What would NEVER be said on Dragon Ball Z

What you wouldNeVeR hear on Dragon Ball Z...

As you can see, located on this section of the database are absolutely CrAzY things that you would NEVER hear in the wonderful world of Dragon Ball Z. If you have any submissions, feel free to and I'll post your submissions here on the page, of course, please read through the list before you submit; I don't want to have repeats >.< I will include your name and email, if desired (inform me if you would like your email to be posted!!!), and your entry-- ONLY if I find it appropriate and suitable.

It must be:

IN ADDITION, I'll post the FUNimation dubb quotes on here...cuz i KNOW those are 'humurous, outrageous, and crazy, and/or just plain weird', not to mention STUPID.

If your entries do NOT have these qualifications, i MIGHT not post them...but, i'll be nice and see what i can do. Yoshi! On to the quotes!

I didn't just say that!!!

~these are by me!

Juunanagou (Trunks Special, FUNimation version):*while on an amusement park ride)"Hey! Close your eyes! It looks cool!"

Juunanagou (Trunks Special, FUNimation):*Fighting with Gohan at amusement park* "UGH! You tore my FAVORITE shirt!"

Juunanagou (Trunks Special, FUNimation):*running people over with his car >:D* "Hey! Watch out! Sorry, well not really...."

Juunanagou (Trunks Special, FUNimation):*Juuhachi is complaining to him as he blows up buildings* "Boring! BORING? This isn't boring! This is actually pretty fun. You know what's boring? Sitting outside while you try on clothes for 2 hours, now THAT'S boring!"

Juunanagou (Trunks special, FUNimation):*Juuhachi and Juunana just got blasted into a hole by Gohan and are now covered in dust; both are dusting off their clothes* Juuhachi:"Did you see that?"
Juunana:"See what?"
Juuhachi:"He got my clothes dirty."

Juunanagou (Trunks Special, FUNimation):*chase scene, Trunks vs 17gou and 18gou. Trunks runs away through the rubble and 17gou and 18gou are taunting him...* "We're in the graveyard...hahaah..." (this scene actually isn't so bad if you watch it, it sorta makes the chase between Trunks and the jinzouningen more scary...but then you compare it to the original and its FAR more stupid -.-)

Juuhachigou (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *trying on clothes in a department store, walks out with an armload of clothes* "I may be a cyborg but i'm still a woman!"

Juuhachigou (trunks special, FUNimation): *putting clothes in the car, Juunanagou blasts the store to millions of tiny peices* "UGH! NO! I spared him! *reffering to the store manager* It really makes us look bad when we're going to say we do something and don't do it."

Juuhachigou (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *that great chase scene Trunks vs Juunana and Juuhachi* "Peekaboo, I see you... hahhahhaha." *talking to Trunks*

Juuhachigou (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *fighing with Trunks* "UGH! You cut my hair! It doesn't grow back you know!"

Juuhachigou (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *getting ready to ride the carausel, in southern accent:* "Grab a steed cowbow!" *talking to Juunana*

Juuhachigou (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *Gohan and Trunks land, confronting the 2 jinzouningen* "Oh look, its Gohan, but his hair is black today."
Juunanagou: "Yeah, he's copying me!"

Gohan (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *eating dinner over at CCorp* "CHEW ATTACK!!!!" *manages to stuff his face full of rice.. -.-*

Gohan (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *training Trunks* "Remember the children...remember the anger!!!" (well, i found this scene and tone of voice quite funny...)

Gohan (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *laying in bed with only one arm after battle with jinzouningen; talking in his sleep* "I'm gunna get those blasted androids...*--- in the real scene, he says something like, "I'm gunna kill those fucking androids!"...

Bulma (Trunks Special, FUNimation): *talknig to trunks after he gets his assed royally kicked by Juunana and Juuhachi* "You silly goose."

What would never be said...
These are still by me

Juunanagou: "Come, let us frolic."

Juuhachigou:"For the last tme Kuririn, don't parade around in my underwear..."

Gokou:"It must be weird to live in a vacuum..."

Cell:"Wow, that sure is a slutastic spandex jumpsuit Bejiita..."

Bejiita:"No really... no hard feelings Kakarotto."


Mirai no Trunks:*crying* "No, 'Tousan only hates me because I'm prettier than him..*sob sob*"

Kuririn:"You would NEVER know that cousin IT (from the Adams Family) is my brother..."

Chichi:"Take me Gokou!"

Piccoro:*on St. Patrick's day* "FOR THE LAST TIME NO! I AM NOT A LEPRECHAUN!"

Mr. Satan:"Who the hell is this 'Mr.Hercule' guy they keep talking about?"

Trunks:"Last night..I smoked pot..."

Gohan: "Woodland creatures make me randy baby..oh so randy."

Juunanagou:"Yeah, I'm gunna get ass backwards drunk and peirce my nipples..."

Bulma: "How do you turn on this damned thing?" *struggles 'turning on' a book*

Mr. Popo:"Can you dig it baby?"

Goten:"MOM! NOT AGAIN! PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME WATCH GOHAN DANCE AN IRISH JIG WHILST HE WEARS SAUSAGES!" *cowers in corner* (For more info on this, click here)

Juunanagou:"Yeah, I crossdress all the time..."

Kuririn: "Something smells fishy around here...oh wait..nevermind.."

Puar:"Fuck off Yamucha."

Kaiosama:"You know...my jokes really aren't that funny..."

Muten Roshi:"*back snaps in half* Oh..there I go throwing out my back again...just can't seem to fight with that arthritis pain..."

Bejiita:"Yo, Home slice, Homee G, wazzzup, yo?"

Bra:"I never before realized how pathetic my utter existance is... until i realized a life with pleather!"

Chichi:"The hills are alive with the sound of music!"

Gokou:*ponders the meaning of life* "I mean, why are we here? Do our souls have a purpose other than to co-exist with other souls? Or perhaps it is just that we are nothing...OH MY! What if we don't HAVE souls... what if we are just one conscious, a reverberation of the undreamt manifestations... What if once we die, there is no heaven..yet if we have no soul, then we cease to exist..."

Freezer: "C'mere Zarbon." *Zarbon walks over* *freezer pinches his ass!*
Zarbon: "Freezersama..Dodoria is in the room.." *blush blush blush*
Dodoria: "Oh...*hentai grin* don't mind me." <-- imagine Dodoria with a REALLY hentai voice...>.<

Tienshinhan:"PRYING OPEN MY THIRD EYE!...oh wait.." ~TOOL, Ænima, "Third Eye"

Kuririn:"We're going for a scavenger hunt...in my PANTS!"

Gokou:"Yes, I am a raging homosexual, and I'm openly gay as well."

Bejiita:"I'm sorry."

Bejiita:"Oh, I was watching JennyJones when you called..."

Piccoro: "Just because I don't posess sex organs doesn't mean that I'm asexual, I mean, what do you think these antennae are for? *smirk* It gives a whole new meaning to headbanging, doesn't it?"

Gokou: "Gohan, you sit your ass right down & finish your homework! And don't think you can participate in the Cell games until your homework is done!"

Gokou: "Chichi, shut the hell up!"

Zarbon: "Why am I the only male character with eyelashes?"

Piccolo: "Kami, if you're a god, and I'm your spawn...does that make me Jesus?"
Kami: "No Piccoro that does. not. make. you. Jesus!"
Piccolo: "DAMMIT!"

Juunanagou: "We're going for a little ride Juurokygou, care to join us?"
Juurokugou: "Domou arigatou Mr. Robotto!"
Juunanagou: "Well I guess I'll just take that as a 'yes'."

Yamucha: "Yeah, its true, I AM just trying to copy Himura Kenshin..." *referring to the cross-shaped scar on his cheek for those of you who don't know.*
Kenshin: "oro?" O.ox;;

Dr. Gero: *activating Juunanagou*"Ahh yes, Android Seventeen..."
Juunanagou: "Dr. Gero, how are you today?"
Dr. Gero: "Ahh! I see you still remember me!"
Juunanagou: "Of course... I'm not a fricken' idiot!"

Gohan: "Good morning 'Tou-san!"
Gokou: "What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a good morning to be good on?
Gohan: ".... You've been smoking pot again haven't you?" ( I just HAD to put this here, I was up late reading The Hobbit and thought it would be knee slappin' funny if I put this here... no plagerism no plagerism..)

Yamucha: *to Popo* "What's up mah niggah?"
Mr. Popo: "Nothin' much in da hood Yamucha."

Bejiita: "YOu'd be an asshole too if you had THIS much spandex up your ass!"

Bejiita: "Silence you naive, simple plebian human woman..." Bulma: "I have a damned name you know.." *annoyed*

Gokou: *drunk* "You know...*hiccup* 'kamehameha' sounds like... 'come 'n party on'.."

Kuririn: "KA...ME...HA...ME...HEY! Don't touch me there!"
Bejiita: "Well excuse ME Mr. Hotpants!"

Bulma: *Sees Trunks's long hair after he comes out of the Room of Spirit and Time for the first time* "What the HELL? Are you trying to look like a girl again?" ~Taken from Crazy Retatsu's lovely page of MUM's! I just couldn't resist the comedy in this quote! Remember to GO GO GO to Crazy Retatsu's site and see all the MUM's!!!

Shenron: "DAMMIT! No, I can't grant your wish right now, you'll have to take a number!"

Juunanagou: "No, I'm not in the mood for frolicking.. but I'll prance about in a field of wildflowers with a lovely pink sundress and a basket of pansies if you'd like!"

Trunks: *grows a mullet*

Popo: "Kamisama is an ASS FREAK!"

~by Austin

Roshi: "Hey babah, do you mind if I get a lil puff on your rack?"

Popo: "Yo Biatch! *talks to Kamisama* I ga sum goo' sheeeot ovah heeyah. Yo G, you wahnt sum of theeus? Dis is the sheeot man, you gottah get some sheeot like dis?" *tries to sell weed to Kami*

*Kami whispers to Piccolo* "I think Mr.Popo has been speaking ebonics again..."
Piccolo:"Yeah, he's trying to get back to his black heritage again..." this is not meant to be racist


Bejiita:"Gokou sucks better than any other girl I know..."

Gokou:*explaining the plan to kill an enemy to the Z-senshi*"Operation anti turdie food in Scott's jocks box while seafood is being cooked at 350degrees at RedLobster but not limited to under 400 seeds during

troll sex at night

while Urza licks Serra's balls and sibling rivalry with Mishra in McKensie's trashcan

Trunks: You see, this is a MAJYCK jar of mayonaisse! Whoever eats this mayonaisse and then clenses the jar throuroughly, will be granted three wishes when they say the word SWOOPAH!

Bejiita: *Giggles like a schoolgirl*

~by Juuhachigou

Vegita: "I regret killing Nappa, he was good in bed......."

Gokou: "Goku: A, B, C,....easy as 1, 2, DAMMIT!!!"

#16: "Dammit! I hate nature!"

Gohan: "2+2=? *thinks* Dammit! Why do I always get the hard questions?!"

Bulma: "I don't know how to fix this!!!"

Bra: "Daddy? Will you dress up and have a tea party with me?" Bejiita: "I don't see why not..."

Juuhachigou: "No, I HATE shopping!!"

#17: "Okay, okay...There are people that are stronger than me...I just wanted the attention."

#17: "I look like a girl and I'm proud of it!"

Chichi: "I am a bitch!!!"

Shenlong: "I'm not granting you any damn wishes!!!"

Vegeta: "Bulma, can I borrow your eyeshadow?"

Gohan: "Mom, whould you shut the hell up and stop bothering me?!"

~Francisco J. Rodriguez

(note: This is from the Satan/Sadam 'breakup' scene in the southpark movie, es mucho funny! Imagine Bulma as Satan and Bejiita as Sadam.)
Bulma: Vegeta I need to talk to you.
Vegeta: Hey you got to get packing bitch. We have to go were running out of time.
Bulma: Vegeta, sometimes you could love a person very much. But still they aren't right for you.
Vegeta: What the fuck are you talking about?
Bulma: You treat me like shit Vegeta. That's why I'm fighting Majin Buu alone.
Vegeta: (Gasps) No. No you can't do that.
Bulma: I'm sorry. But I must be strong.
Vegeta: Please. Give me another chance. I have to fight Buu.
Bulma: You don't have any respect for me.
Vegeta: Sure I do. Listen. Just hear me out.
(sings the "I can change" song from the Southpark Movie)
Bulma: Well.... alright.

Vegeta: *sings "Boiler" by limp bizkit*
