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Tube Spotting -
Or celebrities on the tube
Seen anyone famous?
This page was last updated 10th April 2004

STOP PRESS - What's Anthea Turner got in common with a whole lot of mice?Check out my page tube animals

I must say that of all of the people I've seen travelling on the tube I've almost never seen anyone famous. Is it just me? Or how do they travel about. Please let me know through the guestbook if you've spotted anyone famous.

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Celebrity Spotting
I must obviously be travelling on the wrong trains, because a writer from the Evening Standard's magazine ES claims (in the last few months alone) to have seen the following: Jonathan Miller, Edward Fox, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Julian Barnes and Tony Banks. He goes on to say: "the fact is, that London is the only city in Britain where the rich and successful use public transport in numbers". Which is because "driving your big, fat car into the middle of town is most definitely not 'funky' and incipient gridlock is making that increasingly obvious". Despite the fact you're also more likely to get ignored and fined if you're the Prime Minister or his wife, click here for more on this.

Also ex Skids pop singer, Richard Jobson, who has just produced series of films about travelling on the tube (more about that later) claims to "live" on the Victoria Line and regularly sees playwright Mike Leigh. He insists the celebrities involved in his film project are regular Tube users "Look at Ewan (McGregor)" he says he goes everywhere by Tube and no one recognises him because of that beard".

Someone who signed my guestbook saying there have been sightings of Tony Blair on the tube jogged my memory, so that I have seen someone more famous than Jack Doherty and Patricia Brake....It's Ian Hislop

If you're from England he doesn't need much introduction. He's the editor of the satirical magazine Private Eye and also a team leader on the highly popular (although I can't stand it) TV quiz show Have I Got News For You?. This is a smug look at the news each week where pretty famous politicians and other "satirical" types come on and have a laugh at figures in the news. It's hosted by the supremely smug Angus Deayton.

Mr Hislop is remarkably short and apart from that looks exactly like he does on the TV, except more hassled, and miserable and rushed. But then again, he was on the tube so what could I expect.

Any sightings of celebs other than Ian Hislop, Jack Doherty and Patricia Brake are welcome in the guestbook. Thanks

This one came from Jon Barker:

"Not entirely if he fits into the category of "celeb" but when I was working at Euston I had the slightly dubious pleasure of not once but twice sharing a Victoria line car with Sir Bernard Ingham... he of the rightward leaning eyebrows.... I resisted the temptation to ask how his neighbours were :) Great site! Regards JON"

Also from Hazel who signed the guestbook

"My husband and I sat next to Christopher Eccleston on the Piccadily Line on Thursday afternoon (2nd March 2000). He was reading a script at the time. Cool!"

This one's from Gavin in Portsmouth

"I'm pretty certain I saw Graham Coxon (he of Blur) on the Bakerloo line, southbound, wearing a dark green raincoat, with hood, on a dry and sunny day, in April 2000. He was stood holding on to two supports and looking moody, and got off at Piccadilly Circus. So that was nice.!"

And another sighting here from Stuart Anderson of Guildford

"If you're interested, I recall seeing the actor Derren Nesbitt (Where Eagles Dare, Oh You Are Awful, etc.) on the northbound Bakerloo platform at Waterloo about three years ago."

Here's something from Iain Mason from Glasgow:

"In 1995 I saw Phil Jupitus and Billy Bragg deep in conversation at Embankment station, waiting for a Westbound train. Wasn't Phil Billy's manager? This would seem to explain it.

"In 1997 I sat opposite the actor (not George Cole - I don't know his name) from Dad and other BBC sitcoms, and we helped a boozed-up Aussie do the Standard crossword (she was shouting out clues and eveyone else was ignoring her). He was a thoroughly good bloke."

A little snippet from Adam Hall from Winchester:

"I've seen a few celebs on the U.ground, which I suppose is pretty rare considering they would usually use the taxis. However, I can only remember one of the names so here goes. I was returning to Waterloo on the Northern line (bottom firmly on a seat) when I saw Mark Thomas (presenter of Channel4's The Mark Thomas Product) standing up and reading the Evening Standard, and looking thoroughly miserable. My eyes were fixed on him such that I didn't see the pregnant lady standing up next to me. (oops breaking a tube rule there Adam - The Mole)

"My father lived in London during the Sixties, and later commuted there (he still does, the poor old thing). He told me of various people he saw in London including Alfred Hitchcock, but then he wasn't exactly on the Underground. However, he did see John Laurie, in the 1970s (who played Frazer in Dad's army) on the U.ground. He said that Laurie was just like 'Frazer' in real life i.e. looking totally mad!

Here's a top sighting from Aaron from Stratford, London

"I sat next to Anne Robinson of "The Weakest Link" and BBC "Watchdog" she was so friendly we had a chat about the miserable people opposite us and why people stare at you on the tube, Anne says stare back and eye them up and down and they get the hint. She's such a nice woman compared to the tyrant we imagine on telly."

I think this is really really famous and comes from Robert Cumming from New Zealand

"I also want to add that I sat next to Elizabeth Hurley on the Central line one day. She was actually pretty nice."

Here's a sighting from Dave in London:

"Re your comments about famous people spotted on the tube. I travel regularly from Wimbledon and often see Leslie Grantham (Dirty Den Eastenders). It is quite fascinating to see how many people move away from edge of platform when they see him. The price of fame I suppose."

This one's from Claire Atkins in London:

"Re famous people on the tube - I have frequently seen Ken Livingstone (top man!) AND Douglas Hurd - who very kindly gave up his seat to a lady standing nearby. And, yes, I have seen Mr Hislop too - who actually I thought seemed better looking in real life than on telly, and was immaculately dressed."

Good one from Ian Ivory from Scotland:

"I once saw John Prescott stuffing his oversized face with a Gregg's bridie on the Circle Line......"

Another one from Andy Elms in Bracknell:

"Great Site! Regarding Celeb spotting, I thought I saw Frank ("Its a Cracker") Carson on the Victoria line. His identity was confirmed by the group of blokes sitting opposite, saying "was that..." after he had left."

One from a person simply calling himself The Chap at The Back:

"Saw the man(?) Boy George the other day. Not bad looking, for a chap."

Nick from Bayswater is obviously travelling on a well celebrity visited line:

"First Cat Deeley... made eye contact a few times from opposite end of the carriage. I was thinking 'she wants me', she was thinking 'stop staring at me'. Next up former Torquay Utd assistant manager and author of My Left Foot (or something like that) Gary Nelson. Finally the chubby guy from that Ch4 motoring programme. Don't know his name but he looked hung over and irritable... well it was Edgware Road!"

A very very minor celeb sighting from Sara from the Midlands:

"Me and my mates saw AMMA from Big Brother2, on the Piccadilly Line going to Leicester Sq in January 2002 not that she's a celebrity, I'm better known than her for being on local radio! Still she was a mardy trout and turned her nose up when we said hey! We just laughed at her!"

Now a much more popular sighting from Chris from London:

"I was sat near to Graham Norton a few months back on the Central Line. He got on at Mile End at off at Oxford Circus, he looked like a scruffy vagrant and was engrossed by his crossword. No one else noticed him cos they were all foreign!"

Another good sighting from Elisa K from Manchester:

"Thanks for the hilarious read! I just thought I'd tell you that we once took the tube with Sir Richard Branson. Like Tony Blair, he didn't follow the "take a seat when there are many seats" rule and hung out at a pole with his companion - tres obvious!

Here's an addition from William Arthurs.

"Further to the reported sightings of Mike Leigh on the Victoria Line, I was going home one evening a few months ago from Oxford Circus to Finsbury Park and a man with a beard got on at Warren street and came and sat opposite me. I know nothing about films and do not go to the cinema, so I had no idea who he was. Within a few seconds, a young fan came and sat next to me and started being very adulatory, annoying, etc. to the man with the beard. That was how I figured out that I was sitting opposite a celebrity - a film director whose name was Mike.

"How to rid oneself of the attentions of the fan? With a stroke of genius, Mike Leigh asked us where we were both going - "Victoria" said the fan, "Finsbury Park" said I. "You're on the wrong train, we're going Northbound, you want the Southbound Victoria line. So, I think you'd better change at the next stop" said Mike Leigh authoritatively to the fan."

An up and coming celeb spotted by Brett: "I spotted an upcoming celebrity on the tube last week. His name is Layke Anderson. He recently did a spread in Attitude Magazine and I would have known that face anywhere. He played the small part of an X-Kid called Doug Ramsey (Cypher) in X-Men 2 and is making lots of indie films in London at the moment and is friends with Keira Knightley." - one to watch I spose.

Danielle said "I saw Aaron from S club juniors on the tube once!" (I wouldn't have recognised him, I could possibly just about recognise the old S Club Seven.

And from youngsters I wouldn't recognise to a youngster who was born way, way before me but I would have recognised. Steve Cobham from Milton Keynes said: "When I was about 11, I went to London with my parents and saw a very young Dennis Waterman. At the time he played William Brown in BBC TV's "Just William".

A related spot here from Mike "When on holidays I saw George Cole (Arthur from Minder) on the Piccadilly Line" (Denis Waterman went on to star in the 80's TV series Minder.)

Now a major celeb spot from Nigel in Wimbledon: "I was sitting beside Will Young on the District Line between Wimbledon & Ladbroke Grove last week. He is really nice, he gave me his autograph and offered me one of his Pringles." Bless......

A few pop sightings from Gary Sims: I've seen Jon Foxx (original singer with Ultravox when they were a half decent band on District Line) who I desperately regreted not saying a kind word to after, Marrianne Faithful (supreme chanteuse - Central Line train), Ken Russell (Maverick film maker who never sold out ! on platform of Tottenham Court Road), Mick Box (of Uriah Heap - Central Line), Matthew Kelly (extremely tall babe magnet on Stratford Station) & some feller who played Mexicans on telly & was in 'Mind your Language', a desperately sad 70's 'sitcom'. Apart from Mick Box, who I was rather rude to in a drink fuelled act of stupid bravado, I spoke to none of them." I don't think I would ever speak to them either to be honest.

After the lovely and charming Will Young above we have someone where you realise you shouldn't speak to celebs. Chizla wrote: "I was doing the daily commute on the Central Line one morning, and who did I see, but low level TV personality Mr Bradley Walsh. I whispered to my friend who I saw, at which point Bradley gave me an evil look and muttered something under his breath. A consummate professional." Nice one Bradley! Mnay people are probably thinking Bradley Who? But unfortunately he's going to be on Coronation Street soon, as Mike Baldwin's nephew, so he will become fairly famous through that and be even more up himself.

Oh dear, another celeb who didn't like people spotting him, why use public transport if you're going to have that attitude. Vicky Read from Hertfordshire, said "I was on the Circle Line coming back home from college one afternoon about the summer of 1997 and Rik Mayall got on a few stops after me. He just walked on, sat down diagonally to where I was sitting, opened up a newspaper and began reading. A few other people besides me also recognised him but not the two people either side of him or so it appeared. At the time I was a fan of him so I couldn't help but glance over at him every so often in the excitement.

"The first thing I noticed was the size of him when he sat down - he was quite a big guy! (I know they say the camera does add 10 pounds - maybe that was something to do with it). Anyway as the train pulled in to Baker Street he stood up with a real arrogant look on his face and had the the type of body language like he had stick up his a***. He really came across like he was above anything and everything. I used to be a big fan of him when he was in "The Young Ones" and "Bottom" but my opinion of him is not as good as it used to be. Oh well, maybe he was just having a bad day like we all do at times!! **** happens as they say!!!"

I've actually now seen a few people more famous than Ian Hislop and with my digital camera I've also managed to take a few pictures of some of them. They've been going up on my tube diary so check out John Hannah (from tube film Sliding Doors), Rob Brydon (Marion & Geoff), Matthew Kelly (Stars in Their Eyes), and Peter Davison (Dr Who), Gita out of EastEnders, Rageh Omar (The Scud Stud) but keep your sightings coming in through the guestbook.

Tube Tales - top film news
What do Denise Van Outen, Ewan McGregor and Jarvis Cocker have in common? Well apart from their names all having the letters O and E in them, not a lot. Well not until now. They've all got 'Tube Tales' in common.

Basically in November 1998 a series of 10 films were shot for U.K.'s Sky Premier channel which are all based on real life stories of strange happenings on the London Underground. I've been writing about this film for ages and it's finally premiering on Friday 19th November (1999) on Sky Premier. The storylines stretch from the turn of the century to the present day. It's now finally out on DVD and video

The project started when London listings magazine Time Out asked readers for contributions of tube stories.
Ewan McGregor and Jarvis Cocker direct some of them and Denise Van Outen is in one of them. Ewan's film Bone is about lost love (like he's ever experienced lost love - who in their right mind would dump Ewan???)

Van Outen (who used to host Channel 4's Big Breakfast TV show and is currently starring in the West End version of the musical Chicago, dyed her hair red (from blonde-ish) to play Alex in "Horny", where she wreaks revenge on a sleazy businessman on a tube journey. "Being here brings back lots of memories of travelling on the Tube as a schoolgirl," she said. "Rather like my character, I have used my sexuality a lot to get attention on the Tube. And as it is a confined space, they can't get away." Tell us about it Denise!!!

Denise was seen in a leather dress lying on a boat at the Cannes Film Festival promoting this film. Pictures of her in it from the more sleazy websites haven't hit the Net yet, but as soon as they do I'll have one here, unless I can find one from a newspaper site. I saw her on TV saying something like "leather gets you noticed and you know me I like to be noticed. However, it is a bit hot and sweaty for Cannes". Horny is directed by Stephen Hopkins, who also directed Lost In Space.

Here's a piece from Amy Jenkins' diary of the Cannes Film Festival. Amy used the direct/write the absolutely brilliant TV series This Life (why aren't there going to be any more Amy?)

"Next, it's the post-screening bash for a film I directed part of, called Tube Tales. I have my first encounter with the phenomenon of the Cannes Bouncer. He's keen, mean and doesn't feel he's done his job unless he's kept a director out of his own film or a starlet out of her own party. I am stopped at the door because I'm carrying a Hi-8 camera. I have permission to film but I can't face explaining in pidgin French so I attempt to breeze past. He grabs me; a tussle ensues.

It could have become quite nasty if someone behind me hadn't shouted in French: 'She's a director of the film!' I am in."

32 year old Amy Jenkins, was the first person Richard Jobson approached to direct Tube Tales. Her short film for Tube Tales is called "Mr Cool" and stars Dexter Fletcher from the hit Brit Film Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Her commments come from The Guardian newspaper:

"It's based on an incident, sent in by a Time Out reader, in which a packed train has to be evacuated, and a really cool bloke comes clattering down the stairs, squeezes his way past all the waiting passengers, jumps on the train, and then very meekly has to get off again because the train isn't moving.

"I'm fascinated by the Tube. We lived in south London but I went to school in north London so I spent most of my teenage years going up and down the Northern line. Or stuck in a tunnel."

Other stars in it (or directing it) are Ray Winstone in "My Father the Liar", and Daniela Nardini in "Mouth" (from This Life), (all brilliant British TV drama actors) Bob Hoskins, and Kelly Macdonald (who was the girl in Trainspotting!).

The films are due to be broadcast on Sky UK Premier in this Friday but may be on the cinema too.

The film's producer Richard Jobson is fascinated by Londoners' relationship with the Underground, which he calls "sado-masochistic". He believes the convention of tube travel is self absorption so any contact that does take place is intense because the senses are heightened (you can see some intense situations on my page Tube Etiquette) "When you take the tube," he says "you're constantly on red alert.....Tube Tales is all about that disconnectedness from other people. It's a microcosm for how we fail to communicate with each other. The Tube is all about not looking, not touching. It's a hermetically sealed bubble."

Kate Blow, the media facilities manager for London Transport, arranged the shoot and sat with the crew for their three month filming. My comments are in brackets. Kate said "Getting people to work and play is what we're about. But if we can help the film industry we will" (particularly as they must have coughed up a fair bit of money to shoot there for three months!) "Tube life is real can't expect them to build a replica Tube station or train. For Tube Tales, we used the Northern Line (the one which hardly goes anywhere, anyway) at East Finchley and parts of the Waterloo and City Line because it looks so modern (also never used at the weekend). But I don't know what will actually be in the film because so much can be left in the cutting room".

Bob Hoskins says his film "My Father, the Liar" tells the tale of a single dad: "He's picked up his kids to like give his old lady a day off. They then just go down the tube to take them out for the day, and the bloke slings himself on the lines". The father's played by Ray Winstone who's always been a huge fan of Bob Hoskins - and not such a huge fan of the tube: "You get on the tube of a morning, you're half asleep. You're coming home at night, you can't wait to get home. It's not my favourite form of travel. You can always tell when you've been on a tube - you smell of it".

The Guardian sums up Tube Tales very well:

"Here's the idea: take a bunch of actors including Bob Hoskins, Ewan McGregor, Jude Law (directing A Bird in The Hand, and writers such as Amy 'This Life' Jenkins and Armando Iannucci (a UK comedy writer). Next, get each of them to direct a short film, amounting to 10 stories based on the true-life experiences of London Underground passengers. Honestly, you wait ages for one well-known actor to direct his first short film, and then you get three together.

The talent is as solid in front of the camera as behind it, with Daniela Nardini, Ray Winstone and Rachel Weisz - who stars in Rosebud (another UK actor who's in the film The Mummy) appearing, not to mention Denise van Outen moving into film.

"The budget for Tube Tales is around £2m, and both McGregor and Hoskins could probably earn out their tiny salary by going for a short walk to the launderette, but they jumped at the project. So did Stephen Hopkins, the director of Lost in Space, who is used to an altogether grander production budget. A more recent success story, This Life writer Amy Jenkins recently trousered a cheque of £600,000 as an advance for her first novel, so she obviously isn't doing it for the money either. Tube Tales producer, former Skids front-man Richard Jobson, seems to have stirred up a spirit of idealism in his cast of directors: of taking part rather than winning.

"......In an anonymous room round the corner from the tube station, producer Richard Jobson is sitting in a swivel chair so shabby that its weeping insides have to be held in by gaffer tape. Above his head, a sign on the wall reads 'Keep room tidy! Cleaner won't clean!' Jobson takes a sip from a polystyrene cup of tea and studies his fingernails. 'Can't get the dirt out of my system,' he says finally. 'I'm tired. I need a break.'

"Shooting 10 films on the Underground was never going to be easy, but Jobson only has himself to blame. Some months ago, he successfully pitched Tube Tales to Sky Pictures. The idea came from a competition run through the London weekly listings magazine Time Out, asking readers to send in experiences, fantasies or insights inspired by Tube travel. The response was the literary equivalent of trying to enter Oxford Circus Tube station at 5.30pm. 'Some were by fledgling screenwriters, which were complete rubbish,' says Jobson. 'We wanted anecdotes based on something real.'......

"Being epileptic, Jobson doesn't drive so he is a battle-hardened Tube user. 'The most interesting part is going from Oxford Circus to King' s Cross every day. You're always in a state of alert, more receptive to things going wrong. Plus, I'm mildly claustrophobic, so when it stops in the tunnel and you can't breathe... it's very weird.'

"The psychological effects of listening to Jobson are pretty intense too, something like a clattering train that nearly leaves the rail several times a second. Hearing him marvel at how his project got from planning to shooting within six months while colleagues' film plans are still stuck in the tunnel after six years, you wonder how much it's down to his gift of the gab.......

"Had Jobson assembled a name cast of actors, and put them all together in one film, it could have ended up as one of those mega-star mulches that characterise British film at its worst, a sort of Yellowbeard meets Monte Carlo or Bust. Set them behind the camera, though, and it could be very different. At least, that's what Sky and Jobson are hoping.

"As we talk, the Tannoy crackles and a very un-Rada voice comes on: 'Owing to an unattended package at Chancery Lane, Central Line services are suspended between Marble Arch and Liverpool Street,' it says. Up and down the line, thousands will be 'experiencing delays' or 'seeking alternative routes' - all the usual euphemisms of life on the Underground. Here, there are enough packages lying around to close the Central line for a week, but no one takes any notice: there's no time for fire drills when you've only got £2m to pass around."

A link to the full Guardian Online article about this film can be found in the links below

Fascinating stuff, Get the DVD or video here.

Click on the links of actors and directors above and it should take you to information about their short film from the official Tube Tales site. The two other films you won't find in the links above are Grasshopper and Steal Away, featuring Don Warrington, a top black actor who starred in the hit 70's sit com Rising Damp. (So click on the links to get more info on them or buy the DVD or video here.

Party & Film on the tube
Scene from Die Another Day, Bond & Q in abandoned tube stationAnother place where you might see some celebrities is at Aldwych tube station. If you are a tourist with a fairly old tube map, or you last come to London over five years ago, you may be wondering what happened to Aldwych tube station.

The station opened in 1907 and was meant to be a brilliant terminus for the Great Northern and Strand railway. In fact no one hardly ever used it as it was quicker to walk along the Strand between Aldwych and Holborn. The station closed in 1994 and the Aldwych is now a happening venue for all sorts of showbiz parties, raves like underLondonground and video shoots.

Music videos shot there include ones by Kate Bush, Suede, see story below, The Prodigy, Boy George and Aqua (remember the video for the song "Turn Back Time" from the excellent film Sliding Doors (DVD) Gwynnie and John Hannah in Sliding Doors Sliding Doors starring Gwyneth Paltrow. Gwynnie and John Hannah in Sliding Doors That was a great concept for a film ((check out the reviews in the links above)) where catching or missing a tube has a massive effect on your life. Great scenes of London and Gwyneth Paltrow's English/London accent is truly excellent, she should have got her Oscar for that!). This is finally out on video in the UK. There's a good series of ads (on the Underground - where else!) about it, saying that catching the next train could change your life, and that speaking to the person next to you could change your life etc etc. Talking to the people next to you is not really advised, because if they talk back they are likely to be mad!! People just don't speak to each other on the Tube as a rule (see my tube rules page)

Most of the interior Sliding Doors tube scenes were also filmed at Aldwych although you see a lot of the outsides of stations too - Embankment and Bank mostly.

Victorian Love in a tube elevator - The Wings of the DoveAnother film which probably has the sexiest scene filmed on the London Underground is period drama "The Wings of The Dove" starring Oscar nominated - Helena Bonham Carter and Linus Roache. The adaptation of Henry James's novel opens in the London Underground with a scene director Iain Softley describes as "aggressively flirtatious". A very good review of the film by Wesley Morris on continues:

"As Kate Croy (Helena Bonham Carter) boards the subway, her eyes dart with ferocity. She spies a man on the train. He makes his way through the crowded car toward her. He stands in front of where she sits. The train's jerky motion sets his jacket wagging in her face. She's on the verge of an explosion. And so are we. The coat's suggestion is animal. They exit the train, head for an elevator, and make love".

Where was this shot? Barry Emmott would like us to do a bit of detective work on the film. He left a message on the message board (funnily enough) asking which station the above film was shot at as he has some footage of the film. I did a bit of detective work and managed to find that the opening shots are alleged to contain shots of someone going down in a lift at Dover Street station. Although Dover Street is the old name for Green Park before the surface buildings were relocated for the new-fangled escalators, the lift shots were not filmed in an LU lift because the lift has a large number of "floors" whereas Underground lifts only have 2 or three "floors". Or so I was told. Barry later heard that the station was Knightsbridge. Well here are a couple of picture Barry kindly sent. Can anyone throw any more light on the puzzle?? Answers on the message board please.

Now the 2002 action packed film Reign of Fire starts its life on the Tube. Check out the beginning of a review of the film on the BBC's web site

"Ah, the London Underground: overcrowded trains, endless signal failures, an enormous slumbering dragon. What? Dragon? That would be the sleepy beast one little boy unfortunately awakens while visiting his engineer mum who's building the Jubilee Line extension."

Twenty years later and the beast has now multiplied and has taken over the world which is what the rest of the film is mostly about. However a nicely mocked up London Underground station "Hayne Street" was produced for the film. To see the Walt Disney studios tour where the picture on the right came from and other set scenes of London being destroyed check out this site.

The novel Underground (which you heard about on my home page) was launched at Aldwych station. John Berger recently did an arty performance work there called The Vertical Line. It was all about his memories of sheltering in Aldwych during the second world war. The former head of Channel 4 had his leaving party there. Art degree shows by Middlesex University have taken place there. Also the following films 'Patriot Games', 'Honest' and the new James Bond film, 'Die Another Day' was shot in mocked up version of an abandoned tube station. See Hywel Williams' site for more on this.

I remember when we used to have student rag week parties travelling round and round the Circle line so the tube as a party venue has come on a long way since then!

The BBC seem to think it was about time they covered the London Underground being used in films and are only just raving about Tube Tales, Sliding Doors and other films where the underground makes a starring role. Have a look at this article for more info on the tube in films.

Suede on the Tube
Many thanks to Birgitte Curry for telling me in detail about another pop video that was filmed on the tube:

"I am a danish tube-aholic (lived many years in london) and still go over there once a year.

"Anyway, I'm a Suede fan, and I'd hoped to see mention of their "Saturday Night" video, because it was shot in a disused tunnel (opposite platform 4) at Holborn in January 1997. I have been there myself (the door into the tunnel was slightly ajar, so ...) and the tunnel was lit, so got the most fantastic photos of the spot where Brett Anderson (their lead singer stood.

"Also They have two songs with underground titles: Jubilee and Waterloo. And, they mention the following in some of their songs: Seven Sisters, Circle Line, Hounslow, Heathrow, White City. There's only one in the band with a driver's license (Mat Osman) so they all rely on the underground, and legend has that Brett (who writes most of the songs) travels around the underground with a little recorder, just in case he suddenly gets a brill idea for a song.

And, in the "Beautiful Ones" video they have an Underground sign "Lonely Town"."

Any more information like this is highly welcome.

Neverwhere - meet the Angel of Islington
Several people have said to me why don't I write about the 1996 TV series "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman (left) and British comedian Lenny Henry (right) which is now rumoured to be being made into a film by Jim Henson productions.

Why not? It features the tube in a big way, with weird characters who live in a strange underground world and some of them are even named after tube stations.

Well here goes, but I must admit I haven't done a whole lot of research on this but, I do just about remember seeing the TV series and thought it was good.
Here's the video.

Here's a review of the book which Gaiman wrote after the TV series:

"This was an amazing book! Living in NYC it made me really think about those random "dead ends" and the gap between the subway and the platform. I really wanted to visit the London Underground (and I don't mean the subway) after reading this delightful and absorbing novel. The characters were well written and memorable."

Here's a pretty good summary of the plot from CHUD - Cinematic Happenings Under Development who do a whole synopsis of the film script which you can see in the link later.

"The story begins in modern day London, where a man, Richard Mayhew, and his fiancée, Jessica, are on their way to a dinner party hosted by her boss. Jessica comes across here as a nagging, and shallow creature who's always picking at Richard about one thing or another. Apparently, she is introducing Richard to her boss for the first time and wants to make a good impression. Anyway, they're walking down a dark London street, when they come across a girl who falls out of the wall! Not being something Richard sees everyday, he stops to help her, discovering she has dried blood all over her. Jessica begins to complain about being late for dinner, so Richard tells her to head on without him. He just can't leave her to die on the streets like an animal! So, Jessica leaves and Richard takes the girl back to his apartment to clean her up. So far so good.

"Back at his apartment, Richard finds his door locked. He had left his keys inside! No problem, the girl touches the door with her hand, which promptly unlocks for them. All nice and spiffy. Now the story gets whacked! When Richard asks the girl about an explanation, he gets more than he bargained for. Her name is, appropriately enough, Door, (Door's on the left in the picture) and she's from London Below. That's nice. Well, Richard is naturally confused and inquires further. London Below is an alternate universe, existing parallel with the real world known as London Above! In London Below, feudal law rules, and all sorts of creatures exist. It is a fantasy world with mythic beasts and people wearing Victorian clothes, and speaking in the appropriate Victorian tongue. (rather like the tube - The Mole)

That's the basic setup, or about as basic as it gets! Richard becomes involved in a desperate battle between good and evil, and he must help Door avenge herself on the bruisers who murdered her family. "

For more reviews of the script click here

And it looks like the rumours of the film are more than rumours according to this website

"Neil Gaiman was busy toastmastering the World Horror Convention this past weekend (March 7 1999) in Atlanta, Georgia. We were able to get some goods from him regarding the project. First of all, it's at Dimension Films. It will be indeed set in London, not New York City as some have been saying. They are down to the final contract details between Henson, Dimension and company. Once this gets finalized, The Neil will polish the script and off to the races. They are currently looking for a director as well"

An Amazon reviewer fantsizes about who should be in the film:

"If "Neverwhere" will become a movie, I cryptically suggest James Cameron to direct it so that it will be detailed, well-budgeted. Kate Winslet could be the Lady Door except she's too fat, Hugh Grant as Richard Mayhew because he acts clumsy and is fond of exotic things, Danny de Vito as Marquis de Carabas for obvious reason, Jack Nicholson and Clive Barker as Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar, Elle Macpherson or Cindy Crawford as The Hunter, Ralph Fiennes as the Angel Islington."

The following episode guide from the 1996 TV series came from "the small significant Neverwhere site" so you can see how the tube really comes into the plot:

"Door" When he abandons his fiancee to help an injured woman (Door) on the streets of London, Richard Mayhew finds his life turned upside down.

"Knight's Bridge" Lost in a bizarre fantasy realm beneath London, Richard does his best to stay alive - and find Door.

"Earls Court To Islington" Richard and Door make the dangerous journey to meet with an Angel named Islington to find out vital information regarding the killer of Door's family.

"Blackfriars" In order to gain a desperately needed key, Richard undergoes an ordeal at the hands of the Black Friars - dark priests hidden beneath London.

"Down Street" While Richard, Hunter and Door make the return journey to Islington, Old Bailey embarks on a vital mission to save de Carabas.

"As Above, So Below" Lost in the labyrinth beneath London, Richard, de Carabas and Hunter must face the Great Beast of London - if they are to rescue Door.

Here's a pertinent selection from the 198 reviews from and at

"Ride a subway, or underground as the British call it, that has been around for a hundred or so years and you'll notice an interesting phenomenon. If you look out between stations you may notice sudden openings in the tunnel or even the ghostly remnants of an a derelict station. Ever wonder what's there? In the London Below of Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere" there is a world of wonders and terrors. Fiefdoms occupied by Rat Speakers, Blackfriars and a mobile Earl's Court that is more than just a stop in the London tube to name just a few. It is the survival of not just the fittest but of the clever. Richard Mayhew of London Above (the so-called real world) has entered it by being a nice guy and learns the truth of the adage "let no good deed go unpunished". He wants out but is going to have a grand time trying to do it. The characters are quite colorful for a pretty dark world and Gaiman's vivid imagination gives them plenty to do to hold your interest. In that he does not fail in creating this world of Dickensian nightmare transfered to a world of dark fantasy that still manages to put its tongue in cheek. "

"London Below exists beside Richard's reality (London Above), with bizarre intersections located, fittingly, in Underground stations such as Black Friars (home of a Dominican order) and the British Museum (which was closed, in London Above, in the 1930s, but remains accessible to those living Below). A periodic Floating Market allows its citizens to barter goods and information; Richard reconnects with Door and her companion, the marquis de Carabas, auditioning bodyguards at one such market held after-hours in Harrods -- a delightful idea as well as a marvellous description of a world full of wonders.

The creation of London Below and its denizens is the best part of Neverwhere. Anyone who has visited London develops a relationship with the Underground, and it seemed quite logical that this network be the entryway to an even more bizarre place than London itself. I was delighted to be able to picture Earl's Court as a miniature kingdom inside a train, with an actual Earl and his entourage. The story has a real feel of menace, personified by Mr. Croup and Mr. Vandemar, assassins hired to do various nasty things to Door and her friends, but at the same time it's not completely a nightmare world. Neverwhere has some of the flavor of the de Lint-esque faërie-overlapping-reality stories, only (in my opinion) it's much better. Gaiman's novel developed during his work on a BBC television series using this setting (and presumably also the characters). Nevertheless, the book works quite well as a novel, with a solid story line and well-drawn characters."

"Richard may have reconsidered his gallant act if he knew what he just got involved in due to the injured woman. For he now knows that underneath the London streets, deep in the abandoned stations that dot the tubes and in the most obscure sewer tunnels lies an underground culture that insists on anonymity from the surface world. Knowledge could mean death."

"The novel combines elements reminiscent of Alice through the looking glass and Dorothy trying to find her way home from Oz. An ordinary guy crosses into another world below London. The London subway warning "Mind the Gap" takes on a whole new meaning--there are beings that reside in the gap. The hero meets a band of wonderful characters as we travel through the midnight world below London. The ending is unexpected, but totally satisfying. Even if you do not like gothic novels, but have ever been to London, you will love this book!"

"This is one of those books that you read in snatches for a few days, until one night you find yourself caught, reading far past your bedtime and into the waning hours of morning, knowing your alarm is about to go off for work, but still unable to break free of the spell. Every glimpse into the minds of the supporting characters leaves you yearning to know them better, and every allusion to a new facet of life in the shadow-realm of the London Underground leaves you hungering to explore deeper."

"Gaiman has a gift for magically transporting his readers into other worlds. Deftly merging images of people and animals, Gaiman seamlessly moves through various sections of London Above to present the parallel, darker world of London Below. As Richard struggles to understand what is happening and how to get home, we delight in the whimsical exploration of areas, streets, tubes, and shops, well known in reality, yet in this world, the twist is simply wicked. Size doesn't matter here; inside a subway car can exist a richly court. Doors can be opened wherever and whenever; through pictures, brick, and in mid-air. And who would ever expect a floating market to take place in Harrods, one of the richest department stores in the world?"

"I was so entranced by this book that New York became somewhere else. The subways I always travel on became subsitutes for those in London. The phrase "Mind the gap" still bothers me while I'm waiting for the 1 train at 59th street. I lent Neverwhere to a friend of mine and she wanted the book cover, but I refused to give it to her, fearing that she would harm it. I know that doesn't really have anything to do with a book review, but it speaks volumes about the book itself."

"If you read one book this year - read this one. A magical, mysterious romp in a world you can only hope really exists. My next vacation is going to be to London Underground"

If you want to buy the video and see what all the fuss is about click on the video here.

Hywel Williams gave me a bit of info on where parts of Neverwhere were filmed:

"I visited Down Street (a closed underground station) last week and discovered that the initial scene in episode 1 where Croup & Vandemar are chasing Door up a rickety old metal stair case was actually filmed in the lift shaft at Down Street. I guess they either filmed in short sections or otherwise filmed at night when no trains were running since the roar of the wind passing up and down that shaft really is something else as trains approach and retreat from the station area further below. This of course appart from the real mention of Down Street later on in the story line!"

Finally come across Neil Gaiman's own pretty extensive website and excerpts from the book. Amazingly, Neil had also come across and was happy to recommend this site to his many fans.

"I've been meaning to link to Going Underground for ages, and you plug the site better than I could. Lovely site filled with odd, London underground things. The weblog is an excellent place to begin -- lots to read. Learn about commuter pigeons, for a start."
From Neil Gaiman's web journal.

Cheers Neil

For loads more info on Neverwhere click the banner below

Lara Croft on the Tube
Many many thanks to Hywel Williams for spotting Tomb Raider's Lara Croft in Aldwych station. This isn't some impersonator of Lara but is the real Lara Croft dodging trains and leaping tall buildings or whatever it is she does.

And here's a taster from a guide on the sorts of actions she gets up to, just like an every day on the tube:

"Run and jump to grab the crack in the wall, and shimmy right. Jump to the ceiling panel and drop to the crawlspace. Use the Ticket at the barrier, wary of rats and other vermin."

This is also quite telling of Lara's experiences on the tube:

"The easiest way to die on this level will be to be run down by a train. Do not explore too deeply down the train tunnels. In some tunnels, green warning lights will turn red to indicate danger, while in other tunnels, you will receive no warning at all. If you see a single light in a train tunnel, don't run past it because it's guaranteed that a train will run you down if you pass it. There's at least one instance where you have to play "dodge the oncoming train". Aside from the trains, the level isn't that dangerous. There's lots of gang members, but they're easy enough to deal with. It's important that you head to the right set of tracks first, otherwise the only thing you're likely to die from is boredom as you wander around aimlessly around on the left side of Aldwych station." Taken from Tomb Raider's Travellers Guide to Aldwych

Oh yeah and just before all the Playstation people get up in arms Tomb Raider III & Lara Croft are owned by Core Design Limited.

Al' roight mate - Walford East's your next stop
Again many many thanks to Hywel Williams for letting me use this picture of one of the most famous tube stations in England. It's Walford East. But you won't find it on any tube map and it's not because it's closed or run down.

If I start talking about some of its customers - Dot Cotton, the Slaters, Mark Fowler, Sharon Watts, Robbie Jackson, and Barry Evans - you might start to realise where this tube station is. It's in the fictional town of Walford the home of Britain's most watched soap - EastEnders. Hywel informs us that it's supposedly on the District Line, which would be geographically correct for a place in the East End of London. There's even a map on the wall with times of the first and last trains.

The Tomorrow People - Was their secret lab in Wood Lane Station???
If you're from the UK and in your thirties or older or are about twelve (usually about the same mindset in my experience) you'll remember The Tomorrow People, which was a 1970's UK sci-fi TV series about transporting kids. They were sort of like the "pesky kids" on Scooby Doo except they could teleport themselves around the country and weren't animated! The series was remade in the nineties apparantly so that's why twelve year olds may have heard of it.

Now they lived in a place called The Lab (rather like Doctor Who's Tardis) except according to my friend Anton, The Lab was actually supposed to be in a disused London Underground station. So yet again we find another TV film that had the tube as a main character.

Here's a section from the novelisation of the series

"With a hiss and a rumble the underground train moved slowly out of the station, treating its discarded passengers to a low, whining farewell as it disappeared into the tunnel. The assorted throng of theatre-goers and businessmen kept late at the office scurried for the escalators, hardly sparing a glance for the two boys in Hell's Angel jerkins who hung around a chocolate machine at the rear end of the platform. . Watching until the attendant was out of sight, they immediately turned back and raised a small trapdoor hidden close to the tunnel entrance. In a moment they were bent low in a sewer-like gallery which ran off at an angle and eventually brought them to that little-known part of the London Underground which was doomed to remain forever sealed off and silent."

A website shown in my favourite links below goes in to great depth about where this tube station actually was and after presenting much evidence concludes that it was probably at Wood Lane, which is a disused station on the Central Line in the west of London (the BBC studios are based there - however, ironically The Tomorrow People was broadcast by ITV).

If you look at the picture from the site you may agree with the webmaster who says:

"The sign is, unfortunately, not particularly clear but we can at least be certain that the third last letter of the name of the station is an A and that the last letter is an E. We can also see enough of the second last letter to be reasonably sure it is an N, and though it is not very clear in this image, when viewing an actual tape of the serial, the fourth last letter seems to be an L. So the last four letters of the name of the station are, in order, L - A - N - E, which forms the word LANE. The name of the station appears to be SOMETHING LANE. Enquiries on various usenet newsgroups revealed that a Wood Lane station on the Central Line closed in 1947, and as a bonus David Connor informed me that Wood Lane station was in fact used for filming those scenes."

This has since been confirmed for me by Hywel Williams who is a bit of an expert on closed tube stations too. Have a look at his site here.
Dr Who on the Tube - see what the LU pulled or tried to stop
A friend of mine told me that an episode of Dr Who called "The Web of Fear" was filmed on the Underground in 1968 but apparently the Beeb didn't have permission to do so, so it was taken off air mid series (another 4 episodes were supposed to be broadcast) and it was never to be seen again. Nick Cooper has a fab website about the Tube in films and TV and he kindly let me use the picture you see here

From Nick Coopers Tube in Film and TV siteHere's a plot summary

The TARDIS narrowly avoids being engulfed in a web-like substance in space. The Doctor manages to break the craft free and the time travellers find themselves in the deserted underground tunnels of present day London. (filmed on the Underground no doubt) The tunnels have been overrun by the web and by the Great Intelligence's robotic Yeti. The crisis began when Professor Travers, now forty years after his first encounter with the Doctor in the Himalayas, reactivated a Yeti, which drew the Intelligence to Earth once more. The travellers work alongside the army forces, led by Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart, and they attempt to resist the alien invasion. Unfortunately, there is a traitor in their midst, a pawn of the Intelligence, and Victoria and Travers are held hostage. The Intelligence aims to drain the Doctor's mind, but when captured, the Doctor reverses the polarities in an attempt to drain the Intelligence's mental power instead. He is however, 'rescued' by his friends before he can do so, and the Intelligence is merely repelled into space. The Doctor and his companions leave the army to clear up the mess.

Now not wishing to be misleading John Smith from Eltham corrected me on this

"Great site - but can I correct your "Doctor Who" story: Indeed, the BBC did ask for permission to film on the tube - but it was not granted. Undeterred, the beeb built their own "tube" complete with stations, track and tunnels... all as a BBC set. When the story was transmitted, LT were furious that the BBC had filmed without permission - of course, Auntie had the last laugh! The story was always supposed to be 4 episodes, and it ends cleanly at the end of episode 4. "

I stand totally corrected!!!!! You might want to check out John's site about a pub crawl using all stations on the Circle Line.

You may also be interested in another episode of Dr Who partly filmed on the tube - Daleks Invasion 2150 AD - a film version from 1966. Check out Nick Cooper's site for more on this and screen grabs.

MIND THE GAP - Awful TV Quiz show approaching
Never one to not acknowledge my sources I first heard about "Mind the Gap" the TV show from Lewis Cox of Lew's Tube. I didn't quite believe it when I first heard it. A quiz show based on the tube?? Starring Paul Ross?? On national TV?? Surely not. Sadly I've now seen the pictures and it's true.

It's the usual three contestants fingers on buzzers sort of thing. Four rounds with a final round with one person going on the "Money Line"

"The set is a side-on Underground platform - very nicely executed, with the proper LU symbols and typography. The tunnel contains a massive screen which displays the Tube map, and seems to use a projector rather than a TV wall. Music is a jazz-style affair, with a kind of scratching sound effect of a man going "M-M-M-Mind the Gap" over the top."

You'll be upset to hear that this quiz is no longer on TV and I've no idea how many series there were (although less than two seems to be a likely guess). I'm hoping it will go on the King of digital channels "Challenge TV" so that people can watch it at 3am (that's right 3AM) along with classic quiz shows like "3-2-1". For more on the show check out this excellent page.

Donald Pleasance & man-eating tube travellers!!!
Sounds bizarre but true. Donald Pleasance made some fairly corny flick in the early seventies about a bunch of people who lived under Russell Square tube station and ate people. It was called the Death Line and was also known as "Raw Meat". Here's a plot summary from the "Home Made Videos" website:

"At the turn of the century, a group of diggers were lost during a cave - in of part of the London Underground tube - train network. They managed to live for a lifetime trapped in a crevice, but now there is only one family left. The half - human father heads to the Underground station to pick off lone passengers for food, while a London police detective investigates the mysterious disappearances. There's something pretty grisly going on under London in the Tube tunnels between Holborn and Russell Square. When a top civil servant becomes the latest to disappear down there Scotland Yard start to take the matter seriously. Helping them are a young couple who get nearer to the horrors underground than they would wish."

For more on this film check out my page on tube ghosts.

I'm finding this section of where the tube appears as a "character" of films and TV series quite fascinating and it will soon deserve a page all of itself, so watch this space!!!

How to look like a celebrity on the tube? clothing for the crumple zone
Now if you don't want to take the extreme measures in the next section below of how to draw attention to yourself, there was a great article in the "Business Travel" section of the Evening Standard (9th February 1999), where a journalist road-tested a "crumple free" suit. (I apologise for quoting so much of this article, but I can't find it on the Evening Standard's "This is London" web site archives - see favourite links below).

Apparently, Travel Suits made from 'High Performance' cloth have been around for some time. Hackett has made one for the last seven years. Dunhill make them too. Clothmakers Reid and Taylor (from Scotland) and Zegna (form Northern Italy) also make high performance material. So where to test the latest suit from Zegna? The London Underground of course. "The London Underground, that sewer that masquerades as a transport system, is the sternest test the planet has to offer the High performance suit." wrote the journalist, Nick Foulkes, who was destined to do the suit test.

He said: "The prospect of a trip around the Underground was not entirely without charm. There is something agreeably quaint about our public transport system. As a means of getting around the city with a view to making appointments on time it is atrocious. I believe that if John Prescott has to use it for anything other than publicity photographs he would be back behind several purring litres of Jaguar engine before you could say 'All Stations to Upminster'.

"However seen through the eyes of a tourist it takes on a ramshackled and picturesque charm. The former pop star Richard Jobson is making a feature film about the Tube and I rather imagine well travelled Americans or Japanese returning home, relating tales of journeys on the London Underground with the same incredulity that we talk of Indian railway journeys or Andean mule trains."

Nick Foulkes is spot-on about the perils you and your clothes will go through during the rush hour: "To be jostled, to be delayed, to be thrown from side to side of the carriage, to be marooned between stations as the temperature soars ever higher, to be forced to disembark as trains inexplicably change destination mid-route, to avoid sitting on bits of congealed chewing gum, to hang on to curiously positioned railings as the switchback lurching style of train driving threatens to bring on a migraine"..these are the kinds of test a High Performance suit should be forced to endure".

Not content with the above, Nick Foulkes also screwed up the jacket to use as a head-rest, stretched out his legs and braced his feet against a central pole to test the trousers and "finally used it as a matador's cape with which to bait one of London's subterranean pigeons" (See I wasn't lying about the pigeons on the tube they are regular commuters).

Mr Foulkes had to admit that he was beaten, the suit survived all this.
"Exhausted, and suit defiantly uncreased, I boarded the next train a nd sat and sulked from Tower Hill to High Street Kensington. Short of hurling myself under the wheels of an oncoming train, there was little more I could do to probe the limits of the suit's resilience or my capacity for public humiliation. I suppose I could have addressed a member of London Underground staff as 'porter' and asked him to carry my briefcase but that seemed unnecessarily hazardous".

So there you have it. The Zegna High Performance made to measure suit beats all - but with prices starting at £939, perhaps you could afford to take taxis around London instead and give the London Underground a miss!
Famous for two minutes
Andy Wharhol's most famous comment was something like "in the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes". Well in the tube it's very easy to become famous or a celebrity in about two minutes.

If you want to get everyone staring at you on the tube try these simple tips:

1. Talk to the person next to you! (this simply isn't done)

2. Get your bag/arm/leg stuck in the door (not to be advised to do this too often)

3. Talk loudly into your mobile phone

4. Wear sunglasses in the middle of winter and sob into your handkerchief

5. Become a busker

6. Say how much you enjoyed travelling on the tube when you leave

7. Give a round of applause every time an announcement is made

8. Say "why, thank you so much" when the immortal words " mind the gap" are announced

9. Finally, smile (this is a major faux pas on the tube, it will certainly get you some strange looks).
Favourite Links and where to go next

Home page
Share your views, comments and questions here

and find out what others are saying about my site!!! If you want to look through my old guestbook please click here

This is London - The archives of the Evening Standard
Loads of news about the London Underground, from The Evening Standard newspaper. Stories from celebrity writers - experiences on the tube, plus the usual tube news about delays, strikes, and other things we don't like about the London Underground.

Guardian Online
For the full article from the Guardian on Tube Tales written by Alexander Games

Anoher Article on Tube Tales from The Guardian
Another more recent article and interview with Amy Jenkins on Tube Tales.

BBC Online
For a BBC interview about Tube Tales

The Official Tube Tales Site
If you can be bothered to download macromedia flash and then wait for the whole site to download you can see the whole official site here.

Etiquette on the tube
Another page of my site. How to get by on the tube. When to give up your seat! How to annoy people!

Advertising on the London Underground
Page 5 of my site - find out about advertisers try to sell us their wares on the tube.

The Tomorrow People - Did they live in Wood Lane Station?
If you're vaguely interested in this theory have a look at this page in a really comphrensive site about The Tomorrow People sci-fi TV series.

Stop the Pigeon
Learn about other intelligent creatures that use the London Underground - the tube travelling pigeons!!!!! Plus my other award donated by "Mutley". Plus Anthea Turner and a bunch of mice - the mind boggles!!

Books for your tube journey & Bridget Jones's Tube Diary
Reviews of fiction about the London Underground plus the latest instalment of Bridget Jones's Tube Diary.

Food on the Underground
If you want to find out where to eat on the Underground and whether or not cheese and onion crisps should be banned from the tube, visit this page. PS Cadbury's won't be too keen on this page, so bang goes my chance of trying to get sponsorship out of them!!

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