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Here are some great ideas for a theme on "Picnics" Hope you enjoy!
ABC'S of a perfect Picnic
Read aloud one of your favorite picnic books to give students a wealth of ideas for this picnic project. Challenge students to think of something they could take to or see at a picnic that begins with their letter. Invite students to draw or paint on construction paper the object that represents the letter and then label it with that letter. Invite students to place their picnic artwork on a large butcher paper to create an alphabet picnic mural.
Invite each student to bring a favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal to school for a special teddy bear picnic. Place a few balnkets around the classroom or under a shady tree. Read aloud "The Teddy Bear's Picnic" while students sit on the blankets with their bear or stuffed animal. Invite students to enjoy bear-shaped graham crackers for snack.
(To the tune of "Going on a Bear Hunt") I'm going on a picnic, Want to come along?, Okay let's go, There's an anthill ahead, Can't go over it.,Can't go under it.,Have to go around it!,Tip toe, Tip toe!,There's a pool ahead,can't go over it.,Can't go under it.,Have to swim through it!,Swish,Swish,Swish, Swish
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