Keep in mind I graduated GJC in 2004.
This website is OLD I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT RECENTLY... If you have photos you would like to contribute please send them to my e-mail @ You will be recognized in the photo and I will update the site with new shots! ATTENTION ALL ACTIVE GRAFTON JOB CORPS STUDENTS!!! Got a camera? Live on center? Take pics of whats left of GSH before the government destroys the left over evidence! The cemetery off Pine st would be a great start! I want what you got! I need to inform all that go to school, study and learn there that they are in a place that was once housed to some of the most criminally insane people in Massachusetts... That GJC should let the students know that it was once a state institution and is now a school to better us... they don't disclose this information because its a form of taboo...If Parents and Students really knew the truth about the history of the GJC... Some may choose not to go there or perhaps go to Shriver or any other regional Job Corps... Well guess what I found this all on my own...You can too! If you find yourself reading this then get a camera take some pics I want tunnels,boiler room/cafe,tufts, even remodeled pics I want it all send it send it send it! Hurry up GO!
Welcome, I use to be a student at Grafton Job Corps. I have created this site based on my fascination of the abandoned buildings that remain on Grafton Job Corps property. After researching the history and finding out more information I had discovered that the grounds in which I was living on were once property of Grafton State Hospital. In fact not just Grafton Job Corps was once Grafton State hospital but Tufts Veterinary School was also part of GSH. Little did I know that in fact, Grafton State Hospital had occupied approximately 1200 acres of land. Also another reason I created this site is for other students of GJC who want to learn more about the history and of course Grafton State Hospital. So here is my complete story about how I came to make this site and why exactly I am so intrigued by the history. Enjoy your adventure as I take you Inside Grafton State Hospital.
When I went on the tour of Grafton Job Corps the first thing I noticed was the old brick buildings. How could a place look so spooky? As we continued the tour I noticed a few boarded up buildings and a huge building with bars on the windows and heavy-duty screens. It reminded me of the Sharp building in Westboro when I was in DYS. Which in fact was the old Westboro State Hospital. The property was old, you can tell when you get to the entrance of Grafton Job Corps. The place was more then a place to get your High School Equivalency Diploma, get your license, get your trade, get a career and eventually leave successful with a new life ahead of you. It was the place that once held Grafton State Hospital.
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