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Garden Aspects

There are times when I'm sure that a more sophisticated camera with a stronger zoom would be useful. Yet even with our old pentax AF zoom, we both have fun capturing different aspects of our garden during all seasons.

Granny's Bonnets!

Aquilegias have such delightful flowers, and are commonly called Granny's Bonnets. This little one is called Blue Jay and we let our Aquilegias self-sow. We've a number of different colours: blue, yellow and burgundy, which are all quite different from each other.

Indoors I love to grow African Violets and Maidenhair Ferns and the lacy leaves of the Aquilegias are quite similar to the Maidenhair fronds.

Another Aspect

Here's part of the other side of our front garden. Large gum trees in the background are underplanted with daisies, delphiniums, several perennials and the fence is created using photinia and pittosporum, which have been hedged.

The cascades of deep and pale pink ivy geraniums tumbling over local rocks from the old quarry, all help to provide us with easy maintenance. Thick mulch forms a formidable cover to keep the weeds down and reduce our water consumption. This can be an important factor during our long, hot summer months when serious water restrictions are sometimes imposed.

Precious Pelargoniums

Ever since working in our very first garden, we have always grown Pelargoniums mainly because they are so easy to strike from cuttings. They require little effort, but remain in bloom for months.

We have several different varieties growing here, including the lemon-scented species, but this particular one with its prolific flowers is, without doubt, my favourite.

A Special Gem

When we moved from the leafy suburb of Ivanhoe, which is much closer to the city of Melbourne, we brought with us this little Rhododendron "White Pearl". Each year it continues to give us more flowers, despite being only 4 years old.

This is a special gem to me, because when it was first purchased, it only produced one flower. I guess it shows just what some tender, loving care together with appropriate conditions can encourage.

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