The Spring Cup at the Dartmouth Golf and Country Club Trip (Day 1)

Day one:.... After meeting in the Totnes Cafe and stuffing our faces with a full monty we descended onto the Dartmouth Golf and Country Club...... When we got there the weather was O.K, just a bit of drizzle. The Northen B, Granty, Big John and The Ball Finder couldnt wait to get out there so they played the nine hole course. The rest of us had a couple of beers then went to the driving range...... By the time they got back the weather had turned nasty and the greedy ones had taken the four rooms that were available at the time then we grabbed our buggies and went to the first tee. The wind was blowing and the rain was peeing down. We all teeded off, got stuck into our hip flasks(Muck the armanac man had a bit too much and nearley crashed his buggy and we all had a good laugh. Burgs, Phil, Mucky and Trickey made it to the 13th hole but the rest gave up after the ninth. We then raided the bar had dinner and all got completely langered, with some of us losing more than a few quid to Phil and Burgs at poker and Granty fell asleep on a sofa with a pint in his hand.Mucky staggered off to bed at 8:30. Tarquin and Trickey were the last to bed. The days play was a bit of a let down with the nearest the pin prizes going to Yoda and Northen B (ND)

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The Spring Cup Day 2
The Spring Cup Day 3
Piss artists impressions of Torquay
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