Super Saiyan Elite 3

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- Bee- No, this isn't a insect bee, but it's Mr.Satan's dog. A really cool dog. While Satan was taking care of Buu's supper, Buu found this dog. The dog wouldn't run away in terror like other humans and Buu found this curious. It ended up the dog liked Buu, so Buu didn't have the heart to kill him. Instead, he kept him and treated him well with the help of Mr. Satan. Bee almost got killed when 2 stupid humans shot him. But Buu used his powers to restore him to full health just in time.
- Bubbles- King Kai's pet monkey. To train with King Kai the secound thing you have to do is to cacht bubbles, and bubbles likes to make fun of people who are slow.
- Egorus- Gohan's pet dragon. He is only shown in dragonball movies and anime. He helps out the Z crew when they are fighting Coola in Movie 5 by carrying Gohan to Korin's tower to get Senzu beans. In the anime, he pops up mostly in the Garlic Jr. saga and beginning of Android saga.
- Great Lizard- Goten's lizard, he isn't seen as much as egorus, he is baseicly there when goten is bored.
- Gregory- Another king kai's pet, a cricket, after you catch bubbles then you have to hit gregory with a giant hammer.
- Tutle- Okay I don't know the name of Master Roshi's turtle, so I just put turtle. This turtle talks very slowly in a deep voice. Although he is a only a turtle, he can beat up anyone that messes with him (not counting the Z fighters, of course). He beats up a gang of punks to defend Marron, Krillen's first Girlfriend.