Grog Bowl Ceremony


MC:  Cavalry Grog has a long tradition of identifying true cavalrymen.  The punch’s ferocity and keen taste can be savored by those old cavalry troopers who spur their way to victory.  To others, it is a poison, with the sting of a scorpion, the bite of a cobra, and the kick of a mule.  Although we are proud warriors of the present, none must forget the past.  To honor those cavalrymen who have come before us I add the remains of the grog from years past. 

     We must first have a base.  Our base has been boiled by the heat of battle, drawn by our sabers as we charged our enemies, and cooled by our victories which encompass the world.  I now lay the base of cavalry blood.



     From 1866 to 1890, the Regiment was instrumental in the campaigns against the Indians.  Life on the frontier was difficult and the Indians were a tenacious and resourceful adversary.  During this time the Regiment was almost destroyed during its darkest hour at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.  From that defeat, and the death of its gallant leader, George Armstrong Custer, the Garryowen arose like a phoenix and continued on to further glory.


HHT:  To commemorate the creation of the Regiment in 1866, and in recognition of their glorious deeds on the plains, protecting settlers and maintaining law and order in the West, and in honor of all the gallant cavalrymen on the Indian Wars, I add Sky Blue Vodka to represent the “Big Sky” of their battlefields.


MC:  In 1898, the war with Spain was declared and the horse soldiers deployed to Cuba where they remained until 1902.  The speed and shock effect of the cavalry brought the war to a swift end.  The Apache Troop will now add the next ingredient to the grog.


A TRP:  To the Rough Riders of that period who defeated the Spanish and pacified Cuba, we now add Cuban Rum.


MC:  The last horse cavalry combat in the western hemisphere was the result of Pancho Villa’s attack on Columbus, New Mexico in 1916.  General John Joseph BLACKJACK Pershing launched the Punitive Expedition into Mexico and halted for all time hostile action against our borders.  The Blackhawk Troop will add the next ingredient to the grog.


B TRP:  In recognition that it was the cavalry that forever secured our dusty desert borders from hostile attacks I now add tequila.


MC:  In early 1943, the 7th Cavalry turned in its horses to become an infantry regiment.  During WWII as a part of the 1st Cavalry Division, the Regiment’s colors flew into battles across the Pacific from the Admiralty Islands to the Phillipines, securing battle streamers and a place in history for defeating the Japanese.  The Regiment provided General MacArthur’s honor guard in Tokyo as a reward for their actions.  The Comanche Troop will now add to the grog. 


C TRP:  For the mounted soldiers who saw service in the Pacific, and to appease the great and treacherous Pacific Ocean, I offer San Miguel Beer from the Phillipines.


MC:  On June 25th, 1950 North Korea launched a massive surprise attack against our allies in the South.  Garryowen soon found itself in a desperate fight against the communist human waves in the Pusan Perimeter.  1-7 was instrumental in turning the tide of the war and distinguished itself throughout the next three years, including a 116 mile advance into North Korea.  Outlaw Troop will now add to the grog.


D TRP:  In honor of Garryowen’s tremendous sacrifices in the frozen hell that was Korea, against the massed and savage red hordes that died on regimental blades, we add that potent and devious extract known as Soju.


MC:  In the 1960s, the Army needed proven warriors to exploit a new form of warfare, airmobile operations.  On November 14, 1965 on Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley of South Vietnam, the Squadron faced a full three regiments of the North Vietnamese Army.  Over a day of heavy fighting, 1-7 destroyed one enemy regiment and significantly mauled two more.  It was the first large tactical victory for the US and a validation of Airmobile operations.  Garryowen fought with honor throughout Vietnam and returned home in 1972.  Bountyhunter will now add to the grog.


E TRP:  Representing the gallons of sweat our soldiers gave in the steaming jungles of Vietnam and the liquid with which Garryowen Troopers quenched their thirst, I add warm Budweiser.


MC:  In August 1990 Saddam Hussein chose to invade Kuwait.  In September Garryowen deployed with the 1st Cavalry Division to Saudi Arabia as part of Desert Shield.  As the Division’s reconnaissance element, the Squadron helped teach the dictator the error of his ways as the US Army routed his forces and liberated Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm.  Fox Troop will now add to the grog.


F TRP:  The Persian Gulf War taught us that with the addition of our tanks, our Bradleys, and our aircraft, we had worthy replacements for our old cavalry steeds.  To salute the war, we add sand, and for our new dedicated workhorses, we add their lifeblood, JP-8.


MC:  Sir, as commander of 1st Squadron, 7th United States Cavalry, and the Senior Spur Holder, I offer you the first glass of our ceremonial grog.


Squadron Commander:  I declare this foul brew is in no way fit for human consumption.  There is something missing…

     In recognition of those fallen Cavalrymen who hang their hat and drink at Fiddler’s Green, I now add this French Champagne.

     That is perfect, this grog is fit for cavalrymen’s consumption.

MC:  Commanders, charge your glasses.  One individual from each table is invited to come forward to charge their table’s carafe.

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