos that can't be posted anywhere else will be put. These include MoW equipment, odd rolling stock, depots and other things. At the moment this page is rather small compared to others, but it will continue to grow as the others do.
 Contributed TC&W Photos 
 This is where I post photos people have sent me. Mainly TC&W, but a few BNSF photo have managed to slip their way onto the pages. Thank You to all who have already contributed, this site wouldn't be as complete without these contributions.
 Scenic Photos 
 This page is of photos that have no trains in them, just tracks and trees or whatever pops up along the tracks. In this following page there is a special section of four photos taken at the same spot at four different seasons.

BNSF Photos 
  This page is of the action the BNSF offers in the Twin Cities and surrounding citys. BNSF is the biggest player in the Twin Cities with the CP coming in second. I was told that this site needed some BNSF and SOO/CP photos, so here are they are.

SOO & CP Photos 
  This page is of the SOO & CP in the Twin Cities of Minnesota. The CP is the second largest player in the Twin Cities. Although the SOO is no more, its tracks are alive with some of the original engines still in SOO colors for a limited time. I was told that this site needed some photos of other railoads, so here are some SOO & CP Photos.

Thank You for taking the time to look at my photo pages. If you have any photos that you would like to contribute, you can send them to me here. If there is something you would like to tell me, or see, please, let me know.

Copyright © 1998-2001 Mike B. All rights reserved.
Photos for personal use only. All rights reserved by original owner of image.
This site and me are in no way connected with the Twin Cities & Western Railroad Co.
All information posted on these pages was gained from individuals, MNRail list, separate web sites, my own knowledge and/or my own observations. Reproduction or redistribution in any form without express written permission is prohibited.