The Differences Between the Pagan religions
Druids- The druids were magi as they where Hierophants in the same sense that the American-Indian medicine-man is the Magus and Priest. That is, they were medicine-man on the higher-scale, and possessed a larger share of transcendental knowledge then the shamans of the more barbarous races. Thus they may be said to be a link between the shaman and the Magus of mediaeval times. Many of their practices were purely Shamanistic, whilst others were more more closely connected with mediaeval magical rites. But they where not the only magicians among the Celts, for we find that magick power is frequently the possession of the women and the poetic craft.
Modern Druidism is one of the Neo-pagan families of religion, which include Wicca, Asatru, Shamanism, and recreations of other various Pagan religions such as Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and Roman. Todays Druidism is a reconstruction of the beliefs and practices of the ancient Celtic priesthood. The ancient Druids, were first known to exist in approximately 4,000 BCE and is believed to date far beyond written history. The ancient Druids are most widely connected with the British Isles. However, istory shows evidence that the British Isles were only the last strong hold of the Druids. Most commonly referenced are the islands of Iona and Mona, (Anglesey as it is called today). The Ancients built sacred sites out of stone and these stone formations and monuments have been found all over the world. The ancient Druids were also abundant in areas of Brittany and France, where their monuments are still scattered across acres of land in geometric formations. The ancient Druids were the most learned of men in their time and are known to perform the functions of modern day priests, teachers, legislators, astronomers, chemists, musicians, poets, theologians, philosophers, and judges. They were also specialists in healing, herbalism and divination. They were revered by all to the point that kings and social hierarchy would send their children to them to be schooled. In matters of religion, law, and scholastics, their authority was absolute. The Driuds main focus was, "The Belief in Supreme Power of the Universe, and the Belief of Immortality of the Soul." The Druids underwent a lengthy three phase scholastic, artisan, and spiritual training, which is mentioned in Romantic text to have been as long as 20 years. Druids led all public rituals, which were normally held within sacred groves of trees. Due to the intellect of the Druids, the Romans feared them. It was the common folks reverence towards the Druids that interfered with Caesars attempt to overcome the Britons in 55 BCE. Druidism was the prevailing philosophy in Briton at the time. Caesar found the Druids to be a threat to his authority and he ordered their demise. He nearly accomplished completely exterminating the Druids at the Isle of Mona, now Anglesey. After the invasions by Rome, what Druids were left converted to Christianity through persuasion or genocide. The Christian Church adsorbed much of Celtic religion. Pagan Gods and Goddesses became Christian saints, sacred springs and wells were preserved and associated with saints and used for baptism. Many sites of spiritual antiquity became the location of cathedrals. There are those who believe that the Christian Monks erased those things of religious conflict during the early Celtic Christian Era. By the 7th Century CE, Druidism was destroyed throughout most of the formerly Celtic lands or hidden deeply underground for fear of persecution. Druidism reemerged in the 17th century in London England as the Mount Haemus Grove. In 1858, the California Grove No.1 was instituted in what is now known as Placerville. There is some evidence that traditional Paganism did survive in isolated areas of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania into the 20th Century.
As Druids we believe and teach the philosophy of reincarnation and immortality of the soul. In this it is believed that the soul is born into the womb upon earth (Abred), transmigrates, dies, and is reborn into the other world where it will rest until its rebirth into the womb on earth. The ancients mourned at both the birth and death of a family member. At birth they mourned for the death of the soul in the other world which gave life to the new soul on earth. Philostratus of Tyana (170-249 CE) observed correctly that the Celts celebrated birth with mourning for the death in the Otherworld, and regarded death with joy for the birth in the Otherworld. It is believed that the soul is reincarnated into the womb upon earth until it has experienced all that there is to experience in life and then it will go to rest with the creator in the Circle of Gwynfyd. With each incarnation the soul growing more spiritually complete. To experience all that there is to experience in life: this means to have been the abuser and the abused, the murdered and the murderer, the healthy and the sick, to have lived in wealth and then in poverty, etc..
This is not often something that people want to accept, but the world will always have these types of people and
they are here to create balance. Every aspect of life must have a balancing counter part. Without both male and female, there could be no procreation for animal or plant alike; without positive and negative polarities, there would be no substance; without light there could only be darkness; on the same token, without evil there would be no good, and so on. This is partially why we are to remain impartial and not to judge those who we do not understand or agree with, due to the fact that everyone has a reason for existence and this includes those who are not socially or morally acceptable.
Druidism is far from what most people would expect in todays society. These assumptions are made blindly and without
just cause. With just an open mind and a little reading one can find the reason why we choose Druidism today. As Druids we affirm to support and assist
all attempts by society to teach and inculcate the principles of friendship and brotherly love. As Druids we oppose all subversion and ill influence in every form towards the laws of God, mankind, and our country. Druidism is a way of life, a system of morality and a Fraternal brotherhood which
is Social, Moral, and Non-Political. Although not a religion, Druids have religious values which stem from the belief in the Almighty Great Spirit and asserts
faith in the supreme power of the universe, the brotherhood of man, and the immortality of the soul. Druidism is by nature, Educational. Though some modern Druids do have the christian belief systemmixed with there druidic belief, in which I do not condone nor condemn, it is strictly a mater of the spirit and beliefs of that person(s). The philosophies of Druidism teach us that the light of intelligence will out way and dissolve the darkness of superstition and ignorance which still blinds humanity today.
Service to humanity is an important factor in the life and character of a Druid. Preserving our nations waterways, forests and wildlife, as well as
helping with our pollution problems in general. As a Druid I try to exemplify true brotherhood and live by the perceptual moral virtues of Merlin. Druidism
comes to others for a number of reasons. Some to reconnect with their roots or family history and to improve their knowledge of the ways of their ancestors.
Some are simply attracted by the relationship that we Druids have with the natural world. We attune ourselves with nature and revere all life as equal
and created by The Great Spirit. There are those as well who are drawn by the artistic, and Bardic side of Druidism. In all, Druids are dedicated to the principles of respecting and nurturing the dignity of man, friendship, charity, belief in the fatherhood of The Great Spirit, and the brotherhood of mankind.
Druids believe that it is necessary to respect and love Nature as a giver and Sustainer of life. Nature encompasses
all things such as the essence of life, the universe and its phenomena, forces, energies, personality, instinctive or intuitive behaviour, and so on. Without
the sun's light and heat, neither an animal nor a vegetable could exist for a single moment. The sun is responsible for climate and the growth of a plant,
for the flow of the rapids, for the composition of a poem and the generation of a musical note, and for the ravages of famine. Naturalism in theology is the doctrine that all truths may be gleaned from observation of the natural world without recourse to the supernatural for revelation. Divine in her
own right, the Earth mother is held in high regard and revered by all Druids.
Nature in general is not worshipped, such as the misconception that Druids worship trees. Trees are very valuable to our ecostructure and have always
been thought to be powerful links between us and the Gods as well as to our Rituals. Oak trees being the most commonly used and related to in Druidy.
Humans, having the power of speech and reason often feel superior to any other species in animal life. As Druids we acknowledge the concept that we are not only in the world, but part of it. This makes our regard toward the earth and Nature higher than most. We also do not believe that we are here as fate givers to The Great Spirits creatures, nor are we to be placed above them. We are not the pinnacle of creation free to do as we like because The Great Spirit has given
us power over the world. We are a fetus in a womb which protects us thus we should not damage Her. Many Druids accept what has come to be known as "the Gaia hypothesis," that the biosphere of our planet is a living being, who is due all the love and respect that we, Her children, can give Her.
Ecological awareness is commonly accepted as our sacred duties in order to preserve that in which we reside and are an eternal part of.
The earth has towering mountains,vast and powerful oceans, delightful and delicate flowers, the beauty and
simples of animals, the sweet and entrancing melody of a song bird, and the athletic grace of human beings. Beyond earth is the sky, with the grandeur
of thunder storms, the all encompassing blueness of the daytime sky and the wonder and awe of the starlit night sky, the brilliance of the sun and the serene silver of the moon, but none of these merit our worship. The Sky Father and the Earth Mother are the all encompassing representations of the Omnipotence of The Great Spirit.
The Bard is the FIRST stage in the
Druidic priesthood. Young Bards develop into Ovates. As we know from tales and folk lore, the Bard was a poet, and musician. Due to the Bards venerating
way with music and poetry they were given the color of the sky, Blue, which signified Truth, Purity, and Freedom. Bards were also the historians of their time. Passing down from generation to generation the tales, fables, and history of their people. This was very important, because of the lack of written text. Bards were the piece makers and advocated always advising what is just while maintaining balance of self. Strabo describes them as singers and poets which is synonymous with what we have already conclusively derived. They would be a Bard for at least third of their lives and then develop into the Ovates.
What did the ancient Druids
Druidism, even though being almost
undatable has existed into the far reaches of antiquity. Extending far beyond that of written history and the Druids themselves not using a rhetorical system for documenting their history, it is very difficult to say what their ritual, political, and clerical practices were exactly. Most of the literaturewe have today is or could be prejudicially written. By taking written history into account, and not looking specifically at religion, we can learn a lotabout the Celts and the Druids.
The ancient Druids were the the most
learned of all men of their time. Druids were the physicians, astronomers, mathematicians, musicians, poets, philosophers, legislators, judges, and
teachers of religion and education. The Druids were held in such high regard that Kings and hierarchy would send their children to them to be taught in
the ways of Druidism. It is said that the Druids could walk between two armies waged in war and dispel the hostilities causing them to discontinue the fight.
In the matters of learning, religion, and government their word was absolute.
The Druids served as the spiritual link between the Celts and the Gods. The Druids taught their philosophy to the Celts who did not have any organized
religion. Their were many pantheons of Gods worshipped by the Celts. These ranged from tribal, cultural, and geographical. What the Druids did was give
order to the many different structures to instill morals, virtues, and ethics.
The term "Druidism" is a philosophy and way of life taught by memory from generation to generation. If Druidism was a religion then the Celts as a
whole would have been Druids. There are many different concepts of how the Druids worshipped. Whether or not they were Mono, dual, or polytheistic.
The Druid organizations of today practice all three with respect given to a Higher God, or creator being (mono); the reverence of the Earth Mother
being a (dual); and with regard given to the lesser Gods who have specific duties in the other world, this being a (poly). In all actuality Druidism
is a polytheistic philosophy taught and practiced in many differentways.
What is the difference between
Wicca and Druidism?
Wicca in it's present form is less
than a century old, but based of the old ways of Wici (pronounced Wice) all though it follows a tradition of wisdom that is as old as Druidism. Wicca is not Celtic by any historical or academical means unlike its sister religion of Druidism. Wicca does, however, often use the Celtic pantheons for rites
and rituals. Wicca emphasizes the Earth, and the Earth-Mother, where Druidism gives equal emphasis on the Earth, Sea, and Sky. Otherwise known as the Three
Realms. Wicca has two deities, The Triple Goddess, "maiden-mother-crone", and the Horned God. Druidism has many gods, that are often seen as not being
aligned in polarity but existing independently. Druids give reverence to the Triple Goddesses as well, however, they are not linked by matrilineal line, but by generation, as sisters: A good example is Morrigu, Macha, and Babd who together make up the Triple Goddess of war. Banba, Fodla, and Erin are another example of Druidic Triple Goddess of land, and earth. Druids are not bound by the Wiccan Rede, but the Druid morality, virtues, and ethics take it's place. Druids practice the studies of holistic, herbalism, astrology,
astronomy, and ritual. Where as in Wicca, ritual and magick are held in a higher respect.
Asatru and Druidism?
Asatru comes from Northern Europe
and is the ancient religion of the Norse. It is rooted as deeply in European antiquity as Druidism. Asatru is a religion with little theology and does not recognize a priest or clergy class. This is very unlike Druidism in this aspect. It has been said that Asatru is a common derivation of the ancient Celtic religions without the guidelines of priests as in Druidism.
The name of the religion is derived
from As, which means God, and tru which means troth or loyalty. The origin of Asatru is lost in antiquity just as Druidism. At its peak, it covered all of Northern Europe. Iceland became the second to last Norse culture to convert to Christianity in 1000 CE. This being almost 900 years after Druidism fell to Rome under early Christianity.
Asatru is also a polytheistic religion, but the Gods are all regarded as living beings who are involved in human life. This is different than that of Druidism where the Gods no longer dwell on earth and partake in the individual human life. Different than most Druidic beliefs, the Asatru hold all of thethe Asatru hold all of the Gods in equal regard, none above the other. Very much like Druidism, Asatru follows a system of values and virtues.
Asatru groups today have religious communities very much like that of Druidism and their clergy are called, Gothi (male), and Gythia(female).
Shamans and Druidism
The Druids evolved from the Indo-European culture which had shaman as their link between the tribes and the Gods. Shamanism and Druidism are very much alike in concept and theology. The magicks that were suppose to have been performed by the Ancient Druids and Shaman are
very similar in nature. The Celts had very specific words for their religious clergy and Shaman was not one of them. The term Shaman is most commonly related
to those of religious function who were among the lower social class of peoples.
Druids were a firm part of the noble social order and ruling class, rather than being at the fringes of society. Druids were a part of the political and judicial structure and Shamans were mainly healers and visionaries. Druids conducted formal training for many years in a well structured scholastic system.
Shamanism is most commonly taught under a single master with very few students. Many celtic "otherworld" journeys are told about people who
have gone there unwillingly and without any control over the experience.
Shaman are masters of controlling there trips into the "otherworld" and always decide when and where they will go. My final words on the subject are, were
Druids Shaman? In a sense of the word, yes. However, Druids are much more involved in literacy, physics, mathematics, and astrology than that of their more primitive brothers, the Shaman.
SHAMANISM- The practice of the principles and techniques of shamans which involve working with powers of nature the exist both inside and outside the individual self as both manifest forms and unmanefest potentials. Shamanism is a way of learning by direct personal experience. Its methods transcend the intellect since they form part of the ancient Science of the spirit.
There are many different shamans in the world, there are manly two type you have the western American-Indian and the eastern europe. They function basically the same.
I will manly talk about the American-Indian shaman, his function with in the tribe was the healer, wise man, magician, seer, or sage, as well as the priest. A shaman will travel the road between the physical and spirit worlds to heal and gain wisdom to help the ribe.
A Shaman is the bridge between the Spirit world and the physical world, and will operate between the
two worlds, he will do this for healing, or other purposes. Such as divination, prophecy. He will help others entering into the spirit world.
He helps them into the Light. To have a peaceful passing. To protect them from un-wanted spirits, or help them to just die.
Shamans are also known to have totems, this may not totally true to have only living beings or just objects, it can be both, this totems can help him through his life and guide him as he need the aid.
WICCA- Wicca started in pre-history as rituals of life with fire, hunting, animal-fertility, earth-fertility, tribe-fertility, well-being, and curing of disease. This developed into a religion that adored an enormous Deity of Life - Nature's Life. But as the total cosmos would be impossible to understand and influence, so-called sub-deities were worshipped. The Goddess of Fertility and her horned husband (God of Hunting). Through these, often seen through sun and moon worship, priesthood appeared, Druids who were specialised in religion. This developed an involvement into the Celtic world, which spread across northern Europe. They formed no political unity, but kept on living within Wicca in tribes that shared some cultural or religious traits.
Wicca survived Roman, Saxon, and Norman invasions by going underground. But suffered great losses during the persecutions up until the end of the end of the 18th century. It reached a steady but low point during the 20th century, but much of the Wiccan theologyand rituals had been lost. The covens now had become so isolated thatthey lost contact with each other, and were scattered without knowing other practises. Satanism- I for about 9 month have been going to many pagan room. I have found to be the most interesting and miss understood, this room is the satanism chat, I have seen many come in to this chat, spouting off words and ideas that really does not pertain to the actual belief.
Most believe that satanist has to do with the christian dark god and that would be totally wrong in that thought. Satanism is the opposet of the christian beliefs, to a satanist, the word "SATAN" in old hebrew means opposer, the accuser, advasery, so by all rights, the christian meaning of satan does not stand up to this definition of the hebrew anguage.
The typical satanist believes them self to be god/goddess, there is no hell nor heaven to them, for them or waiting in a after life. The belief of heaven and hell, they believe is a christian belief, I guess in a way you can call them atheist when you put a christian belief system on them, but on the other hand they do believe that they are as I have states before, god/goddess.
Many have judged them to be satan worshipers but i ask you this, if you do not believe in something
why worship it. In many ways their beliefs are similar to the druids and the pagan beliefs. I
A Theory on Satanism
With every philosophy, religion, or belief, there is skepticism. Within each are countless numbers of opinions based on perceptions. Among these are that which has become known as satanic views. Much like atheism (speaking on which the denial of an anthropomorphic deity), Satanism uses the Christian devil as a mere symbol, and worships nothing more than the individual practicing this form of philosophy/belief.
Hail Satan!
For those interested in demonolatry:Demonolatry
This is their laws:
As far as records are concerned, Satanism officially dates back to 1966, but was formed through Anton S. LaVey in theory approximately at the age of 16. Since then, Satanism has been labeled and called many things, and has been almost redefined through time. One might call Generationalism and traditional labels, but only to an extent. Traditional is the practice of any art or religion passed down; Generationalism is the same but passed down through family. Also it should be noted that anything can be traditional, in a sense.
One good point that Satanism invokes is that of the practitioner's own personal achievements in knowledge, as shown in the nine satanic statements, as well as in the Book of Satan in the Satanic Bible. And here i quote, "He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom". I have found this to be very true, ever since i first picked up the Satanic Bible.
Although I do not agree entirely with everything LaVey preaches, I feel that his philosophy needs refinement, as does everything in time; it's called evolution. One of the things I find arguable is his version of the enochian keys, for to me it represents one of the only things pure in the philosophy of Christianity. If the average Christian knew about the enochian keys, among other various writings, the world would be a very different place, maybe one where force of religion no longer exists.
But in every religion or philosophy, as I have said before, there exists skeptical or opposite views, some of which lead to straying, and that would lead to other forms of Satanism. Here now I would like to express my opinion of this.
In my own personal research, I have found countless orders that have formed with LaVeyan based philosophies, some profit and some nonprofit. In my own view, I believe that there should only be one group that invokes LaVey, and this should promote the banding of all Satanists, for soon, this might turn out to be like Christianity altogether, with the branching in continuance. I myself do not like the idea of Satanists branching off to where we focus only on who's more satanic. We must follow in LaVeys footsteps, gain knowledge from our mistakes, and grow in experience as well as in numbers. But I am not sure that myself and others wish to totally destroy the solid organized beliefs of other people.
I have also looked into the Temple of Set and have found it has nothing to do with Satanism. In fact, they have nothing to do with satan or God. (I added this point for those who wish to know what is and isnt involved in Satanism, since it has been stated in the Abyss website that Setianism is a form of Gnostic Satanism).
The last form I will discuss is that of traditional Satanism.
Depending on the practioner's beliefs, traditional Satanism will either be devil worship, traditional LaVeyan (LaVeyan being more modern), or he will find his way into demonology (the study of demons).
I have discussed traditional LaVeyan already, but not demonolatry., or devil worship.
Now straight out devil worship I will have very little to account for or acknowledge, for this to me has little or no evidence of existence. No real book or collective views have been brought forth for criticism and/or opinion making. No words from Satan, or from actual believable prophets.
Now, knowing it is off the subject, I wish to include at least a paragraph devoted to demonolatry, for I have stated nothing on it.
Demonolatry is basically the worship of the self. Demons are used for ritual practice, in which the practioner gains what is desired. Demons are also used as a representative of an individual, and that individual or practicioner can worship that demon like a god if desired. Much can be learned from demonolatry. It should be looked at very carefully to fully understand the nature of its religion.
In closing, i would like to just say that my dedication and support goes out to the World Wide Order of Satanists (WWOS) in any matter, as I have been informed of the activities of other satanic organizations, none of which i will speak of here. Hail thyself, all fellow Satanists!
Hail LaVey!
Term of demonolatry
Thou shalt become a law unto thyself
Thou shalt revel in the darkness
Thou shalt feel no remorse
Thou shalt take pride in thyself and thy works
Thou shalt defend thy dark ways
Thou shalt spill thy blood as ye wish
Thou shalt be pleasing to thy self in thine bodily image
Thou shalt delight in the pleasures of thine flesh
Thou shalt love as ye wilt
Thou shalt allow ye sisters and ye brethren to live amongst the freedom of their making
Thou shalt halt and impede that which is grievous to thy freedom
Thou shalt heed the teachings of mine appointed ones
Thou shalt knoweth that mine ways art mine own,and mine art the powers of darkness!
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