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Perfect Dark fo N64

Beat the Area 51: Escape level with a time less than 3:50 on the Agent difficulty setting.

All Guns in Solo Mode:
Beat the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level with a time less than 5:31 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

War Mode:
To access the War! stage, beat the game in Solo mode on perfect agent difficulty. In this special assignment, you play as a Maian (again), only this time you're fighting Skedar warriors.

Infinite Ammunition:
Beat the Pelagic LL: Exploration level with a time less than 7:07 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Infinite Ammunition and No Reloads:
Beat the Air Base: Espionage level with a time less than 3:11 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Infinite Laptop Gun Ammunition:
Beat the Air Force One: Anti Terrorism level with a time less than 3:55 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Hurricane Fists:
Beat the Datadyne Central: Extraction level with a time less than 2:03 on the Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

X-Ray Scanner:
Beat the Area 51: Rescue level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Beat the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

Beat the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level with a time less than 1:30 on the Agent difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

Play as Elvis:
Beat the Area 51: Rescue level with a time less than 7:59 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

DK Mode:
Beat the Chicago: Stealth level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Small Jo:
Beat the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Small Characters:
Beat the Area 51: Infiltration level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Team Heads Only:
Beat the Air Base: Espionage level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Slow Motion Single Player:
Beat the Datadyne Research: Investigation level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Jo Shield:
Beat the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Super Shield:
Beat the Carrington Institute: Defense level with a time less than 1:45 on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Enemy Shields:
Beat the Carrington Institute: Defense level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Enemy Rockets:
Beat the Pelagic LL: Exploration level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Classic Sight:
Beat the Datadyne Central: Defection level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Perfect Darkness:
Beat the Crash Site: Confrontation level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Marquis of Queensbury Rules:
Beat the Datadyne Central: Defection level with a time less than 1:30 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Rocket Launcher (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Datadyne Central: Extraction level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Sniper Rifle (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Carrington Villa: Hostage One level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Superdragon (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Area 51: Escape level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Laptop Gun (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Phoenix (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Attack Ship: Covert Assault level on the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Psychosis Gun (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Chicago: Stealth level with a time less than 2:00 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Trent's Magnum (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Crash Site: Confrontation level with a time less than 2:50 on the Agent difficulty setting. Or...
Just walk up to Trent when he is going to kill the president and use your Disarm Function and he will drop the gun. Now you don't have to worry about the time.

Farsight (Jo in solo mode):
Beat the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat with a time less than 7:27 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.

Classic Weapons (Jo in solo mode):
Win all golds on the firing range to unlock the PP9I, CC13, KLO1313, KF7 Special, ZZT, DMC, and RC-P45.

Velvet Dark Always Available (Buddies):
Beat the Datayne Research: Investigation level with a time less than 6:30.

Hot Shot (Buddies):
Beat the Area 51: Infiltration level with a time less than 5:00 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Hit And Run (Buddies):
Beat the Carrington Villa: Hostage One level with a time less than 2:30 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Alien (Buddies):
Beat the Attack Ship: Covert Assault level with a time less than 5:17 on the Special Agent difficulty setting.

Control Simulants In Challenge Mode:
Hold A to bring up the Quick Select menu. Quickly hit Z twice to bring up a different menu. You can control what the simulant(s) do. Here's the options you have and what the simulant will do:

-Normal: Simulant will kill everything that moves on their random path.

-Hold: Simulant will attack nearby enemies while holding their ground.

-Defend: Simulant will chase down any nearby enemies.

-Attack: Simulant stalks the person you tell it to attack.

-Follow: Simulant follows you, but chases after nearby enemies.

-Protect: Simulant stays close to you and attacks nearby enemies.


Make a Gun More Powerful:
During gameplay, hold the B button. Your gun will switch to a more powerful stage. Example: (If you have a Mauler, and hold B, the Mauler will turn into a Charge up shot) Try it on your fists!

Maian SOS:
To access this mission you must beat the game on Solo Missions on Special Agent mode.

Special Assignments:
These are special assignments you can have for solo play.

The Duel:
Win all golds on firing range and complete all of your other training in the Carrington Institute. This should enable a new mission, The Duel. All you have to do on this level is kill the computer simulant(s). On Agent, an armed guard; on Special Agent, the guard & Jonathan; and on Perfect Agent the guard, Jonathan, and Trent.

Mr. Blonde's Revenge:
Beat the game in one playerand beat the The Duel. In this mission, you play as one of the Skedar in disguise. The Skedar are pissed at Cassandra for betraying them and seek revenge. Pretty easy, just watch out for all those guards, especially on P/A.

Extra Help for level 3- Datadyn Extraction:
For some extra help do the following. You have to kill the guards at the bottom within 2-3 seconds of them seeing you. Get up to the first office floor you come to, wander around to the right, and shoot the guard who is not normally there. Grab the keycard, and head back down the lift to the bottom floor. You thought the key was only for Cassandra's office, didn't you? Well, it's not. You can now open the front door of the building, but if you wander more than 5 paces in front of you, you fall off and die. Tootle around to the room where the external comms hub is in the first level, and open the door. Mr Blonde! Two Women Guards! Invincible they are, and blind. But still this doesn't help. If you are playing Special Agent or Perfect Agent, the two rockets that were placed uselessly on the top floor in agent, are in this room! This allows you to kill Cassandra's guards easier, or blow up the hovercopter.

Defeat the Army:
On the last level, Skedar Ruins, an easy way to defeat the army is to kill one of the Skedar that come out of the grean thing and go inside it. Have the mauler and they will open the green door and get a direct head shot and you will not be scratched by the skedar. Continue on and destroy the skedar boss.

Easy Golds in Firing Range:
Select the Laptop gun. Turn around and put a Sentry gun on the wall. Immediatly after you press Z press Start and Abort. Quickly press start before the sentry is placed and choose a gun you need help with.

Weapons in Carrington's Institute:
Go to the firing range (Carrington's Institute). Stand between the glass door so it will not open. Press start and the weapons list should come up (If not, stand farther behind the door.). When it does come up, choose any weapon. Use your weapon on the two guys in front of you. Also, you can punch the lady in the device lab by choosing an item, but dont get it and press Z to punch the people!

Extra Characters in Challenge Mode:
Each challenge you do or each mission you beat, you will go against a character you might not have. If you beat that challenge, or level, the character you went against will be playable.

Beat the end Boss:
When facing the end boss, be careful not to get too close. Always keep moving to dodge his rockets and other enemies that could ambush you by suprise. When facing the end boss I recommend you use the Castillo (rapid fire). In order to beat him, you must shoot him with your weapon until his shield turns green. After that, try to destroy all the spikes that are behind and above the Skedar boss (Skedar Emblem). After all the smaller spikes are shot off (the smaller ones are to the side of the big one in the middle) go for the big spike. When you nail the big spike, you kill him! Congratulations, you beat the game!

Ride Hoverbikes:
To ride hover bikes, just go up to the hovercraft and press "B" twice fast. To get off, do the same. The hovercraft is a vehicle that you can ride vurtually anywhere you can walk! It's fast fun and kicks butt!

Hoverbikes in Carrington Institute:
Go down into the hangar. Follow the tunnel, and you should end up in a large area that seems to be outside. A hoverbike is waiting there.

No Detonator No Problem:
When you have mines selected and you throw them, press A + B simultaniously and the mines will explode.

Piss off Lab Workers:
In the Carrington Institute, you will notice alot of workers around saying, "Hello." or "What's up?" If you stand by them after awhile they will get very angry and then they will say, "Don't you have to be somewhere?" or "Just leave me alone will you??!!!" Fun huh?

Bomb Spy:
When you go through the first hallway and are on the area with the taxi, take the first right and you will see a couple canisters and a dumpster. Move a canister next to the dumpster then shoot the canister and after the explosion there will be a Bomb Spy in the ash. This bomb is very fun to have. You can lure enemies to it then detonate it and get rid of those annoying guards.

Fly Around Carrington's Institute w/ a Fly-by-Wire Missle (secondary mode on the slayer):
You have to do this fast. First you open the door to the firing range room (the one with the two guys in it) from the main hall of the institute. Then quickly open the door to the firing range itself and stand so the door won't shut. Select Slayer and switch it to 'Fly-By-Rire' then shoot and guide it through the open door, and have fun! One place that you can go is down towards the hanger but go straight instead to where the bike is and you can fly around there!

Unlimited Fly by Wire Rockets in Carrington Institute:
First, go to the Hangar, and Grab the Hover Crate. Bring the crate to the wooden door leading to the firing range. Open the door and jam it open by placing the crate between it. Then go into the Firing Range, and stand between the door and the wall, so you're facing towards the two technicians. Select the Slayer on the weapons menu and start the training session on Bronze. Hold 'B' until the words Fly By Wire Rockets appear in yellow letters. Fire a rocket and use the 'L' and 'R' buttons to slow the speed, you can fly practically anywhere in the institute, and if you hit a wall, No Biggie! just fire another rocket!

Rapid Fire For Guns That Have Single Shot Fire (Mainly Pistols):
For any gun that has a single shot system, you can rapidly hit Z to fire faster. However, this is quite often a pain to do. Instead, hold Z and rapidly hit A. This works good in missions where you are overwhelmed by guards and all you have is a pistol.

Box Tricks

#1-Remote Detenation: (first, you have to get the levitating box at the sub-level of the carrington institute) To do this trick go to the shooting range with the box and through the glass door (and if you have the weapon remote mine, stick them on the box but you can only put a maximum of 40 remote mines on the box) after that cancel the game and DONT USE THE DETENATE YET!!!!! Then you can open the glass door and place the box where you want it to blow up, after that go back to the shooting range and select the remote mines again and use the secondary mode to detenate the box-bomb!!!! Have fun!!!

#2-Use Old-fashioned Guns in Carrington Institute (this trick only works for people who dont use the exspansion pack, for some reason the guns disappear when you try to get them with the enhancement pak) first, get the box from downstairs (yet again) then bring it to the shooting range where the ole guns lay, get a powerful gun (like the magnum or farsight)and shoot the gun until it pops out onto the box and wallahh!!! There is only one drawback, you have no ammo, so go to the shooting range and select the cmop134 and then abort and you'll have 100 bullets plus 7 in the gun!!! Have Fun!!!

Where's the Cheese:
In each level of the game if you search a lot you will find a piece of cheese. The piece of cheese has no purpose in the final version of the game, but in the earlier Beta versions of the game there was a porpuse to the cheese. In the Beta version of the game there were two ways that you could unlock the cheats. The first way was to beat the level in a certain amount of time. The second way was to locate and collect the cheese. While testing the game Rare or Nintendo decided to take the second method of getting the cheats out, but they neglected to remove the images of cheese within the levels. That is why the cheese can be found in the game.


Level 1 - Hidden on the 5th floor.
Level 2 - Near experiment CPU.
Level 3 - 4th floor near the Dragon.
Level 4 - In the cellar near one of the exits.
Level 5 - In a toilet in the Punk Pond bar.
Level 6 - Near the Damping Field Generator.
Level 7 - None
Level 8 - Near shortcut to locker room.
Level 9 - In an empty and useless room shaped like this: [[ ]]
Level 10 - In the area past the uniform.
Level 11 - Near the back of the lower deck.
Level 12 - Hidden in the area behind the Medical Scanner.
Level 13 - Can't miss it, hallway, next to the first room you see.
Level 14 - Right in front of the start!
Level 15 - Behind the door that was always locked before this mission (behind the Skedar w/Mauler).
Level 16 - Behind a Skedar to the right of the Callisto, well, generally.
Level 17 - Next to the Shield (only there in A/SA) at the end of dead end tunnel (head the WRONG way at the start).

Hidden Items

1.1 dataDyne: Defection (Perfect Agent)
Laptop Gun: The hacker will open a locked door by the elevators.
Dual Falcon: Dropped by the helmeted guard three floors down from the roof.

1.2 dataDyne Research Investigation:
Double CMP150: Make it to the weapons cache near downstairs maintenance
bots without being seen.
Proximity Mine: On perimeter of isotope room.

1.3 dataDyne Central Extraction:
DY357 Magnum: Take down the first five guards without being seen.
Grenade & Dragon: Make it to the elevator without being detected. Kill the
first guard after taking the elevator up. Use the Key Card he drops to access
Cassandra's office. Make a hole in the right corner of the room to find the

2 Carrington Villa:
Devastator: Destroy crates on helipad near the villa.
Double CMP150: Kill the first sniper in under 38 seconds.
Perfect Agent: Sniper Rifle: In bathroom next to bedroom.

3.1 Chicago Stealth
BombSpy: Use barrels to explode dumpster near G5 building.
Double Falcon 2 (Scope): In Pond Punk bar.

3.2 G5 Building Reconnaissance
Crossbow: Disarm cloaked guard in first room.
Special and Perfect only: N-Bomb If you blew up the top fire escape in 3.1, it
will be near the exit upstairs.

4.1 Area 51 Infiltration
Double MagSec 4: Kill red guard near comms rider. He'll drop the other
MagSec 4.

4.2 Area 51 Rescue
Phoenix: In secret room above hangar.
Double Falcon 2 (Silencer): Explosive barrel lodged in a stack of crates to the
right of first hall.

4.3 Area 51 Escape
Remote Mines: Get Elvis to safety in under 36 seconds.
Double Falcon 2 (Scope): Behind you in the glass lab at start.

5.1 Air Base Espionage
Double DY357 Magnum: Punch out the NSA agent near the elevator to the
AF1 hangar.
Proximity Mines: Near beginning of level, past the tunnel on a snowy ledge.

5.2 Air Force One Anti-Terrorism
Double Cyclone: Punch the two Secret Service agents in the room
straight ahead after the start. Their Key Cards each open a closet
containing a Cyclone.

5.3 Crash Site Confrontation
Proximity Mine: Visit Elvis at his UFO.
Double DY357 -LX: Disarm Trent as he runs by you after rescuing
the President.

6.1 Pelagic II Exploration
Double Falcon 2 (Silencer): Do not trigger an alarm. Make it to the
guard four doors from the start. Kill him and he'll drop the Double

6.2 Deep Sea Nullify Threat
Proximity Mines: Just past the tunnel after the large cavern (near
beginning), kill the guard to the left. He'll cough up the mines.

7 Carrington Institute Defense
Devastator: Save a single hostage in the information center.

8 Attack Ship Covert Assault
Double Mauler: Kill the Skedar in the center of the bridge.

9 Skedar Ruins Battle Shrine
Double Phoenix: Destroy two unmarked temple targets with the
Devastator. The Phoenix will appear on the ledge before the

10 Mr. Blonde's Revenge
Double CMP150: Kill Cassandra's bodyguards near the lab

11 Maian SOS
Double DY357 -LX: Kill guard in left containment room.

11 Maian SOS
Psychosis Gun: On lab table at start.

GameShark Codes

Requires Keycode(Requires Zelda Keycode Please see instruction manual for Keycode activation) 

Infinite Ammo Left P1 Lo Res   d013ee6f001e

Infinite Ammo Right P1 Lo Res  013ee6f001e

Have All Weapons P1 Lo Res     d013ee6f001e

Infinite Ammo Left P2 Lo Res   d0140adf001e

Infinite Ammo Right P2 Lo Res  d0140adf001e

Have All Weapons P2 Lo Res     d0140adf001e

Extra Health P2 Lo Res         d313f34c0005

Enable Code - Lo Res Mode [Must Be On]
Extra Health P1 Lo Res         d313d6ec0005




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