27.10.2005-- The site had no update due to lack of free space. All activity is on russian site http://www.siluet.org - European Scenic-Historical Fencing Studio "Siluet"
21.08.2003-- Second album is released - Insights.
20.12.2002-- New track in MIDI"Drake36.mid". Still unnamed. (Finished and named - posted 26.12.2002)
1.11.2002-- Just fun "Beer".
22.10.2002-- Yesterday i've recorded my first album "Unplugged&Unreleased 1998-2001".
21.09.2002-- Here is some shit with server disk space. They cut it down and left only. It sucks! So some tracks were deleted by them as taking space. If you want to download something, mail me.
14.08.2002-- I've updated photo gallery.
28.06.2002-- Added new track"Dream", 1,34Mb.
15.05.2002-- Added beta vers of the new track"SeeNoPeople", 1,61Mb.
7.04.2002-- Added final release of the track "BraveHeart", 830Kb.
5.04.2002-- Added new track "BraveHeart", 830Kb (Beta vers). This is my remake of the original melody from "BraveHeart" (C).
7.03.2002-- Added new track "Deemer", 2.0 Mb.
13.02.2002-- Updated photo gallery - added photos from the premiere of the "Lord of the Rings" in St. Peterburg, where i've been appeared, and several another photos.
06.01.2002-- I decided to cut the track "Fata Mota", because of it's mournful. Now it's 2:43 long and has 2Mb size.
02.02.2002-- Added track "Fata Mota", 2.6Mb.
06.01.2002-- Added remake of "Pallar Anders Visa", 640Kb, original artist - "In Flames".
01.01.2002-- Happy New Year!!! Added track "Dormich", 1.7Mb. Enjoy.
24.12.2001-- Added new song "Captain".
2.12.2001-- Ihave finished "Miner's Song Project". Go see the final version of this track.
17.11.2001-- I bought a guitar for myself, model Gibson Special, by Epiphone, really cool thing. But i still can't play it, because i seriously damaged my finger. Damn!.
7.11.2001-- I've started "Miner's Song Project". Also I've corrected previous version of the "Ambient", it has too much basses, so i've cut them down. Old version you can find here.
7.11.2001-- I've added my photo gallery. There you can find pics with me. There is no thumbnails, so just wait while loading all the images. 6.11.2001-- I have finished editing of the "FaceOff", mp3 1,83Mb. New version has corrected pans and volume sliding levels, also added a little another ending. If you like previous version, you can find it here "FaceOffBeta". 30.10.2001-- Added second track of "Insights", "FaceOff", mp3 1,36Mb. I made my first theme in Impulse Tracker, "FunkyPunky", 200Kb. Very simple theme, very silly, just cycle it in player and shut your ears. 29.10.2001-- I've started to study Impulse Tracker. It seems to be a cool thing. I've nearly finished my first track in this editor.. 23.10.2001-- Again i've changed the counter to make my account work right. The number of visitors now zero again. }:-] 13.10.2001-- Added an Ambient mp3 theme, 880Kb. From it my new album "Insights" begins. Also I've replaced a new counter. Don't think, that my page isn't seen by other, it's exists since august 1999 or about. 6.10.2001 --I desided to make news on that dusty page. Also i've added new mp3 theme, 1.8Mb, the last track of my collection "RockS From The HeaD". Below the news you can find links to my music collection, artpage at the ElfWood, russian roleplay project and my photo. I wanted to write a short bio or some other stuff about this page, me, music etc., but .. but didn't wrote it yet.. Maybe, it isn't nesessary.
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Design byHellMAKER McGray,adding Igorwar, and at last, by myself.