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Some Favorite Recipes

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Deer With Horns Native American Indian Site

We would like to present some of our favorite recipes. We plan on changing them from time to time. Both Nancy and I enjoy cooking, but I like eating better.


On a hot summer day, especially when dancing at a powwow wearing buckskin, this hits the spot.

4 cups water
1 cup of crushed strawberries
Sugar to taste..or may use honey
Combine strawberries and water in large pitcher
Add sugar or honey to your taste
Chill for 30 minutes
Serve cold in a large glass


This is something you will always find at powwows. There are several ways to make fry bread. It is wonderful plain, or with sugar or honey on top. This is just one of the many fry bread recipes used today by Native peoples:

1 cup milk
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
2 cup flour
Put 1/2 inch of oil into frying pan- heat should be medium high.
Mix dry ingredients together. Add milk and mix into dough.
Knead like you would biscuit dough.
When oil is hot, drop moderate amount of dough into frying pan.
Cook for about 5 min.on each side, until a golden brown.
Fry Bread tastes great warm or cool, but warm is best.


Buffalo Recipes Deer Recipes
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