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Welcome to the Crimson Blade Website

House Crimson Blade is located in southern Mississippi. HCB has three chapters: Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Kansas City, Kansas. The House also sponsors three clutches (sub-groups) which are, the Clan Drakon, the Crimson Knights and the Sher-Hadar. We are also proud to be a part of the Sanguinarium.

As a Sanguinarium House we support and uphold the Black Veil, which are the thirteen tenets of the community created by Father Sebastian and revised by Lady Michelle of House Kheperu.
We are also a proud member of The Sanguinarium Legacy.

For a few years now we have brought the spirits cast away from the mundane society. 
We are happy to be the ones who bring out the beauty of the night, and make them whole.

This site commemorates House Crimson Blade .

"Rodua O Tam Inna"
"Seek the Darkness Within"













©House Crimson Blade Designs 2000, 2002, 2003 & 2004