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Deer With Horns Web Site

Deer With Horns is our real, legal last name.
We thought we would mention this as people often write and ask us.

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Deer With Horns

Photo by Mary Anne Haggerty
� Northernlight Studio

This is us
A picture of us at a powwow.

Welcome to the start of our website

Introduction Page & Web Rings Info about us
Some Information on the Lakota The Beauty of South Dakota
Our Native American Indian Links Our Non~Native Links page
Poetry by Iron Otter Our Favorite Poems Page
"The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe Traditional Native Stories
Pray For the Children Our Picture Slide Show
Some Native/Indian Humor My Lakota Childhood on the rez
Lakota Winter;Then and Now Poems For The Soldiers
Singing For The Soldiers HTML and Web Page Help
Our Art Work Nancy's Applets
Recipes Interesting Trivia
Graphics & Midi Links Banners Page
Native People, Yesterday and Today News & Weather
Icons by a Deer Awards and Gifts Pages

The Rail
Ride the Rail
across the Internet

UConn Huskies #1
University of Connecticut:
The first major school to win both
Mens and Womens titles in the same year--2004 & 2014.

Click for guestbook page



1997-2022 DeerWHorns
All Rights Reserved
**Last Update:3/13/22

Site moved or is no longer on net.

Nancy Deer With Horns is responsible
for any spelling and html errors ;-)
This site was created 11/5/97