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[Should smelly food be banned] [Infernal Chocolate Machines]
Food on the Tube
Hot dogs, burgers and crisps
last updated 16/2/01

There's nothing worse than sitting in hot crowded sweaty tubes and what can make this experience even worse is sitting in a carriage when someone is eating a burger or a hot dog, kebab or fish and chips or even worse cheese and onion crisps!!

Now I am probably one of the worst culprits for this as I often eat crisps on the tube and have been known to wolf down the odd packet of chips or a burger if I've been slightly worse for wear with booze and needed something to soak the alcohol up. The problem is that they smell absolutely great to the person eating them, but they stink to high heavens to everyone else on the tube. Cheese and onion crisps seem to have a particular scientific rule about them in this respect. You really can't tell that they are smelly when you are eating them, but anyone who gets within about five yards of you can tell when you've been eating them.

Anyway this page will look at food which pisses people off on the tube and also look at the food that's so socially acceptable on the tube that LU have built little machines which "dispense" the stuff. There's also a look at the best places to buy food for your Underground journey and eventually I hope to do a review of station coffee bars and cafes. Perhaps I can get Egon Ronay interested enough to pay me to travel round London in search of the best platform caffe latte, expresso, cappucino or hot chocolate.

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Food to annoy people with
Metro newspaper was at it again and this was sparked off by Elizabeth Notten of E15:

"There is a sign up in the Underground requesting people to refrain from eating smelly food on the Tube. Great. I agree. there is only one thing worse than sitting next to someone munching on a greasy burger and that is being forced to share a hot and sweaty confined space with two sloppy snoggers".

(If you want to read this "snogging" debate click here.

Sarah Davies continued the debate:

"As for smelly food on the Tube, why not ban food and drink altogether as they do on Washington DC's subway system? The Tube there is cheap - 70p per journey to wherever, clean and regular".

'Fraid I say a big no to this. Smelly food on the tube is a turn off, but then so is getting stuck straphanging underneath someone's sweaty armpit. Should we expect London Underground to ban people who don't wear deodorant, or to ban people who sweat profusely. On second thoughts if the carriages were air conditioned perhaps there wouldn't be such a problem with this in the first place. You can check out the Hell section on Tube if you'd like to get your revenge on people who eat smelly food!!!

Should smelly food be banned on the tube?

Those magnificant snacks in their Chocolate Machines
Let it be said here and now, I hate Cadbury's chocolate. Call me unpatriotic if you like, but it's vile and this is a great shame for me, as Cadbury's seem to have a monopoly on those machines that you will find on more or less every platform of the London Underground.

Please, please if anyone from Mars or Rowntree's is reading this, can't you make a concerted effort and try to steal this contract off Cadbury's. The only time I eat Cadbury's chocolate is on the tube and it's only if I'm absolutely starving and nothing else is available. I have often thought of trying to set traps for the pigeons that populate the Underground, but buying a Cadbury's Whole Nut bar seems to ever so slightly have the edge on the pigeon option.

When you tackle one of these chocolate machines take care as they are not always brilliant at dispensing chocolate. However I twice got a bargain from these machines, once put in the money and not only got the chocolate I wanted but my money back as well. On another occasion a friend and I were sitting near the machine when a man was refilling it, for some reason we must have been looking starving or remarkably attractive and he gave us a bar of chocolate each and a packet of chewing gum!!!

Here's a few comments from people who have signed my guest book:

"Sorry I have to say this - everyone has a right to his own nuisance - but last week ALL the chocolate machines I tried were in perfectly working order - so I'm fed up now with chocolate bars... "
Gerard, The Netherlands

"Had a good chuckle at your site, it brought back many memories some good, some bad, some downright horrific, especially during the IRA bombing campaign (known as a london fire brigade emergency at the following station, don't want to scare the tourists do we?) also the Kings cross disaster, a route I took every day apart from that day that is.

"Trying to buy a chocolate bar and getting arrested for manhandling the machine (machines designed to take your money and give nothing in return) 100.00 pound (fine) for a chocolate bar, not bad eh ! Anyway I thoroughly enjoyed your site, keep up the good work and "mind the gap" "
Kenneth Mairs from Canada (although formally from Scotland)

"I love to check the coin returns on the chocolate machines in the Underground stations. Usually get enough to buy a bar. "
Tom Hagen, Denver, USA

Here's a note from R of Ruislip

"I thought I would tell you of my experiences of trying to extract nourishment from the chocolate machines at Harrow on the Hill station, after reading the Food section of your Website.

"The staff who refill these machines must be incredibly dense (almost as much so as me for using them). 9 times out of 10, Fruit 'n' Nut is Transposed with Dairy Milk, and since I like the latter but not the former, the pigeons around the Harrow area have learned to queue behind me at the machine to receive their quotient.

"However, there is a happy ending. Having been steadily more annoyed with one particular machine, it then proceeded to give me nothing one day than a chocolate bar, this particular nothing costing 40p. Not being able to take any more, I hit the machine in the coin area repeatedly, causing it to deposit £2 compensation..."

Name Withheld of Ruislip

I've now stolen a section from "Lew's Tube" website, as I he hasn't got a direct line to this section of his site.

"When on the platform, there are some simple unwritten rules to which you must abide by if you want to succeed:

1) Don't use the Chocolate Machines. It has recently been discovered that you have as much chance of getting a chocolate bar OR getting your money back as you do winning the lottery. And NONE of this money goes to charity."

Some chocolate machines work and some don't, you need to take a Forrest Gump attitude about them, "life is like a chocolate machine".


As if banging machines to get out chocolate wasn't enough we're now going to find ourselves tormented with the prospect of bashing a machine to get a book out of it!!!

"The sons of two of Britain's most aristocratic families, the Guinnesses and the Waughs, are launching a system for dispensing short stories on the London Underground. Alexander Waugh, the grandson of the novelist Evelyn Waugh, and Ned Iveagh, the Guinness heir, will introduce their prototype dispensers to selected stations on the Tube this month before expanding the enterprise across the British rail system. The stories, published by Travelman, are printed on one sheet of paper and fold up like a map."

"The first machines were installed last month on South Kensington station in West London, each book costing £1. The scheme, backed by Lord Iveagh's Trust, will be formally launched on 15 January. The first vending machine, a sweet dispenser, was introduced to the Underground in 1886.

'Fortunately vending technology and design has moved on!' said a spokeswoman for Lord Iveagh. "

Here's hoping!!!!

For the full story check out The Observer newspaper.

Where not to get ripped off when you are buying food on the Underground Doh
I am full of praise for two retail outlets. The food is slightly better than standard but the best thing about Treats and Benjy's is that they don't seem to rip you off.

The Treats chain is/are usually found on the platforms of some London Underground stations or at least are very very close to the tube stations if they are not on the platforms themselves. Actually the ones on the platform seem to be slightly more expensive than the same ones just outside of stations. Here you can buy great samosas, onion bhaji's and indian kebabs (very traditional food in England - believe it or not...Indian restaurants are the UK's most popular eating places). Also do a full range of sandwiches, crisps, chocolate (fortunately not just Cadbury's) soft drinks, sweets and icecream. Some of their cakes taste a bit heavy on the bicarbonate of soda, but their muffins are pretty good. I used to live on their tuna and rice salads every day for lunch and some also do curries. Treats are definately cheaper than any of the food you can buy from stalls at the mainline London Railway stations and their food is a darn sight tastier than Boots rather plasticy sandwiches.

Benjy's is another chain which is actually loads cheaper than Treats but you won't find any of these on the platforms of tube stations. Look out for them if you venture outside of tube stations and you'll find they are full of Londoners buying lunch or breakfast. They have very imaginative fillings in their sandwiches (crabstick, tomato & Thousand Island Dressing, Mushroom and Brie - that is imaginative for the UK), and you can also get filling in focaccia, french bread, ciabatta and granary baps as opposed to standard pre-sliced white or brown bread. They also do good salads and babyish puddings like jelly (jello, if you're from the US) and custard, bananas and custard, rhubarb and custard and trifle too. Also a good range of hot food in the form of toasted sandwiches, bacon butties, Heinz soup and pies.
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