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Table of Contents

Interwar Years
The birth of Fascism and the Nazi party...Hitler's rise to power...Stalin takes control of the largest country in the world...the Axis prey on Europe...the world prepares for war...

The invasion of Poland...France's weak response...the Phony War...Finland's Winter War...

Finland signs an armistice with the Soviet Union...Germany invades Norway and Denmark...the failed rescue attempt...Spain, Portugal, & Sweden claim neutrality...Germany marches over the low countries and France...Italy enters the war...Dunquerque...French surrender...France under the islands captured but Hitler cannot reach England..."V" for "victory" keeps hope alive in Europe...Spain must choose...taly enters the war...the Battle of Britain...war in the desert...

War in North Africa escalates...the conflict in Balkans...the sinking of the Bismarck...Ireland's neutrality...German/Finnish alliance...Tobruk...the airborne invasion of Crete...Germany invades the Soviet Union...war in the mid-east...Finland's Continuation War...Germans near victory in the east...Leningrad...the Crimean fortress...Moscow...the sinking of the HMS Ark Royal...tug-of-war in Africa...

German brutality...Sevastopol...Malta...concentration camps...Dieppe...Allied convoys attacked...British retreat in North Africa...Italy in chaos...El Alamein...Iberian neutrality...German Commerce Raiders...the US enters the desert war...Germany's naval defeats...Stalingrad...

Rommel defeated...Allied victory in North Africa...Warsaw ghetto uprising...Kursk...Sicily...Fall of Mussolini...Germany retreats in the east...a secret attempt at peace...Italy invaded and changes sides...Finland leaves the Axis...Italy swallowed by the Nazis...Hitler's plan for the future...war production...strategic bombing...

Anzio...relief for Leningrad...Monte Cassino...fight for the Ukraine...preparation for invasion...Airborne disaster...D-Day...the struggle for Normandy...Soviets near victory in the east...Hitler escapes assassination...breakout in France...invasion of southern France...Paris...the Balkans change sides...the Finnish-Soviet war ends...the fight for Italy...Allied pursuit runs out of fuel...Arnhem...Warsaw Uprising...Soviets absorb the Balkans...Battle of the Bulge...

The Allies pour into Germany...Turkey loses its neutrality...across the Rhine...splitting Germany...dying Fascist gasp in Italy...American/Soviet relations...liberation of concentration camps...Hitler's last days...Berlin...misery in Holland...Italy freed...Germany surrenders...

Ten Reasons Why Germany Lost The War

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