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Ruby Productions
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- DnD Underground

Main Navigation
- DnD Main Site
- DnD Strategies
- Members(Squads)
- Member of the Week
- Ranks
- Rules
- Tournaments
- Allies
- Enemies
- Clan News

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- Winamp
- Blizzard


Leaders n Co Leaders
- Ruby[DnD]
- WaR[DnD]
- Rollout[DnD]
- Bloodshot[DnD]

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Copyright © 2002
Ruby Productions

Ey yo its Ruby[DnD] herre like the new looks for the site. to me it looks TYTE as hell. Well I updated site a lot and changed couple rules. The Tourney is rescheduled for December 1st, 2002. The tourny shall be Pacific time zone: 11am , Central time zone: 12pm , Eastern time zone: 1pm and time: 6pm Also all members must sign guestbook and add their new tag Name[DnD].

Meeting on November 30, 2002 at 3pm Eastern time. All squad leaders must be there.


Screen Shot of the Week

Stunned Goku :: DBZ Submited by Anime Dreamz

Site of the Month

Clan Destroy n Defend

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Your Clan Leader,
Webmaster - Ruby[DnD]

Updated last November 28,2002