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March 10,1998 January 22,2000

This page is dedicated to my litte Granddaughter, Vanda Brooklynn. She was just 20 months old when on January 22, 2000 we lost her at the hands of a person who may or may not have
understood the severity of the results that can happen when you shake a baby. "Shaken Baby Syndrome" is an alarming and heart breaking tradgedy that happens all too often.
Over 1200 infants are hospitalized each year in the U.S. alone, from this violent crime. It is my hopes that this will educate people a little further on this major cause of death in infants and toddlers. If I am able to save just one person the heart wrecking pain of loosing a child to this, then my efforts will have been worth while and Brookie's death will not have been totally in vain.
I have listed some sites in my links that relate to this subject. Please take the time to check them out. They are worth while and of interest to this terrible problem. Some are personal sites of others that have had to encounter this in their lives, while others are of educational value and add support to victims and their families.
Please feel free to email me and sign my guest book before you leave. You will also find where you can adopt your own "Guardian Angel" to watch over you.

A Loving and Lonely Grandma

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When somebody dies, a cloud turns into
an angel, and flies up to tell God
to put another flower on a pillow.
A bird gives the message back to
the world, and sings a silent prayer
that makes the rain cry. People dis-
appear, but they never really go away.
The spirits up there put the sun to
bed, wake up grass, and spin the
earth in dizzy circles. Sometimes you
can see them dancing in a cloud during
the day-time, when they're supposed
to be sleeping. They paint the rain-
bows and also the sunsets and make
waves splash and tug at the tide.
They toss shooting stars and listen to
wishes. And when they sing wind-
songs, they whisper to us, don't
miss me too much. The view is nice
and I'm doing just fine.

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I will sing to you,
while you sleep,
O' precious heart,
try not to weep,
of days ahead,
I shall be strong,
To be with you,
my heart will long,
for the love I feel so deep,
I pray O Lord
my soul to keep,
the memory of you,
a joyous one,
you'll be my light,
my eternal sun,
and from the dark,
my heart must wake
as life persist,
a prayer I make,
my dearest Lord,
your soul to take.

Lisa Knipp
January 2000

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