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Our Menagerie: Davi's Garden Tour

Welcome to our menagerie! As lovers of birds and animals, this larger property has enabled us to share our space with a wider variety of devoted companions.

Our Golden Labrador

Honey is our golden Labrador who came to us as a 12-month-old dog, having been rejected by the Guide Dogs' Association because she had been too boisterous for further training. We have had her for 2 years now and she has developed into an affectionate, gentle-natured dog, much loved by all the family.

Missy our Young Cat

One day we went shopping for some goldfish for the pond and simply couldn't resist bringing Missy home! Whilst we have had a number of cats over the years, we refused to have one here because of the native birdlife. However, Missy was too irresistable to leave behind and we are delighted to see that she pays no attention whatsoever to any of the birds.

Free-Range Chickens

In Australia, chickens are referred to as Chooks. We have four Isa Brown chooks who supply us, together with our family and friends, with free-range eggs and the chooks certainly enjoy the freedom of our back garden.

Elegant Geese

We recently acquired a pair of 2-year-old Chinese Brown Geese, which are settling in well. Honky-tonk can be seen on the right with Lucy in the foreground. They are enjoying the company of the chooks, preferring to sleep in the "fox-proof" chook-house, despite our best efforts to provide separate and safe quarters within the larger chook-yard! It is a joy to see all fowl and domestic pets wandering freely whilst living together in harmony.

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Remember the butterflies and stay smiling!

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