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Name: Benji Bentrum
Age: 19
Height: 5'9
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Nationality: Polish, French Canadian
Job: Clerk at Halden's Books
Hobbies: Reading, walking (not for excersize)
Music: Classical and jazz (Mozart, Freddie Hubbard)
Other: Benji is basically a cutie with an attitude. He never smiles, unless he finds the misfourtune of others amusing. Benji HATES little kids, and tiny, furry animals... like poodles. Oh how he loathes poodles. Benji can usually be found with his nose in a book while listening to classical music, unless Jojo is blasting his head-banging, heavy metal music. His temper is short, and isn't afraid to use violence to shut people up. Benji doesn't like to talk about his childhood, or anything about his past for that matter. Beth and Jojo are the only ones who know Benji well, and quite frankly they don't blame Benji for not wanting to talk about his past.

Name: Joseph (Jojo) Algono
Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: Albanian
Job: Clerk at Starwberries
Hobbies: Playing video games, taking showers, collecting Cabbage Patch Kids
Music: Hard rock, punk, and dance (Atreyu, Hot Hot Heat, DDR soundtracks)
Other: Jojo comes from an extremely Albanian family. He was born in the United States a little while after his parents moved there from Albania, so he speaks both English and Albanian. Jojo is an optomistic, outgoing guy (which is quite opposite of Benji). He isn't the brightest crayon in the box, so at times his naivety can can cause problems, making situations worse. He can't sit still for too long, and likes noise, so he's usually out and about at places like the mall or arcades. Jojo has a strange obsession with taking showers, so his showers can last for hours. He also likes to collect Cabbage Patch Kids....*cough*.

Name: Bethany (Beth) Bentrum
Age: 21
Height: 5'7
Hair: Blonde with red tips
Eyes: Blue
Nationality: Polish, French Canadian
Job: Waitress at bar
Hobbies: Eating, drinking, singing
Music: Rock, dance, and easy listening (Luscious Jackson, Evanescence)
Other: Beth is Benji's older cousin. She loves to drink beer, and can hold her liquor quite well for a girl her size and age. She is a waitress at a bar, and often participates in drinking contests. Beth is a happy-go-lucky kind of girl, and somewhat of a ditz. She tries to look out for Benji as best she can, but she usually ends up being the one getting taken care of. Because of her looks, men tend to hit on her a lot. Dispite the fact that she can probably get any guy she wants, Beth chooses to remain single for unknown reasons.

Name: Roncheska (Ron) Kulak
Age: 20
Height: 5'8
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Nationality: Russian
Job: Clerk at Hot Topic
Hobbies: Drawing, shopping
Music: Alternative, metal, techno (ArcAngel, NIN, System of a Down)
Other: Ron is a goth chick who has class, good looks, and attitude. She's usually very serious about things, but enjoys a good laugh or joke every once in a while. She seems to have issues with her parents and homelife, and hates to talk about it. Like Benji, she hates little kids, but oddly enough she likes babies (according to Ron, babies are cute until they learn how to talk and think). Ron is well known in the Hot Topic community, but in the outside world she is feared upon... which she finds amusing. One thing she really hates is her name, which people cannot spell nor pernounce.

Name: Kurt Zimmer
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: German, Scottish
Job: Stalker
Hobbies: Collecting vintage Playboy, finding the perfect pet
Music: Classic rock, 80's, oldies (Queen, Bon Jovi, Johnny Cash)
Other: To many people, Kurt is nothing more than a pervert. To those who know him best, Kurt is a huge pervert with a purpose... A purpose to score with Beth and any other fine girl that walks his way. Dispite his dirty thought process, Kurt is generally a nice guy with a good sense of humor. He shares an apartment with Ron, but they're nothing more than good friends. When he's not stalking Beth, he's out trying to find the perfect pet... other than Dog. He had some bad childhood experiences with his pets, and vowed to find a pet that wouldn't mysteriously die on him. Believe it or not, Kurt is a pretty decent fighter, but he doesn't reveal or use his skills much at all.

Name: Dog
Age: 4
Height: 1'4
Hair: Tan/Brown
Eyes: Black
Nationality: Mutt
Job: Kurt's pet
Hobbies: Doing his doggie business
Other: First of all, Dog is cool enough to have the only colored profile picture, okay? I just wanted you to know that... Dog is a dog if you couldn't tell. Sure, he has his doggie habits, but he really isn't your average dog. Dog has his jealous and rebelious moments, especially when Kurt brings home new pets. He loves peeing on Kurt's furniture, and is just simply a very cool dog.

Name: Art Halden
Age: 23
Height: 5'11
Hair: Balck
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: African American
Job: Clerk at Halden's Books
Hobbies: Reading
Other: Art is Benji's co-worker and Mr. Halden's grandson. He will someday take over the business, so Mr. Halden is training him to be "the boss". Art is a mellow and level-headed guy, and has a good sense of humor and responsibilty. He takes care of his grandfather and most of the things around the store, but doesn't have much time for a social life.

Name: Mr. Halden
Age: 78
Height: 5'0
Hair: None
Eyes: Never open
Nationality: African American
Job: Owner of Halden's Books
Hobbies: Gun collecting, hiding his medication
Other: Mr. Halden is one crazy, old bastard. He likes pointing guns at people, and has a huge collection of assorted guns. He refuses to take his medication, and therefore acts crazy all the time. He was supposed to teach Art how to run the store, but instead spends most of his time polishing his guns and talking in a fake Southern accent. He loves his store, and lives above it in a small apartment.

Name: The Master Bait
Nationality: Earth worm?
Job: Super hero
Hobbies: Getting chased by cops, helping those in need
Other: The Master Bait is the world's best distraction! He's some guy running around in a giant worm-with-a-hook costume, and if you ever need to get out of a tight jam, just shout his name "MASTER BAIT!" really loud for everyone to hear.

Special Guests

Name: Orlando Bloom
Nationality: British
Job: Actor
Other: He was kidnapped by Jojo for a Christmas present for Benji, but that kind of backfired. He then partnered up with Johnny Depp and together they kidnapped Benji and Jojo. For some reason they brought Benji and Jojo to Hollywood, and there Orli got hit in the face with a half-digested taco. He eventually left to return to his normal life... and to feed his dog or something.

Name: Johnny Depp
Job: Actor
Other: He was kidnapped by Benji as a Christmas present for Jojo, and his favorite word is fuckmook. He ate a spoiled cake, and lived to tell the tale. He then partnered up with Orlando Bloom and together they kidnapped Benji and Jojo. For some reason they brought Benji and Jojo to Hollywood, and there Johnny got chased by fangirls. He eventually left to return to his normal life in France.
